ERASMUS Project  2023

                            Un menu " ricicloso"

L'argomento del progetto quest'anno erano le ricette "antispreco".

 Nella nostra scuola avevamo il compito di trovare dei piatti che utilizzassero come ingrediente primario il pane raffermo in modo da evitarne lo spreco e preparare dei cibi gustosi, nutrienti ed economici: niente di più semplice!

Così ci siamo cimentati come provetti cuochi ed ecco il nostro menù...tutto in inglese, naturalmente!

Ecco il nostro benvenuto agli studenti Erasmus e il pannello realizzato con materiali naturali e riciclati.

                                                What can you do with stale bread?

                   Remember: don’t waste bread: IT IS PRECIOUS FOOD!

                           Here are some ideas to use stale bread:

                               Appetizer: tomato “bruschetta”

                                  First course:tomato soup

                         Maincourse: bread fritters with chard,

                                    Dessert: bread cake.

                                                Enjoy your meal! 

Le nostre ricette...e molte altre,  potrete ritrovarle nella pubblicazione realizzata per l'occasione!

                            TOMATO "BRUSCHETTA"


 Ingredients: bread, tomatoes, basil, extra virgin oil, salt



- First, wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes


- Put the cut tomatoes into a bowl and add oil, sal and basil


- Cut the bread into slide and grill them on both side until tosted.


- Now, top the bread slide with your tomato salad


-If you want, put a basil leave on the top and your “tomato bruschetta” is ready!


                                              Tomato soup

Ingredientes: tomato puree 800 g, stale Tuscan bread 300 g, vegetable broth 1 ,extra virgin olive oil 35 g, garlic 2 cloves, sugar 1 pinch, salt up to taste, black pepper to taste, basil 1 bunch


To prepare pappa al pomodoro, start by preparing the vegetable broth.

Then proceed with the preparation of the pappa al pomodoro preparing the Tuscan bread. Place it on a chopping board and cut the bread into thin slices.

Then take a dripping pan and after having covered it with baking paper, place the slices of Tuscan bread next to each other without overlapping them.

 Bake at 200° C for a few minutes.

 Once removed from the oven, let them cool.

When they are warmed, rub the previously peeled garlic cloves on them.

Now take a non-stick frying pan with high edges and place the toasted bread inside.

Pour the tomato purée and the vegetable brothinside so that the slices of bread are completely covered.

 At this point add the sugar and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes, to allow the liquid to evaporate.

 Stir from time to time to allow uniform cooking and reduce the bread to a pulp.

Then season with salt and pepper.

When cooked, turn off the heat and garnish with basil leaves to give a fresh and intense flavor to your pappa al pomodoro which will be so ready to serve in individual bowls or soup plates to be sprinkled with plenty of olive oil.

                             Bread fritters with chard


Ingredientes: stale bread  200 g, parmigiano reggiano cheese (grated), garlic 1clove, parsley to taste, black pepper and fine salt to taste, whole milk: 350 g, one egg, penaut seed oil  for frying 


- heat the milk in a sauce pan

-cut the stale bread into small cubes

- transfer the bread cubes into a bowl and pour the hot milk over them.

- stir with a spoon and leave to rest for a few minutes

-chop the garlic and the parsley

- break up the milk-soaked bread using your hands

- add salt, pepper, the chopped garlic and parsley

- add the grated Parmigiano cheese and the egg and mix with your hands.

- heat the oil in a pot

- shape the mixture into balls with your hands

- fry the balls in the hot seed oil

- soak the oil from thefritters on paper.

Enjoy while they are still hot with pan fried chard with olive oil, garlic and pepper.

                                                Bread cake

INGREDIENTS: 300 g stale bread, milk (to taste), 5 amaretti biscuits, raisin (1 tablespoon), pieces of chocolate (1 tablespoon), chopped hazelnuts or walnuts, 1 apple, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 30 g butter, baking powder (1 teaspoon), vanilla sugar (to taste)


1) Cut the bread and put it in milk

2) Put the raisins in the water

3) Cut the apple into small pieces

4) Crumble Amaretti biscuits

5) Wring out bread and raisins

6) Mix all ingredients in a bowl

7) Grease a baking sheet and put the cake dough

8) Bake the cake at 180° for 50 minutes

9) Sprinkle the cake

                                                  GOOD TASTING!