faculty-led courses abroad 

salary policy + rates

Some faculty members teach courses abroad as part of their basic teaching load for their department. Those faculty members are not paid extra funds (in excess of their base salary) to lead study-abroad courses. 

When faculty members teach courses abroad in additional to their normal load, LAS International Programs pays them a flat salary of $6000 the first time they offer a course. If the course reviews are positive and demonstrate high impact for the students, the salary rates for the courses will increase annually, as follows, with a maximum cap set at $10,500:


Faculty members who led courses prior to 2018 and received a 1/9th salary payment that was higher than the salary they would receive based on the above salary scale, receive their previous salary amount or $10,500, whichever is less, each year until they have taught enough years to move up the salary scale.

The maximum payment to any faculty leader for an LAS faculty-led course is $10,500.