• 2020.4.18-19

Microvariation research meeting @ AA-Ken, TUFS.

  • 2020.5.1-26

Dr. Michael Barrie (Sogang University, Korea) will hold meetings and lectures on syntax.

  • 2020.5.20-21

Shared budget of Research Institutes at ICU supports a workshop on phonetics and phonology interface.

Andries Coetzee (Michigan), Christian Di Canio (Buffalo) and Aritz Irurtztun (CNRS) will present their work.

  • 2020.5.22

Dr. Lee will have a demonstration of EGG at the Japan Association for African Studies Conference at TUFS.

The 1st Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Ryan Bennett (UCSC), Canaan Breiss (UCLA)

JICUF-Undergraduate Research Day (on Pragli)

The 2nd Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Taylor L. Miller (SUNY Oswego), Harim Kwon (George Mason U)

The 3rd Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Misaki Koto (U Oregon), Claire Moore-Cantwell (UCLA)

The 4th Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Jiseung Kim (U Michigan), Sangim Lee-Kim (Nat'l Chiao Tung U)

  • 2020.8.10-14 (cancelled)

Dr. Lee will teach a mini lecture on Optimality Theory and give a talk at the University of Concepción, Chile.

  • 2020.8.22-9.1 (cancelled)

Dr. Lee will lead a group of students to Kiribati for a study program on climate change and cultural documentation. This activity is funded by JICUF.

  • 2020.10.2

[Season 2, Part 1] The Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Kathryn Franich (U Delaware), Laura McPherson (U Dartmouth)

  • 2020.10.10.

[Prosody, Part 1] ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Sara Myrberg (Lund University), Lena Borise (Research Institute for Linguistics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences & Harvard U)

  • 2020.10.16

[Season 2, Part 2] The Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Timo Roettger (U Osnabrück), Adam Chong (Queen Mary University of London)

  • 2020.10.24.

[Prosody, Part 2] ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Frank Kügler (Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Nancy Kula (University of Essex)

  • 2020.10.31.

[Season 2, Plenary] The Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Donca Steriade (MIT), Co-hosted by the Phonetic Society of Japan

  • 2020.11.7.

[Prosody, Part 3] ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Shin Ishihara (Lund University), Cédric Patin (Université de Lille)

  • 2020.11.13.

[Season 2, Part 3] The Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Karthik Durvasula (Michigan State U), Samuel Tilsen (Cornell U)

  • 2020.11.19.

Dr. Seunghun Lee will present collaboration with Céleste Guillemot at an online colloquium talk at York University, Canada.

  • 2020.11.21.

[Prosody, Part 4] ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Nicole Déhe (Universität Konstanz), Adam Chong (Queen Mary University of London)

  • 2020.11.27.

[Season 2, Part 4] The Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Chikako Takahashi (Stony Brook U), Jianjing Kuang (U Pennsylvania)

  • 2020.12.1.

Lee, Seunghun J., and Daehan Won (2020) Sharing information across cultures: COVID-19 Myth Busters from WHO. The 2020 International Conference of the Korean Association for Multicultural Education, Seoul National University, December 3-5, 2020.

  • 2020.12.1.

Abe, Yuko, Seunghun J. Lee, and Daisuke Shinagawa (2020) A Morphosyntactic Survey of Microvariation of Southern Bantu languages: A pilot case of collaborative linguistic research in African contexts. Korea Association of African Studies (KAAS) Conference on the Second Half of 2020. December 4, 2020. pp. 29-42.

  • 2020.12.4-7

Ashida, Mana, Seunghun J. Lee, Kunzang Namgyal will present a paper titled "Building a Part-of-Speech Tagged Corpus for Drenjongke (Bhutia)" at the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing [AACL-IJCNLP 2020]

  • 2020.12.5.

[Prosody, Part 5] ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Emily Elfner (York University), Natalie Weber (Yale University)

  • 2020.12.19.

[Prosody, Part 6] ICU Linguistics Colloquium: Fatima Hamlaoui (University of Toronto), Lauren Clemens (University at Albany)

  • 2021.1.15-16

The 5th Asian Junior Linguists Conference will be hosted by ICU.

  • 2021.1.21

Atsushi OHO defends his PhD dissertation (Chair: Tomoyuki Yoshida, Committee: Seunghun J. Lee, Akiko Fujii, Satoshi Tomioka)

  • 2021.1.24

ICU Linguistics teams present at the 言語学フェス2021. Presentations about the remote data collection, and about Japanese prosody.

  • 2021.1.28

[Season 3, Part 1] The Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium

  • 2021.2.8

JICUF-URD Presentation Workshop

  • 2021.2.11

[Season 3, Part 2] The Keio ICU Linguistics Colloquium

  • 2021.2.11

Dr. Lee presents at the CTL Brown Bag Lunch & Learn

  • 2021.2.13

Japan ICU Foundation Undergraduate Research Day

  • 2021.2.19

Guest Lecture by Yu-An Lu (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) "The production and perception of

Taiwan Mandarin lexical tones"

  • 2021.2.21

Tekonnang Timee and Dr. Lee presenting about interrogative intonation in Kiribati at the 5th Prosody & Grammar conference.

  • 2021.3.5-6

ICU Linguistics presenting about (1) Drenjongke and (2) Dravidian languages at the ICLDC conference hosted by the University of Hawai'i.

  • 2021.3.6.

Meeting of the Microvariation (tone).

  • 2021.3.7.

ICU Linguistics presenting at the PhonoFesta about Nuosu Yi (Shen Hong and Dr. Lee) and Jeolla Korean (Dr. Lee and Dr. Woonho Choi).

  • 2021.3.25.

Spring 2021 Commencement. Congratulations to graduating linguistics students: Haruka Kurokawa, Rika Hasegawa, Honoka Asai, Shotaro Fukuda, Futa Muramatsu, and Naoko Yasuda.

  • 2021.2.27.

ICU Linguistics Online Pizza Party