
Albaida BRIT

Espacio virtual para la difusión de actividades del programa  eTwinning dentro de la iniciativa Erasmus+

Proyectos 1ºESO

Trabajamos desde el año 2019 en proyectos eTwinning a través de programa BRIT inglés para toda la comunidad educativa.

Climate action_13 (22-24)

Website & Twinspace

Ready for sharing!

Are you interesed in the project? So, check it out the website project as well as the twispace.


Sharing final results

Today, 11/06/24  climate action_13 students met to share thought, ideas and...final results!

Students have prepared a summary of the most relevant project activities with the objective of enjoying them. In pairs, they have explained how worked on the action day or how they have designed their final activity: our dream playground.  Chech it our here:

Finally, they have received some eTwinning presents provided by the NSS Spain!

Climate action_13 ebook

We did it! This is our amazing proposal! 04 actions for coping Climate change, takining into account sustainability, local needs and schools! Thank you so much for your incredible contribution.


Earth day'24 celebration

Wow! This how we celebrated Earth Day at IES MEDINA ALBAIDA! We raise awareness around annual theme: Plastics and finally we voted our proposal action: create a pollinator garden. Enjoy about it!

Speak up! campaign

We enjoyed a lot! Action day was really amazing. In a collaborative way, we created incredible stickers!

 After, students visit their classmate to raise awareness around climate change with the help of a little exposition. Finally, everybody get a sticker!

Natural disasters

Students created this amazing factsheets around Natural disasters for discovering the link between Climate change and nature.

Celebrating EWWR!

Climate action_13 students will shared results and activities with school commumity involving them in different activities! 

EWWR'23, promoted by Climate_13 action project, involved school community. Check it here!



This is how we introduced Climate action_13 at school! The project focus on climate change and positives vibes to involve school community in! We commented basic info about the project, we solved questions and ask for parental permission and...we carried out a cool activity to involve school  in the project! Basic tips for an ecofriendly dailylife! Finally, we shared results with school members with showing the results on the Etwinning board at the hall. This activity will allow us to celebrate EWWR 22! We registed this activity on the official web site of EWWR.

Retaking Climate action_13

So, we retake Climate action_13! We have take advantage of this incredible materials for presenting the project to students involved and also school comunnity. Students involved, carried out do's don'ts activity, giving incredible tips for preserving the environment. After, we shared results with school communty on the eTwinning school board at the main hall. In addition to that, as usual, families where informed and asked for permission.