Global classrooms

Illinois Global Classrooms is a COIL initiative aimed at supporting you as an instructor to structure collaborative international learning experiences, facilitated by technology, between your students and students from international partner institutions. In this program, you connect with an international partner who teaches in a similar or complementary discipline to develop a project with concrete goals and deliverables and implement it in one of your existing courses. Projects vary in scope and duration, but typically last between six and eight weeks.

LAS in collaboration with the campus-wide study abroad community and with support from the European Union Center, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and the Center for Global Studies, have identified Global Classrooms as a priority to extending and expanding our global learning reach and democratizing access to global learning. In addition to strengthening faculty partnerships and research, diversifying pedagogical practices and deepening student learning, Global Classrooms has been shown to help students to see their own discipline from multiple perspectives and to interrogate their assumptions in new ways. 

Course Proposals

We are seeking proposals from faculty interested in developing a collaborative online international learning opportunity for undergraduate students. Preference will be given to courses that are already on the books and are a part of a degree program. We are especially interested in supporting first year/intro level courses.

Proposal Deadlines: Proposals can be submitted and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Instructors can expect to begin their training the semester after the proposal submission. Their Global Classrooms course will run two semesters after proposal submission.