International Women's Day

28 February 2020

The theme for International Women’s Day (08 March) 2020 is “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”. The theme is aligned with UN Women’s new multigenerational campaign, Generation Equality, which marks the 25 th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Adopted in 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, the Beijing Platform for Action is recognized as the most progressive roadmap for the empowerment of women and girls, everywhere. 

IIT Jodhpur organized the Women’s Day Celebrations on 09 March. The event started with a presentation on women’s representation in society over the decades, UN’s Sustainable Development Goal on Gender Equality, contribution of Indian women in STEM fields, and a showcase of gender diversity at IIT Jodhpur. This was followed by a spirited panel discussion on gender equality and equity, underrepresentation of women in STEM fields, role of professional groups and memberships, networking, participation in competitions, hackathons for engineering students, and the role of family in career. The panelists included Prof. Lipika Dey (Senior Consultant and Principal Scientist at Tata Consultancy Services), Dr. Saakshi Dhanekar (Electrical Engineering), Dr. Kshema Prakash (Deputy Librarian), Dr. Farhat Naz (Humanities and Social Sciences), Dr. Neha Jain (Bioscience and Bioengineering), Niveditta (MTech PhD Dual-Degree Student, First-year, CSE), Yasmeena Akhter (First-year PhD student, CSE), and Sabyasachi Pradhan (BTech III year, CSE). The panel was moderated by Dr. Rajlaxmi Chouhan (Electrical Engineering). The event also witnessed cultural activities including a soulful recitation by Unnati Gupta (PhD Student, Chemistry) a song by Preeti Jain (PhD Student, IDRP IoT) and a short skit on Beti Bachao by Unnati Gupta, Vaishnavi, and Himani Priya Singh. The Quiz Club of the Student Cultural and Literary Society in association with the IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group of IIT Jodhpur, organized a Women in STEM and Leadership

Awareness Quiz. The quiz contest tied between two winning teams comprising Sabyasachi Pradhan & Subhash Chandra Bose (BTech IV Year) and Sandesh Singh and Ved Surendra Thakur (BTech I Year). The program witnessed an inspiring address by the Director, Prof. Santanu Chaudhury, and concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Prof. Kamaljit Rangra, Chairman, Committee for Celebration of Commemorative Days (CCCD).