Pre Tournament


Hosting schools should send information about SGIS Sports tournaments, including accommodation instructions, to all SGIS member schools at least six school weeks prior to the tournament date, inviting school participation. Schools must send participation responses within two school weeks of receiving the information. The host school must clearly indicate the confirmation deadline.

Invitational tournaments should be posted on the website, but invitations need not be sent out to all member schools. Athletic Directors must contact the tournament director to find out the possibility of participating.

Approximate cost for the tournament should be included in the invitation/tournament registration. If for some reason the cost changes during the weeks leading up to the tournament itself, then the Tournament Director must inform the teams participating prior to the tournament. If the actual cost is much higher than the approximate cost, then the tournament should discuss this matter with the SGIS Sports Chair to discuss how to handle the situation. It is possible that if the costs are much higher than the approximate cost, the host school may have to cover the difference.

Coaches submit the SGIS Google Roster with DOB and players’ numbers to their Athletic Director prior to the tournament. The Athletic Director checks and submits the roster to the tournament director at least 3 days before the tournament. The SGIS Google Roster must be available to view for all teams on the tournament day. Changes must be submitted on the day of the tournament. If the tournament director does not receive the team roster, s/he will remind the Athletic Director. The team may be banned from the tournament if the Athletic Director fails to submit the team roster.

Deadlines for inscriptions need to be strictly respected.

Late inscriptions to tournaments may be accepted at the discretion of the SGIS Sports tournament director and with the approval of the SGIS Sports Chair.

The SGIS Sports tournament director will send a written confirmation to all participating teams within three days of the inscription deadline. All schools that are already attending should respond to this e-mail to confirm attendance.

At least two weeks prior to the tournament a tournament schedule, arrival and departure times should be sent to all participating schools.

The SGIS roster form must be downloaded from the SGIS sports web pages and completed by participating schools. It must be returned, signed by the school’s SGIS sports representative one week prior to the event. Any adjustments to the roster after this time is expected to be given at the coaches meeting is final. An e-mailed copy from the school’s SGIS sports representative is equivalent to a signature. Teams that include ineligible players on their team roster or falsify information forfeit their place and award in the tournament.

All correspondence concerning SGIS Sports tournaments must be sent to the officially designated SGIS sports contact at the school (see mailing list on SGIS sports web pages), not the coaches attending the event.

As a matter of courtesy all SGIS Sports correspondence should be answered.

The person in charge who signs the tournament acceptance form for the SGIS Sports Competition does so knowing that they are committing their school to both financial and participation obligations. The tournament director has the right to charge any withdrawing teams up to the full tournament fee to any team that withdraws up to two weeks prior to a tournament.

This same person is responsible to the SGIS Sports Committee, for that tournament

Payment of inscription fees by participating teams is due after the tournament. An approximate cost must be given to all participating schools prior to the tournament. (see number 2 above). Schools will be billed for the inscription fees straight after the tournament. Please include a detailed invoice and banking details with all billing. This should be within 3-5 working weeks after the tournament.

The financial obligation of teams will include cost of awards, professional first-aid personnel, rental of facilities, expenses of referees, extra cleaning. Any additional costs for food provided to Athletes coaches and special transportation needs must be discussed with the teams involved prior to the tournament.