

All serious transgressions of the above points should be reported immediately to the SGIS Sports Chair.

Any school seeking exceptions to the SGIS Sports Handbook must do so at least one week prior to the SGIS Sports tournament. All exceptions must be approved by the SGIS Sports Chair. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS MADE IN REGARDS TO AGE CATEGORIES AND ELIGIBILITY!!!!

The SGIS Sports Committee has the right to amend this SGIS Sports Handbook.

Any matters that are not able to be resolved at the SGIS Sports Committee meetings are to be brought to the attention of the SGIS Executive Committee.

A copy of this SGIS Sports Handbook is to be available for inspection on the SGIS sports web pages.

Copies of the minutes of SGIS Sports meetings are to be supplied to all SGIS Executive Committee Members.

The SGIS Sports Committee is not required to pay any outstanding debts that are made in tournaments. Tournaments that are not played and have incurred running costs are to be paid by the host school.