
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 9.7.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch i edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.



Yr wythnos hon, hoffwn i chi edrych yn ôl ar eich amser ym mlwyddyn 2 a nodi'ch hoff atgofion i lawr. Beth oedd yr hoff beth a ddysgoch chi? Beth oedd eich hoff weithgaredd allanol? Beth oedd yr hoff lyfr a ddarllenoch chi?

Defnyddiwch y templed isod i lenwi eich atgofion i mewn neu gallwch greu un eich hunain. Edrychwn ymlaen i weld eich gwaith.

This week, we would like you to look back at your time in year 2 and note your favourite memories. What was the favourite thing you learnt about? What was your favourite outdoor activity? Which book was your favourite?

Use the template below to fill with your memories or you are more than welcome to create your own. We look forward to seeing your work.

Os na hoffech gwblhau taflen fel yr un uchod, beth am recordio eich hunain yn trafod eich blwyddyn? Defnyddiwch Seesaw i esbonio i ni beth yw'r hoff bethau rydych wedi'i ddysgu eleni.

If you do not wish to complete a worksheet like the one above, how about recording yourselves discussing your year? Use Seesaw to explain to us what were your favourite things about this year.


Fel yr ydych yn gwybod, rydyn ni wedi bod yn dathlu pen-blwydd Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân yn 30 eleni. Beth am i chi dynnu llun y tri arth yn cael parti? Beth sydd ei angen mewn parti? Balŵns, cacen, gemau? Edrychwn ymlaen i weld eich gwaith!

Defnyddiwch y camau isod i'ch helpu i dynnu llun arth os yr hoffech.

As you know, we have been celebrating Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân's 30th birthday this year. How about drawing a picture of the three bears at a party? What do we see at parties? Balloons, cake, games? We look fowrad to seeing your work!

Use the steps below to help you draw a picture of a bear if you wish.

Addysg Gorfforol / Physical Education:

Dewch i wylio'r fideo canlynol ar ioga i blant.

Mae'r bennod hon yn diolch am yr haul a'r enfys.

Come and watch the following video on yoga for children.

This episode is thankful for the sun and the rainbow.

Gwaith Cartref / Homework:

Iaith / Language:

Beth am chwarae rhai gemau i gloi eich amser ym mlwyddyn 2? Dewiswch rai gemau iaith drwy glicio ar y lincs isod.

How about playing some games to finish your time at year 2? Choose some of the language games by clicking on the links below.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Ry'n ni wedi bod yn adolygu ein gwaith ar ddweud yr amser ar glociau analog a digidol yr wythnos hon. Beth am chwarae rhai o'r gemau isod i'ch helpu?

We have been revising our work on telling the time with analogue and digital clocks this week. How about playing some of the games below to help you?