DCon (2016.4-2020.3)


  • PI: Dr. Seunghun J. Lee
  • Assistants
    • Haruya Ogawa (2016.10-2019.3)
    • Michinori Suzuki (2016.10-2019.3)
    • Haruka Takeyama (2016.10-2019.3)
    • Mana Ashida (2018.4-2018.8)

This project is funded by Kakenhi (C) 16K02641


  • Fieldwork 3 (2018.11)
    • SiSwati EGG
  • Fieldwork (2017.11)
    • Xitsonga and Tshivenḓa (Acoustics and EGG)
  • Fieldwork (2016.8)
    • Xitsonga & SiSwati (Acoustics)


Lee, S.J. (2018) Using field data in phonetics classes. Proc. ISAPh 2018 International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, 88-91, DOI: 10.21437/ISAPh.2018-16.


Suzuki, Michinori and Seunghun J. Lee. Production and perception of dental vs. alveolar contrast in TshiVenda. The International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019 . Melbourne, Australia. August 5-9, 2019.

Hlungwani, Crous M. and Seunghun J. Lee. Phonetics of modal and breathy nasals in Xitsonga. The International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019 . Melbourne, Australia. August 5-9, 2019.

Lee, S.J., Jozi Joseph Thwala and Haruya Ogawa. Phonetics of modal and breathy plosives in SiSwati. The 7th Southern African Microlinguistics Workshop (SAMWOP 7) University of Venda (South Africa). November 29-December 1, 2018.

Lee, S. J. Phonetics of /h/ Following Plosives in Two Korean Dialects: Seoul and Gwangju. Seoul National University Workshop “Korean at the Nexus of Northeast Asian Linguistic Area” Seoul National University. October 26-27, 2018 [Download slides 3.1 MB] (Collaboration with Mira Oh)

Suzuki, M. A Phonetic Study of Plosives in the Hakodate Dialect. The 3rd Asian Junior Linguists Conference, The University of Hong Kong. October 13-14, 2018.

Lee, S. J. Using field data in phonetic classes. The 2nd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics. University of Aizu, Japan. September 19-21, 2018.

Lee, S. J. and H. Ogawa. Acoustics of non-modal consonants in SiSwati: the case of nasals. The Thirty-Second General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan. Okinawa International University. September 15, 2018.

Hlongwani, Crous M. and Seunghun J. Lee. Yes-No question intonation in Xitsonga. The 20th International Congress of Linguists. Cape Town, South Africa. July 4, 2018.

Lee, Seunghun J. An acoustic and articulatory study of depressors in Xitsonga. The 20th International Congress of Linguists. Cape Town, South Africa. July 4, 2018.

Lee, Seunghun J., Seth Tshithukhe, Michinori Suzuki. An acoustic study of dental vs. alveolar contrast in Tshivenḓa nasals. The 156th meeting of Linguistic Society of Japan. June 23, 2018.

Lee, Seunghun J. Depressor consonants in Xitsonga, Symposium on Field Phonetics, The 336th Regular Meeting of Phonetic Society of Japan. Showa Women's University, December 2, 2017.

Ogawa, Haruya, Haruka Takeyama, Michinori Suzuki and Seunghun J. Lee (2017) A production study of Xitsonga depressor consonants. Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences (SICSS). November 11, 2017.

Ogawa, Haruya, Haruka Takeyama, Michinori Suzuki and Seunghun J. Lee. An Electroglottograph study of voiced plosives in two Japanese dialects. The 31st General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan. September 30, 2017.