Tournament Cancellation Policy


It is unfortunate and regrettable if an event is cancelled at the last minute, though clearly there may be circumstances beyond the control of any organisers, as seems to have been the case with this event.

The host school should not be liable for non-reimbursable costs incurred by schools (travel, accommodation, unless

the host school was in a position to communicate the cancellation at an earlier stage and did not; the liability extending to costs that could reasonably have been saved by such a timely notification

the host school was in a position to organise a practical viable alternative, albeit in a simplified format, but chose not to.

We have to recognise that hosting schools are providing a service to member schools, and we do not want to deter schools from their important role as organising hosts for fear that they may incur financial penalties (potentially very considerable if a large number of schools are involved and the location is remote, e.g. Lugano). In the regrettable case of an event being cancelled, and no viable alternative being feasible (hosts should be prepared to organise an alternative event wherever realistically possible, e.g. smaller indoor event if the outdoor event is cancelled, where such a sport can be relocated within reason - perhaps not shot put!), member schools will have to bear the brunt of any un-refundable costs.

In cases of dispute between individual schools or a group of schools, the SGIS will establish an arbitration panel, composed of the Chair of the Committee (or designated deputy), a second committee member and the Director of the Sports Committee. The decision of this panel would be final.

Official SGIS tournaments need a minimum of 4 teams. If fewer than 4 schools sign-up it may either become an Invitational tournament or gets cancelled 4 weeks prior to the tournament.