2nd Grade

Fall 2022

Choose the activity below by difficulty: Mild (easiest to implement), medium (slightly more difficult or time consuming), spicy (more challenging & time consuming)


A walk in the school

Students could write down possible steps to get from one room to another at school. Students can then compare their steps with their classmates to identify similarities and differences.



My Local Community with Ozobot*

Students will gain practice and familiarity with programming Ozobot Robots using the Ozobot Basic Training. Students will then plan and code a route to visit common buildings in their local community by programming the ozobot to turn left or right at an intersection, to turn around and go straight.

*It's recommended that if students have no experience with coding Ozobots with color codes, they complete the Ozobot basic training. (Try the Guided video lesson)


Sustainable Community with Ozobot

After understanding the basics of Ozobots, Students will create their own sustainable neighborhood and then code Ozobot to go on a tour of their neighborhood.