SDGs Activities

SDGsに関わる授業/Courses related to SDGs


 Most of ICU's coursesare related to SDGs. Please search from the following pages.


Service-Learning Program



Service-Learning means learning through service activities (or voluntary activities for spontaneous and social contribution). It is an experiential learning that has an intention to develop new ways of thinking, behaving, and being through reflection by finding a same goal with a community, engaging oneself with social issues as his/her own, and integrating academic knowledge and experiential knowledge.

Through service activities at NPOs and public organizations in Japan and overseas, students participating in the program are involved in a variety of SDGs-related activities, including environmental issues, educational support in developing countries, peace activities etc.

SDGsに関わる学生団体/Student Associations related to SDGs





We aim to create a sustainable food cycle on the ICU campus and to provide students with opportunities to familiarize themselves with environmental issues. The group collects food scraps from students in the dormitories who cook for themselves and makes compost in a field on the campus. In the future, we plan to start activities to grow food using the compost we have created.

Facebook icu.sustena



Our goal is to approach ICU students to raise their awareness of the environment and to improve the school environment. We will provide opportunities for ICU students to think about the environment by collecting re-packs and observing nature. We are also involved with environmental groups in the local community and at other universities, and carry out environmental education and awareness-raising activities that are difficult to carry out within the group.

Twitter ITT_ICU 

Instagram icu_time_travelers

ICU Time Travelers


A student organization that considers the future of society from the history of the past. The group searches for the history of Japanese American incarceration with students from Middlebury College in Vermont and Middlebury International Graduate School in Monterey, California. Specific activities include: (1) translation and provision of primary sources on incarceration, (2) study sessions within the group, and (3) dissemination of information to the outside world.


Twitter tablefortwo_icu


Table for Two ICU Supporters



〜International contribution through "eating"~

Student supporters of an organization that is taking action to solve the problems of hunger in developing countries and obesity in developed countries at the same time. We plan collaboration menus and kitchen events at Gakki to bring healthy food to ICU and to encourage people to think about food.

Facebook voiceupjapanicu 

Twitter VoiceUpJapanIC1 

Instagram voiceupjapan_icu


Voice Up Japan ICU


Our vision is to create a safe campus where everyone can feel comfortable regardless of gender, sexuality, nationality, or religion, and a society where everyone can speak up. Through events and study groups, we communicate contemporary social issues to ICU students and visitors to the campus. We also empower people to raise their voices and express their intentions after creating a safe and supportive environment. Through signature campaigns, lobbying, and peaceful demonstrations, we aim to bring about social change.

Instagram watashiwakyuusuikidesu



We conducted signature campaigns, surveys, and negotiations with the president to install a water machine for the exclusive use of my bottle in the main building, and realized the installation in April 2020. Since then, we have been searching for a way to communicate with people without imposing environmental concerns through an Instagram account that personifies a water machine.

Instagram icu__prism_23



We are a group of students based at ICU who think and act about gender and sexuality. Through project-based information dissemination, event planning, and study groups, we create opportunities for ICU students to think, talk, and learn about gender.


UNLEASH Hacks Japan

UNLEASH Hacks Japanでは、学生、コーダー、IR担当者がSDGs 4(教育)とSDGs 16(平和)を解決するために参加します。20歳から35歳までの参加者は、チームに分かれてSDGsの目標を解決していきます。


UNLEASH Hacks Japan engages students, coders, and IR scholars to solve for SDG 4 (Education) and SDG 16 (Peace). Participants aged 20-35 years old will work in teams to solve for the SDG goals.

Solutions are owned by the teams and are co-created during the two-day event!