Ditmas JHS 62
Three Academies: One School
700 Cortelyou Rd. | Brooklyn, NY 11218 | Phone: 718.941.5450 | Fax: 718.693.7433

NYCPS Press Release

Ditmas 2025 Testing Letter

Every family needs a New York City Student Account (NYCSA) https://www.schoolsaccount.nyc
Please contact Ms. Aybar, for assistance MAybar2@nyc.schools.gov

We're working to connect 10 million students with free internet service.
JHS and Middle School Lunch
New York City Public Schools offers free breakfast, lunch and afterschool meals to all NYC public school students during the school year. https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/food/menus/school-lunch-meals?value=s5
Student OMNY Cards
We are evolving with technology and providing our students with OMNY tap-to-go passes for subway and city buses. Schools will distribute OMNY cards this Fall 2024. This will allow eligible students to get to and from school and school-related activities for free—and ride for free on weekends and all year, too! https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/transportation/student-omny-cards
If you need assistance, contact Ms. Nixon: RNixon3@schools.nyc.gov
respect for all
The NYCDOE is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation and/or bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination on account of actual or perceived race, color, age, creed, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or weight.