3rd Grade

Fall 2022

Choose the activity below by difficulty: Mild (easiest to implement), medium (slightly more difficult or time consuming), spicy (more challenging & time consuming)


Unplugged Scratch Charades

Students will be introduced to the computer science concept sequence by participating in Scratch Charades, an unplugged hands-on activity that fosters students' understanding of how Scratch's block-based language works by acting out and building scripts. A variety of activities are included below to provide the teacher with choice around best supporting their students' comprehension of this concept.

2-3.CT.9 Identify and debug errors within an algorithm or program that includes sequencing or repetition.


Animate a Name

In 1-2 work session, students pick a name or word and bring the letters to life in Scratch through animation, sound, and music.

2-3.CT.8 Identify steps within a task that should only be carried out under certain precise conditions.


Name Poem Unit

In this 6 lesson unit, students will begin their exploration of the Scratch programming platform. They will investigate the computer science concept of sequence through the Use - Modify - Create framework by first being introduced to the concept through a variety of multimodal activities, then exploring it in Scratch before creating their own original Name Poem project in Scratch incorporating this concept. Students will also collaborate on computational artifacts, debug problematic programs, provide feedback on each other's work, and reflect on their own progress throughout the unit.

2-3.CT.10 Develop and document a plan that outlines specific steps taken to complete a project