
standard 10

Students demonstrate their learning through performance-based assessments and have opportunities to develop self-assessment and self-monitoring skills


At Mathis Elementary School, students are given opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities of STEAM and the Engineering Design Process through authentic learning experiences. Teachers collaborate during grade level meetings to create common formative assessments that are given at the beginning and end of units of study. Based on these common assessments, they are able to see where our students' greatest needs are and drive their instruction to meet these needs. Additionally, teachers use programs supported by our district as progress monitoring tools such as STAR CBM. Students self-monitor by identifying their strengths and weaknesses targeting areas that need work.

Standard 10, Concept 1: Students engage in STEM-specific performance assessments that provide opportunities for public demonstrations of learning.

Heritage Day

Students created a 3D timeline of the history of our school and presented it at Heritage Day in Foley.

“Forever Foley” Community Project Nolte

STEM Competition Day at The University of South Alabama

Standard 10, Concept 2: Students engage in goal-setting, formative self-assessment, and reflections on learning.

Digital Journals

The student is reflecting on his learning, by applying his knowledge and understanding of measurements, by using non-standard units to measure the height of the timer.


Students reflect on the engineering process of roller coaster prototypes through class presentations.

Students engaged in formative self assessments through rubrics.