About Us
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to Ditmas J.H.S. 62
We are happy you have chosen our school as the pathway to success for your child.
Parents Bill of Rights & Discipline Code
Each child’s maximum potential can best be achieved through a partnership between parents and the education community. To foster active engagement between parents and schools, parents have certain rights and responsibilities as stated in the Parents Bill of Rights. The Discipline Code is also known as the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning; it explains the standards for behavior in the New York City public schools and more. Please read these documents and review them with your child/children.
Please mark your calendar for the first day of school, Thursday-September 5, 2024.
Ingress | Egress
Students enter & exit the school building, as follows:
● Grade 6: Exit 1 (East 7 Street-main entrance)
● Grade 7: Exit 8 & 9 (Playground, between E 7 St & E 8 St)
● Grade 8: Exit 5 & 6 (East 8 Street-small school yard)
If students are late, they must enter through the main entrance on E. 7th and sign in with security.
2024-2025 School Calendar
We look forward to meeting all of our incoming students, parents & guardians for the 2024-2025 School Year.
School Food: Breakfast and Lunch are FREE!
All NYC public school students are welcome to enjoy free breakfast and lunch at school. Parents/guardians do not need to apply for their kids to receive those meals. However, we are asking parents to complete a FAMILY INCOME FORM to continue access to funding for programs like FREE Breakfast, FREE Lunch, and others. If you do not have access to a device, we will send a copy of the form home when your child starts school.
Questions or Concerns?
Contact Ms. Marilyn Aybar Parent Coordinator, I'm here to serve!