News 2020


本学学生がジェサップ国際法模擬裁判大会国内大会で総合3位、弁論3位及び4位を受賞/ICU Team Places Third in the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Wins Third and Fourth Place Speaker Awards

公開日:2021年3月8日/Update: March 8, 2021

2月12日(金)から14日(日)に開催されたジェサップ国際法模擬裁判大会2021国内大会(主催:日本国際法学生協会、ナショナルアドミニストレーター:柴田明穂神戸大学教授)に、山崎智尋さん(やまさき ちひろ、教養学部3年、メジャー:法学、マイナー:哲学・宗教学)、ワトソンケイラブ瑛士ギルエスピーさん(ワトソンケイラブ えいじ ギルエスピー、同2年)、奥村幸太さん(おくむら こうた、同2年)、Kavya Sharmaさん(カヴィヤ シャルマ、同1年)がICUチームとして出場し、総合順位第3位、山崎さんは被告弁論第3位、Kavya Sharmaさんは原告弁論第4位に輝きました。大会には本学のほか、京都大学、上智大学、西南学院大学、東京大学、東北大学、北海道大学、立教大学、早稲田大学が参加しました。
The 2021 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition's Japan national round was held from February 12th to 14th. The competition was hosted by the Japan International Law Students Association (JILSA), and the national administrator was Professor Akiho Shibata of Kobe University. The ICU team composed of Chihiro Yamasaki (third year student, College of Liberal Arts; major: Law, minor: Philosophy and Religion), Caleb Eiji Gillespie Watson (second year), Kohta Okumura (second year), and Kavya Sharma (first year), won third place overall. In addition, Chihiro Yamasaki won third place in oral presentation for Respondent, and Kavya Sharma fourth place in oral presentation for Applicant. Other participating universities were Kyoto, Sophia, Seinan Gakuin, Tokyo, Tohoku, Hokkaido, Rikkyo, and Waseda.

3.11メモリアル 平和の鐘による1分間の黙祷/3.11 Memorial: One Minute Silent Prayer with the ICU Peace Bells

公開日:2021年3月2日/Update: March 2, 2021

March 11 marks ten years since the great earthquake and tsunami which took place in 2011. We invite you to join us for a moment of silent prayer, as the ICU Chapel Peace Bells ring for 1 minute, commemorating the exact time of the disaster.

地球市民社会論シリーズ「社会的インパクトをめぐる世界の潮流」/Global Civil Society Series: Global Trends in Social Impact

公開日:2021年3月1日/Update: March 3, 2021

2月26日(金)、教養学部専攻科目「地球市民社会論」(担当:毛利勝彦教授・国際関係学メジャー)の第5回学内公開講演を開催しました。CSOネットワーク常務理事の今田克司さんに「社会的インパクトをめぐる世界の潮流〜新しい資本主義は社会を良い方向に変えるか」というテーマでお話いただき、80名ほどの学生が参加しました。On February 26th, as part of undergraduate course Global Civil Society (Prof. Katsuhiko Mori: International Relations), fifth open lecture of this series was held. The special guest for this lecture was Mr. Katsuji Imata, Managing Director of CSO Network Japan; also serving as President of Social Impact Management Initiative; and Managing Director of Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs. The theme of this lecture was "Global Trends in Social Impact: Can Stakeholder Capitalism Transform the World in the Right Direction?" The special lecture saw the participation of approximately 80 students.

地球市民社会論シリーズ「気候危機とシステムチェンジ」/Global Civil Society Series: System Change, Not Climate Change

公開日:2021年2月25日/Update: February 25, 2021

2月19日(金)、教養学部専攻科目「地球市民社会論」(担当:毛利勝彦教授・国際関係学メジャー)の第4回学内公開講演を開催しました。国際環境NGO FoE Japanの深草亜悠美さん(気候変動・エネルギー担当)に「気候危機とシステムチェンジ」というテーマでお話いただき、80名ほどの学生が参加しました。 
On February 19th, as part of undergraduate course Global Civil Society (Prof. Katsuhiko Mori: International Relations), the fourth open lecture of this series was held. The special guest for this lecture was Ms. Ayumi Fukakusa from the Climate Change and Energy Team at Friends of the Earth (FoE) Japan, an international environmental non-governmental organization (NGO). Ms. Fukakusa's lecture on the topic of "Climate Crisis and System Change" saw approximately 80 students participate in the event.

