ICU LINGuistics Practical Workshops
Practical Workshop "SPOT and OT Workplace"
Dr. Jenny Bellik (UC Santa Cruz)
Date and time:
(Sat-Sun) July 17-18, 2021 [JST]
10 am - 12 pm
Location: Zoom
Registration by 12 pm, July 10 (S)
workshop (up to 50 people)
practice (up to 50 people)
Registration link
Michinori Suzuki (ICU)
B. Paris Fleming (ICU)
Richard Bibbs (UCSC)
Nick Van Handel (UCSC)
Ed Shingler (UCSC)
What is SPOT and/or OT Workplace? (see below)
Organized by:
Haruo Kubuzono (NINJAL)
Seunghun J. Lee (ICU)
Sponsored by:
ICU Linguistics Lab
NINJAL collaborative research project ‘Cross-linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar’
The Phonological Society of Japan
The Phonetic Society of Japan
Questions should be sent to:
(Th) July 15 & (F) July 16, 2021 [JST]
3 - 5 pm Software installation check
(note: if the times don't work for you, please contact us)
(Sat) July 17, 2021 [JST] SPOT App Tutorial
10 am - 11 am SPOT workshop
11 am - 12 pm SPOT practice
(Sun) July 18, 2021 [JST] OT Workplace
10 am - 11 am OT Workplace workshop
11 am - 12 pm OT Workplace practice
Workshops and practice sessions will be held via Zoom
No registration fee; pre-registration is required.
pre-installation of programs is required prior to the workshop (further instructions will be sent on July 11).
all sessions will be held in English.
Japanese questions will be accepted.
Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory: SPOT App Tutorial and Demonstration [LINK]
The framework of Optimality Theory (OT; Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004) has proved fruitful for analyzing the imperfect correspondence between syntactic and prosodic structure. The Syntax-Prosody in OT (SPOT) App (Bellik et al. 2015-2021; is an open-source webapp that facilitates the development of complete OT analyses of syntax-prosody data. SPOT has algorithms for generating syntactic and prosodic candidates, and evaluating violations of constraints, including Match (Selkirk 2011), Align (Selkirk 1986; Truckenbrodt 1995, 1999), Binarity, StrongStart, and many others. This workshop provides an introduction to SPOT and a demonstration of how we have used it, alongside OTWorkplace (Prince, Merchant & Tesar 2007-2021), to aid in theory development.
Calculating Constraint Rankings and Typologies with OTWorkplace [LINK]
Many Optimality Theory (OT; Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004) analyses end at the point where they identify a constraint ranking that derives an observed pattern in the language of interest. However, a set of candidates and constraints actually predicts an entire typology, or set of languages. The contents and structure of the typology deserve attention as well. OTWorkplace (Prince, Merchant & Tesar 2007-2021; is a software tool which can take a set of candidates and their violation profiles, and compute the entire predicted typology, including rankings for each language in the typology. This workshop demonstrates how to: (1) set up a project in OTWorkplace (using data from SPOT, Bellik et al. 2015-2021), (2) calculate a typology, and (3) obtain ranking information for the languages in the typology.
Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory (SPOT)
(taken from
an application which performs automatic candidate generation and constraint evaluation over prosodic parses for work in the theoretical framework of Optimality Theory.
Various constraints from the literature on Match Theory and the Align/Wrap approach to prosodic phrasing have already been implemented.
The SPOT application is designed for use in conjunction with OTWorkplace, a tool for manipulating OT tableaux, determining rankings, and calculating factorial typologies.
(taken from
provides an environment for interactive research in OT, built on Excel.
It implements the analytical tools of modern rigorous Optimality Theory, including Harmonic Serialism.
Requires Windows, any version, and Excel, any version. Runs smoothly in Windows emulators on Mac.
Installer package is large at 75MB and may require a short wait.