2nd Grade

Winter 2022

Choose the activity below by difficulty: Mild (easiest to implement), medium (slightly more difficult or time consuming), spicy (more challenging & time consuming) 


Ruby's Dance Loops

Inspired by the book "Hello Ruby" (available at all ES Libraries), students create their own dances to help them understand the concept of "loops" in computer science. 



Ruby's Dance Loops + Scratch Jr. Dance Party

This 3 lesson sequence introduces students to Scratch Jr., focusing on sprites (characters), move blocks, loops, and event blocks to create a wild Scratch Jr. dance party!  

2-3.CT.9, 2-3.CT.6


Friendly Greetings in Scratch Jr. 

It's recommended that students complete the "medium" dance party sequence before tackling this more challenging project where students create an animation that demonstrates a friendly interaction between sprites using "talk blocks". 

2-3.CT.9, 2-3.CT.6