National Science Day

28 February 2021

IIT Jodhpur celebrated National Science Day on 28 February 2021 with a grand online celebration with a panel discussion and technical quiz contests for students. The event started with Panel Discussion on ‘Future of Science technology and innovation: impact on education, skill and work’ with eminent panelists including Mr. Alyappan Ramamurthi, Director of Digital Manufacturing, Asia Pacific at Siemens PLM Software, Prof. Sampat Raj Vadera, Head of Department of Physics, IIT Jodhpur, and Mr. Anurag Choudhary, Head of Digital Learning Stockholm International School.

CCCD and SME Connect organized various events followed by ‘Quiz’ on Science, Tech, Inventions, and Notable recent events. Another event named ‘Pitch’ where Problem Statement ‘Up skilling workers that form the bottom of the working class pyramid in order to avoid unemployment’ was given to different team of students. The students were asked to develop an idea that could potentially solve the problem, and explain their idea, business model, revenue model, competitors and market data.

Event ‘Sci-Fi Content Creation’ was organized, where the participants created Sci-Fi content in a format of their choice like Drawings, Stories (with some word limitation), or Videos (particular duration). Another event on ‘Theory Crafting’ was also held on that day where topic ‘Future of products around you’ where students redefine the products and tools around them using sketches, blueprints, or even just an article.