
Winter 2022

Choose the activity below by difficulty: Mild (easiest to implement), medium (slightly more difficult or time consuming), spicy (more challenging & time consuming) 


Introduction to Bee Bots

Students explore Bee bots and gain a basic understanding of how they function. Students are introduced to the vocabulary "Algorithm" & "Sequence". 

NYS CS & DF Standards:



Bee Bot Counting Practice

Students gain familiarity with Bee Bots and use them to practice counting and to solve basic addition problems up to 10. 

NYS CS & DF Standards: 

K-1.CT.10, K-1.CT.9


Bee Bot Counting & Community Map

Make the medium activity even spicier by challenging students to naviagte to places on the community map

NYS CS & DF Standards: 

K-1.CT.10, K-1.CT.9