Just2easy Support

Just2easy support for teachers

Just2easy have created a website and a pack that helps teachers prepare for distance learning. Please click on the links below.



Below are a series of links and documents that will also help with distance learning using Just2easy.

How to create classes and groups within Just2easy

Managing Classes Google Docs.docx

To enable easy sharing of work with pupils it is essential to create a class or group within Just2easy. The document to the left shows exactly how to do this.

* Important - Users that have logged in via Hwb will automatically be added to their school account once they have logged into the software via Hwb. If pupils are not yet logged in, teachers will not be able to add them to a class.

How to share and set work / homework for the pupils


Available tools

There are a number of different tools available through the Just2easy platform. Below are a series of tools that are popular.

A full list of software can be found here - https://just2easy.com/tools/index.html


Pupils have the ability to use j2e5 just like a piece of digital paper.

(Watch out for the video on the side of the page)


J2e Infant Tools (JIT)

J2e Infant Tools (JIT5) is a set of online educational tools designed specifically for younger learners. It has a colourful and friendly look that appeals to reception and KS1, while tools such as a chart are useful for KS2.

(Watch out for the video on the side of the page)



J2code is a coding resource that offers four differentiated platforms.

(Watch out for the video on the side of the page)



Starting with the youngest learners using a pictogram, then progressing through a chart, branch and database, there is a tool that is appropriate for all ages from 4 upwards.

(Watch out for the video on the side of the page)



Tt blast encourages pupils to learn maths as they do what comes naturally; play and compete against each other. As they progress through the levels, the questions automatically adjust to the pupils' ability so that they never find them too easy or too difficult.

(Watch out for the video on the side of the page)


Spell blast

Spell blast encourages pupils to learn to spell as they do what comes naturally; play and compete against each other. As they progress through the levels, the words automatically adjust to the pupils' ability so that they never find them too easy or too difficult.

(Watch out for the video on the side of the page)