地球市民社会論シリーズ「最も弱い立場にある子どもたちのために」/Global Civil Society Series: For the Sake of Our Most Vulnerable Children

公開日:2021年2月15日/Update: February 15, 2021

On February 12th, as part of undergraduate course Global Civil Society (Prof. Katsuhiko Mori : International Relations), the third open lecture of this series was held. The special guest for this lecture was Ms. Minori Tanimura, Manager of the Corporate and Major Donor Unit for World Vision Japan. The theme of this lecture was "For the Sake of Our Most Vulnerable Children." Ms. Tanimura's lecture saw approximately 80 students participate in the lecture.

長野県天龍村と「サービス・ラーニング実習に関する協定書」を締結/Signing the "Agreement of Cooperation Concerning the Service-Learning Program" with Tenryu Village, Nagano Prefecture

公開日:2021年2月4日/Update: February 8, 2021

On February 3, 2021, Tenryu Village in Nagano Prefecture and Service-Learning Center signed the "Agreement of Cooperation Concerning the Service-Learning Program" with the aim of contributing to the development of sustainable local communities and human resources. Through this comprehensive agreement, ICU students will be able to engage in service activities to contribute to the community by thinking of the issues and needs of Tenryu Village through a 30-day practicum course called "Community Service Learning".

地球市民社会論シリーズ「基本的人権と国際人権基準」/Global Civil Society Series: Fundamental Human Rights and International Human Rights Standards

公開日:2021年2月1日/Update: February 1, 2021

On January 15th, as part of the undergraduate course Global Civil Society (Prof. Katsuhiko Mori: International Relations), the second open lecture of this series was held. The special guest for this lecture was Mr. Hideaki Nakagawa, the Executive Director of Amnesty International Japan, who spoke about "Fundamental Human Rights and International Human Rights Standards: Current Situation and Issues," and attended by about 90 students.

地球市民社会論シリーズ「核軍縮と持続可能な平和」/Global Civil Society Series - Nuclear Disarmament and Sustainable Peace

公開日:2021年1月22日/Update: January 22, 2021

2020年は原爆投下から75周年、2030年に向けたグローバル目標である国連持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)達成のための10年です。そして、2021年1月には核兵器禁止条約が発効されました。教養学部専攻科目「地球市民社会論」(担当:毛利勝彦教授・国際関係学メジャー)では、「いま地球市民社会はどこへ向かっているのか」と題し、とりわけ核軍縮やSDGsの実現に向けて国際NGOの第一線で活躍する方々を講師にお迎えし、地球市民社会の動向を伺っています。2020年12月11日(金)の公開講演第1回目は、ピースボート・共同代表/核兵器廃絶国際キャンペーン(ICAN)・国際運営委員の川崎哲氏に「核兵器の終わりの始まり〜持続可能な平和を目指して〜」というテーマでお話しいただき、90人ほどの学生が参加しました。Year 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and is the start of the decade of action to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030. Moreover, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) came into effect in January 2021.

第23回人権セミナー「コロナ禍と居場所 〜こども食堂の取り組みから〜」を開催/23rd Human Rights Seminar "COVID-19 Crisis and Where to Stay: From the Approaches of the Children's Cafeteria"

公開日:2021年1月19日/Update: January 22, 2021

2020年12月11日(金)、第23回人権セミナー「コロナ禍と居場所 〜こども食堂の取り組みから〜」が開催されました。このセミナーは、人権にかかわる啓発活動や相談活動を行っている本学の人権委員会と人権相談員連絡会が、毎年世界人権デー(12月10日)の前後に開催しています。
On Friday, December 11, 2020, the 23rd Human Rights Seminar "COVID-19 Crisis and Where to Stay: From the Approaches of the Children's Cafeteria" was held. This seminar is held every year around World Human Rights Day (December 10) by the university's Human Rights Committee and the Human Rights Counselors Liaison Committee, which are engaged in human rights-related awareness-raising and counseling activities.

トークライブイベント「リモートボランティアってなにするの?」(学生サービス・ラーニングアンバサダー主催)を開催/Live Talk Event "What is online volunteering?" (hosted by the Student Service-Learning Ambassadors)

公開日:2020年12月16日/Update: December 16, 2020

On Thursday, December 17, the online event hosted by the SL Ambassadors of Service-Learning (SL), ICU's academic learning program, "What is online volunteering?" was held for the first time.

