Interface Workshop (2019.5.16-17)

Workshop on the interface between module of grammars

Date: May 16-17, 2019

Location: DH-203/204

Invited speakers:

Dr. Michael Barrie (Sogang U, Korea)

Dr. Lauren Clemens (U of Albany, USA)

Dr. Yosuke Sato (Seisen U, Japan)

Hosts: Dr. Yoshida, Dr. Sato, Dr. Lee

Sponsors: ICU Special Shared Budget


Day 1 (May 16, 2019)

13:30-14:00 Opening

14:00-15:30 Talk 1 (Barrie, Sogang U @ Korea)

The Prosody of Multiclausal Constructions in Cayuga

15:30-16:00 Break (tea provided)

16:00-17:30 Talk 2 (Sato, Seisen U)

How can one kill someone twice in Indonesian?

Causal pluralism at the syntax-semantics interface

(18:00-20:00 Meeting @ Faculty Lounge)

Day 2 (May 17, 2019)

12:00-13:30 Luncheon

13:30-15:00 Talk 3 (Clemens, U Albany, USA)

Linearization at the syntax-prosody interface:

Accounting for verb-initial order in Mayan languages

15:00-15:30 Break (tea on your own)

15:30-17:30 Discussion

17:30-18:00 Closing