- 2019.4.1-6.30
Mrs. Daniela Mena (U of Concepción, Chile) will visit ICU to work with linglab members. The visit is funded by Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT).
- 2019.5.9-11
The 7th PhoPhoNO workshop will be held at University of Aizu.
- 2019.5.15
A guest talk by Dr. Lauren Clemens (H-391, 15:20-16:20).
- 2019.5.16-17.
Workshop on the interface between module of grammars (hosted by Dr. Yoshida, Dr. Sato, Dr. Lee)
Invited speakers: Dr. Michael Barrie (Sogang), Dr. Lauren Clemens (Albany), Dr. Yosuke Sato (Seisen). The workshop is funded by ICU Shared Budget for Research Institutes.
- 2019.5.23-25.
Dr. Lee co-presented a poster with Dr. Kristina Riedel (University of Free State) titled "Prosodic effects of DP-internal word order variation in Xitsonga" at the Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HISPhonCog 2019).
- 2019.6.13
ICUWPL 3: Selected papers from 2017 Spring Typology and Field Methods (Shona) is available on the ICU repository. [LINK]
- 2019.6.20.
ICUWPL 5: Kiribati is available. [LINK]
ICUWPL 6: Proceedings of AJL3 is available [LINK]
ICUWPL 7: Festschrift for Prof. Tomoyuki Yoshida on his 60th birthday is available. [LINK]
- 2019.7.6
Three posters were presented at the Overseas Scientific Research Festa (海外学術調査フェスタ) held at the AA-Ken at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
- Shinagawa, Daisuke and Seunghun J. Lee. アフリカにおける言語多様性とダイナミズムに迫るアフリカ諸語研究ネットワークの構築 (ReNeLDA)
- Arii, Tomoe, Tomoyuki Yoshida and Seunghun J. Lee. SOV言語における統語処理研究:日本語、韓国語、ボド語の比較 (SOV)
- Monou, Tomoko, Celeste Guillemot, Seunghun J. Lee, George van Driem, Shigeto Kawahara. 音声音韻及びロマ字と元文字の新正書法 2019: ヒマラヤの原住民話者への助力 (PhoPhoNO)
- 2019.7.8-12
Dr. Priyankoo Sarmah (IIT Guwahati) visited ICU to discuss practical aspects of the Bodo language as part of the SOV project.
- 2019.7.17-18
Dr. Lee led two workshop at the "Training workshop on language documentation and analysis" at the University of Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa): (a) Audio and video recording for linguistic data collection (with Dr. Kritina Riedel), and (b) Software for linguistics data collection 2: Praat and Audacity. [funded by ReNeLDA]
- 2019.7.19-22
Dr. Lee ran a workshop on microvariation in Bantu languages at University of Venda (Thohoyandou, South Africa). [funded by ReNeLDA]
- 2019.7.26-8.2
Dr. Lee and Dr. Guillemot headed to Gangtok, Sikkim (India). They collected ultrasound data as well as intonation data of Drenjongke [funded by PhoPhoNO].
- 2019.8.5-9
Presentations at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019 (Melbourne, Australia)
- "The acoustic correlates of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Dränjongke stops" by Seunghun J. Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Céleste Guillemot, Tomoko Monou.
- "An acoustic and articulatory study of Dränjongke fricatives" by Celeste Guillemot, Seunghun J. Lee, Fuminobu Nishida
- "Production and perception of dental vs. alveolar contrast in TshiVenda" by Michinori Suzuki, Seunghun J. Lee
- "Phonetics of modal and breathy nasals in Xitsonga" by Crous M. Hlungwani, Seunghun J. Lee
- 2019.8.14-16
Dr. Lee ld a workshop on the Kiribati language and general linguistics at the Kiribati Teachers' College in Tarawa, Kiribati. The workshop covered topics in Kiribati grammar, L2 pronunciation and research on the DP structure in Kiribati.
- 2019.8.20
Dr. Lee held meetings at the University of South Pacific (Suva, Fiji). He will give a presentation at a field linguistics class at the USP.
- 2019.8.23.
With Dr. Gayle Dede and Dr. Jee Eun Sung, Dr. Lee held a Korea workshop on sentence processing at the Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.
- 2019.8.26.
With Dr. Gayle Dede and Dr. Jee Eun Sung, Dr. Lee held a Japan workshop on sentence processing at ICU.
- 2019.8.27.