被爆75年記念特別シンポジウム「平和・軍縮教育の新たな展開〜核兵器禁止条約の時代 を見据えて〜」/Special Symposium to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the A-bombing: "New Developments in Peace and Disarmament Education: Looking Ahead to the Era of a Nuclear Weapons Convention"

公開日:2020年12月22日/Update: January 22, 2021

On November 25, 2020, a special symposium commemorating the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing, "New Developments in Peace and Disarmament Education: Looking Ahead to the Era of a Nuclear Weapons Convention," was held at the NBC Video Hall in Nagasaki City, sponsored by the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA), Nagasaki University and in cooperation with ICU Peace Research Institute. Ahead of the entry into force of the Nuclear Weapons Convention next January, researchers and practitioners from Japan and abroad gathered to discuss what kind of education is required now.

世界人権デー特別講演・対談「緒方貞子先生が遺されたもの」/Human Rights Day Special Session: The Legacies of Dr. Sadako Ogata

公開日:2020年12月16日/Update: December 22, 2020

To honor the one-year anniversary since Dr. Sadako Ogata's passing in October of 2019, a special session, titled "The Legacies of Dr. Sadako Ogata," was held on Human Rights Day, December 10, 2020. The event featured a lecture from Professor Motohide Yoshikawa, Distinguished Professor and former Ambassador of Japan to the United Nations, as well as a dialogue session featuring Saki Ōuchi, a Senior Researcher at the Yomiuri Shimbun's Investigation and Research Department, and former Geneva correspondent.

日本サンゴ礁学会において本学学生が優秀ポスター発表賞を受賞  /ICU Student Receives Poster Presentation Award from the Japanese Coral Reef Society (JCRS)

公開日:2020年12月11日/Update: December 11, 2020

本学教養学部4年の寺山玲美(てらやま れいみ、メジャー:生物学)さんが、11月21日から23日かけてオンラインで行われた、一般社団法人日本サンゴ礁学会の第23回大会に参加し、優秀ポスター発表賞を受賞しました。
Ms. Reimi Terayama (major: Biology), a 4th year student at ICU's College of Liberal Arts, was awarded the Poster Presentation Award at the 23rd annual meeting of the Japanese Coral Reef Society held online from November 21st to 23rd.

国際リーダーシップに関するオンラインセミナーを開催 /Online Seminar on International Leadership was held

公開日:2020年11月17日/Update: November 17, 2020

Online Seminar on International Leadership organized by Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Tokyo, Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), the University of Tokyo and ICU, was held on November 7. Theme of the seminar was "International Leadership in the 21 st Century: Themes, Contexts and Critiques". President Shoichiro Iwakiri gave an opening address and Prof. Herman Salton moderated Panel 'International Leadership'

講演会「カカオを通して世界を変える」を開催 /Lecture "Change the World Through Cacao" Held

公開日:2020年11月2日/Update: November 2, 2020

10月9日(金)、カカオを通して社会に変革を起こしている、京都のチョコレート専門店「Dari K」の代表取締役の吉野慶一氏を招いて、岩切正一郎学長主催の講演会を開催しました。本講演会は、コロナウィルス感染症拡大予防の観点から、対面とオンライン併用のハイブリッドで行われました。
On Friday, October 9, ICU President Shoichiro Iwakiri hosted a lecture inviting Mr. Keiichi Yoshino, President and CEO of Kyoto-based chocolate specialty shop, Dari K , which is causing a revolution in society through cacao. The lecture was held in a hybrid format combining face-to-face and online participation in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.

ICU生が翻訳した絵本が発売されます/A picture book translated by ICU students to be released

公開日:2020年8月21日/Update: August 22, 2020

在学生の有志からなる翻訳プロジェクトが翻訳を行ったエシカルの考えを学べる絵本『Are You Ready?: The Journey to the Veiled World(日本版:じゅんびはいいかい?名もなきこざるとエシカルな冒険)』(文:末吉里花、絵:中川学)が、山川出版社より8月24日(月)に発売されます。
Are You Ready? The Journey to the Veiled World (text written by Rika Sueyoshi and illustrated by Gaku Nakagawa) is a picture book that children can learn from about ethical thinking. It was translated through a group project by ICU student volunteers and will be released from Yamakawa Shuppansha on Monday, August 24.