Key Considerations

Here is a list of suggestions you should consider in order to ensure safe and effective distance learning practice:

  • Leaders to outline provision and arrangements for 'distance learning' in order to ensure consistency and a baseline across the school.

  • Leaders to establish an effective method for communicating with staff

  • The school to identify a period of time during which teachers will be available to respond to enquiries from learners and parents (educational support)

  • The school to inform learners and parents of when teachers may be contacted. This time will be used to address any problems/concerns and to explain new tasks.

  • Provide guidelines for parents and learners on how to use the learning platform.

  • How will you co-ordinate and manage the volume of work presented to learners to complete?

  • How will you ensure variety and balance in the tasks delivered?

  • Leaders and staff to research and raise awareness of the principles and possibilities of 'distance learning'. Identify 'good practice'

  • Begin to raise awareness and experiment with new methods for distance learning, including different services and apps.

  • Do staff know where and how to seek support with distance learning and overcoming problems should they arise?