Publications (-2019)


    • Julián Villegas and Seunghun J. Lee (2019) An electroglottograph study of tonal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019). p. 27. [LINK]
    • Céleste Guillemot, Seunghun Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou and Jeremy Perkins (2019) Perception of Vowel Length Contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019). p. 30. [LINK]
    • Seunghun J. Lee, Jeremy Perkins and Céleste Guillemot (2019) A preliminary ultrasound study of the retroflex contrast in Drenjongke. Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019). p. 120. [LINK]
    • Jee Eun Sung, Seunghun J. Lee, Bora Eom (2019) Aging-Related Differences in the Resolution of Ambiguity from Case Marker Deletions in a Verb-Final Language. Communication Sciences and Disorders 24(3): 695-706. (
    • Lee, Seunghun J., Shigeto Kawahara, Céleste Guillemot, Tomoko Monou. (2019) The acoustic correlates of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Drenjongke stops. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 1445-1449). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [LINK]
    • Celeste Guillemot, Seunghun J. Lee, Fuminobu Nishida. (2019) An acoustic and articulatory study of Drenjongke fricatives. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 1179-1183). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [LINK]
    • Suzuki, Michinori and Seunghun J. Lee. (2019) Production and perception of dental vs. alveolar contrast in TshiVenda. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 3543-3547). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [LINK]
    • Hlungwani, Crous M. and Seunghun J. Lee. (2019) Phonetics of modal and breathy nasals in Xitsonga. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 408-412). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [LINK]
    • Suzuki, M. and S. J. Lee (2019) Perception of a non-salient place contrast in Tshivenda by Xitsonga speakers. Proceedings of the 33rd general meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan.
    • Lee, S. J. Céleste Guillemot, Audrey H. Lai, Honoka Asai, Kotone Sato (2019) A preliminary study of the vowel length contrast in Drenjongke. Proceedings of the 33rd general meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan.
    • Lee, S. J. (2019) An Electroglottograph Study of Xitsonga nasals: an exploratory study. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 6: Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Junior Linguists Conference. pp. 1-7.
    • Lee, S. J. and Tekonnang Timee (2019) Aspects of the Kiribati Grammar. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 5: Selected papers about the Kiribati language and additional materials. pp. 23-31.
    • Lee, S.J., T. Timee, M. Niiya and A. H. Lai (2019) Swadesh wordlist of the Kiribati language, categorised by semantic field. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 5: Selected papers about the Kiribati language and additional materials. pp. 33-43.
    • Lee, S. J., M. Niiya and A. H. Lai (2019) Kiribati materials. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 5: Selected papers about the Kiribati language and additional materials. pp. 46-53.
    • Hwang, H., Lee, S. J., P. Gerber and S. Grollmann (2019) Laryngeal contrast and tone in Tamang: an analysis based on a new set of Tamang data. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 23 (1): 41-50. [LINK]
    • Lee, S. J., S. Kawahara, C. Guillemot and T. Monou (2019) Acoustics of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia): Observations and implications. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 23 (1): 65-75. [LINK]
    • Yoshida, Tomoyuki (2019) Complement selection and wh-scope in Japanese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 28: 1-27. [LINK]
    • J. Villegas and S. J. Lee (2019) “Creating maps for linguistic field-work using R,” in Proc. 6 Int. Conf. on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC). [Access to the maptool: Link]
    • Lee, S.J. (2018) Using field data in phonetics classes. Proc. ISAPh 2018 International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 88-91, DOI: 10.21437/ISAPh.2018-16.
    • Guillemot, C. and S. J. Lee (2018) An interaction between voicing and tone in Dränjongke fricatives. Proceedings of the 157th Meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan. pp. 178-183.
    • Kawahara S. and S. J. Lee (2018) Truncation in message-oriented phonology: a case study using Korean vocative truncation. Linguistic Vanguard Vol. 4 Issue s2. DOI:
    • Kawahara S., M. Isobe, Y. Kobayashi, T. Monou and R. Okabe (2018) Acquisition of sound symbolic values of vowels and voiced obstruents by Japanese children: Using a Pokémonastics paradigm. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 22.2: 122-130.
    • Lee, S. J., Hwang, H.K., Monou, T., Kawahara, S. (2018) The phonetic realization of tonal contrast in Dränjongke. Proc. TAL2018, Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, 217-221, DOI: 10.21437/TAL.2018-44. [LINK]
    • Lee, S. J. and S. Kawahara (2018) The phonetic structure of Dzongkha: a preliminary study. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 22.1: 13-20.
    • Lee, S. J., K. Kurita and J. Perkins (2018) Identifying the locus of L2 pronunciation: an exploratory study of geminate production by Chinese L2 learners of Japanese. Foreign Language Education Research, 22: 69-86.

Edited Books/Journals

Yoshida, T. and M. Nakayama, eds. (2018) Special Issue of the Journal of Japanese Linguistics dedicated to the late Prof. Kazuko Inoue. Issue 34 (2).

Seo, Y. and H. Ogawa, eds. (2018) ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 4: Selected Papers from the 2nd Asian Junior Linguists Conference.

Guillemot, C., S. J. Lee and T. Yoshida, eds. (2018) Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL13). MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #88

Kaji, H. and M. Kajiyama, eds. (2017) ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 2: Selected Papers from the 1st Asian Junior Linguists Conference.

Mana T., K. Ishii, N. Koyama, A. Nobuki, H. Kaji, M. Kajiyama and H. Tada, eds. (2017) ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 1: Selected Papers from 2016 Spring Field Methods (Zulu).