Dysgu o Bell

Distance Learning

Bydd nifer ohonoch yn darparu gwaith i ddisgyblion drwy wahanol gyfryngau digidol yn ystod y cyfnod ansicr hwn. Er mwyn eich cefnogi rydym wedi darparu canllawiau ac ystyriaethau penodol y dylech eu trafod gyda’ch staff i sicrhau defnydd priodol a diogel o’r cyfrwng hwn. Yn ogystal mae rhestr wirio ‘defnydd derbyniol’ y gallwch ei defnyddio gyda’ch disgyblion fel eu bod yn deall y disgwyliadau ohonynt.

Gan y bydd defnydd cynyddol o wasanaethau digidol dros yr wythnosau nesaf mae GwE yn coladu sawl ffynhonell arweiniad i’ch cefnogi beth bynnag i’w eich lefel o brofiad yn y maes. Fel man cychwyn mae arweiniad ar Google Classroom a Microsoft Teams wedi ei ddarparu. Byddwn yn ychwanegu mwy o arweiniad ar wahanol adnoddau sy’n cefnogi ‘dysgu o bell’ dros yr wythnosau nesaf.

Many of you will be providing work for pupils via different digital media during these uncertain times. To support you, we have provided guidelines and key considerations you should discuss with your staff in order to ensure appropriate and safe use of this medium. Additionally, there is an acceptable use check-list you can use with your pupils so that they understand what is expected of them.

As digital services will be used increasingly in the coming weeks, GwE is collating several sources of guidance to support you, whatever your level of experience in this area. As a starting point, guidance on Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams is provided. Further guidance on different resources that support distance learning will be added in the coming weeks.

Microsoft Support