3rd Grade

Winter 2022

Choose the activity below by difficulty: Mild (easiest to implement), medium (slightly more difficult or time consuming), spicy (more challenging & time consuming) 


Candy Hunt

Students will help guide Timmy to get to the candy without touching any other foods! What's the shortest route? How many different ways (algorithms) can you lead Timmy to the Candy? 



Create a Maze in Scratch

Students learn to create a maze in Scratch. Previous Scratch experience is very helpful, check out the Fall Activities for more! 

2-3.CT.6, 2-3.CT.8, 2-3.CT.9


Edison Robot Mazes

Students program an Edison Robot to autonomously drive through simple and complex mazes. They will use a familiar looking programming website that mirrors Scratch. 

2-3.CT.6, 2-3.CT.8, 2-3.CT.9