Dr. Lee lectured on the topic of "言語学の観点からみる高齢者とのコミュニケーション" at the Nakano Medical Association (中野医師会館).
- 2019.9.6-8.
The 8th joint PhoPhoNO workshop with the Swiss team was held at the Keio University.
- 2019.9.28-29
The Phonetic Society of Japan meeting was held at the Seisen University in Tokyo. A talk about Drenjongke vowel was presented by Céleste Guillemot, Dr. Lee , Honoka Asai, Audrey Lai and Kotone Sato. Another talk about the perception of TshiVenda dental and alveolar nasals was presented by Michinori Suzuki and Dr. Lee.
- 2019.10.18-20
The 27th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference took place at the Sogang University Oct 18-20, 2019. Dr. Lee is an invited speaker of the conference.
- 2019.10.26
Dr. Lee led a workshop on R for looking at the data collected from the microvariation project at the AA Ken.
- 2019.10.31.
A presentation by Dr. Daisuke Shinagawa, Dr. Yuko Abe and Dr. Seunghun J. Lee delivered at the "The International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019: Perspectives Conference" held at the Purdue University Fort Wayne (Indiana, USA) from October 30 to November 2, 2019.
- 2019.11.15-16
- Three talks at the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University.
- Julián Villegas and Seunghun J. Lee (2019) An electroglottograph study of tonal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia).
- Céleste Guillemot, Seunghun Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou and Jeremy Perkins (2019) Perception of Vowel Length Contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia).
- Seunghun J. Lee, Jeremy Perkins and Céleste Guillemot (2019) A preliminary ultrasound study of the retroflex contrast in Drenjongke
- Three talks at the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University.
- 2019.11.17-20
- Dr. Lee conducted fieldwork on the Boro language in Guwahati, Assam, India (the SOV project)
- 2019.11.21
- Dr. Lee met with Dr. Sugunya Ruangjaroon at Sirinyakarinwiyot University.
- 2019.11.23-28
- Dr. Lee and Dr. Villegas conducted fieldwork on the Drenjongke language in Sikkim, India (PhoPhoNO).
- 2019.11.30
- Kristina Riedel and Dr. Lee gave a talk at SAMWOP 8 titled "DP-internal word order and penultimate lengthening in Bantu languages"
- 2019.12.5-6
The 4th Asian Junior Linguists Conference was held at ICU. [LINK]
- 2019.12.7 (from 1:30-4:30 pm)
Dr. Lee presented "マプチェ(南アメリカ)を巡る" at the "言語調査で世界各国を巡る:フィールド言語学の楽しみ" that will be held at Keio University.
- 2019.12.8
Dr. Lee (with Dr. Kunzang Namgyal and Dr. Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia) presented at the Tibeto-Burman Linguistic Circle (チベット=ビルマ言語学研究会) in Kobe.
- 2019.12.17-26
Dr. Lee conducted fieldwork on Burmese.
- 2019.12.26-2020.1.6
Two Drenjongke scholars (Dr. Kunzang Namgyal and Dr. Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia) conducted a research visit at ICU (PhoPhoNO project).
- 2020.1.9-11
PhoPhoNO Final Conference will be held at ICU. [LINK]
- 2020.2.11-21
Abraham Kwesi Bisilki (U of Hong Kong) is visiting ICU for Praat training.
- 2020.2.15-16
Dr. Lee, Dr. Guillemot, Le Xuan Chan (21), Mana Ashida (20) will present a poster at the 4th Prosody and Grammar Festa to be held at the University of Kobe (神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス 瀧川記念学術交流会館). [LINK] The title of their poster is "Intonation of questions in Drenjongke (Bhutia)".
- 2020.2.21
JICUF-Undergraduate Research Day (JICUF-URD) will be held in the area A in Dialogue House. [LINK]
- 2020.2.23-24
First International Conference on Linguistic Terminology, Glossing and Phonemicization (Yonezawa campus, Yamagata University, Japan, Feb. 22–23, 2020) [LINK] Dr. Lee presents a talk titled "Converging linguistics terms in Korean phonology"
- 2020.3.2-3.13
ReNeLDA workshop at the University of Venda, South Africa.
- 2020.3.15-16 (Cancelled)
Dr. Lee and Dr. Guillemot was going to present at the 15th Phonology Festa to be held at the Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. The title of the talk is "Phonetic variation of a phonological target: voiceless nasals in Drenjongke (Bhutia)" [program]