11.1.21 - 15.1.21

Cofiwch y gallwch chi ddangos eich gwaith i mi drwy ei uwchlwytho ar 'Seesaw'. Gweler y llythyr yn eich llyfr gwaith cartref am ragor o fanylion.

Remember you can show me your work by uploading it on 'Seesaw'. Please see the letter in your homework book for more information.

Diolch, Miss Hughes

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Wythnos 11.1.2021-15.1.2021 / Week 11.1.2021-15.1.2021:

Sillafu / Spelling:

Dyma rai geiriau allweddol i chi ymarfer yr wythnos hon. Cofiwch i'w hymarfer yn ddyddiol a cheisiwch eu sillafu drwy ddefnyddio'r dulliau isod: / Here are some key words to practise this week. Remember to practise them daily and practise spelling them by using some of the methods below:

wedi (after) / hefyd (too) / daeth (come)/ symud (move) / gallu (can) / meddai (said) / lliwiau (colours)

Cliciwch ar y linc i glywed sut i ynganu'r geiriau. / Click on the link to hear how to pronounce these words.

Jig-sos / Jigsaws

Ysgrifennwch y geiriau ar ddarnau o bapur neu ar gerdyn. Torrwch stribedi gydag un llythyren ar un stribyn. Rhowch y llythrennau nôl at ei gilydd i greu'r gair. / Write the words on pieces of paper or card. Cut out strips with one letter on each strip. Put the letters back together to make the word.

Teipio nhw / Type them

Beth am deipio'r geiriau ar y gliniadur neu ar gyfrifiadur. Chwaraewch gyda'r ffont a'r lliwiau. / How about typing the words on the laptop or computer. Play around with the font and the colour.

'Naughts and crosses'

Sillafwch y geiriau yn y grid. Ewch ati i chwarae'r gêm a dywedwch y gair lle rydych yn gosod eich 'o' neu 'x'. / Spell the words in the grid. Play the game and say the word where you have placed your 'o' or 'x'.

Llyfr yr Wythnos / Book of the Week

Llyfr yr wythnos hon yw 'Ia - Hŵ meddai gwdihŵ'. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i ddarllen hi eich hunain neu gwyliwch y fideo i glywed Miss Hughes yn ei ddarllen.

This week's book is 'Ia - Hŵ meddai gwdihŵ'. Click on the link below to read it yourself or watch the video to listen to Miss Hughes reading it.

Ia-hw meddai gwdihw
Ia-hw meddai gwdihw.mp4

Dydd Llun 11.1.2021 / Monday 11.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work:

Cliciwch ar y flipgrid i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Defnyddiwch eich cyfeiriau e-bost Hwb, gallwch ffeindio hwn tu fewn i glawr eich llyfr gwaith cartref (...@hwbcymru.net).

Click on the flipgrid to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.

Use your Hwb email address which you can find in the front of your homework book (...@hwbcymru.net).

(Flipgrid - kyffinwilliams - Join with Google)

Darllen / Reading:

Ydych chi'n gallu darllen y brawddegau llwyd Tric a Chlic isod a mynd ati i ateb y cwestiynau arnynt?

Can you read the following grey Tric a Chlic sentences before answering questions on them?

  1. Ble oedd y ffon? / Where was the stick?

  2. Ble oedd mam? / Where was mam?

  3. Beth sydd gyda'r bêl? / What was with the ball?

  4. Pa liw oedd y tân? / What was the fire's colour?

  5. Ble oedd y car? / Where was the car?

  6. Ble oedd y cŵn? / Where were the dogs?

  7. O ble ddaeth y dŵr? / Where did the water come from?

  8. Ble oedd y cwch? / Where was the boat?

  1. Wrth y dŵr / By the water

  2. Yn y gêm / At the game

  3. Bat

  4. Coch / Red

  5. Ar y lôn / On the lane

  6. Yn y car / In the car

  7. O'r tap / From the tap

  8. Ar y môr / At sea

Ysgrifennu / Writing

Ydych chi'n gallu ail-drefnu'r geiriau isod i greu geiriau o gam llwyd Tric a Chlic? Beth am fynd ati i ysgrifennu brawddegau yn cynnwys y geiriau yma hefyd?

Can you rearrange the words below to make words from the grey stage of Tric a Chlic? How about writing a few sentences including these words too?

Beth am chwarae'r gêm isod i gyfateb y geiriau llwyd gyda'r lluniau cywir?

How about playing the game below to match the grey words with the correct pictures?

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.

Maths 11.1.21.mp4

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Rydyn ni'n mynd i edrych ar luosi a rhannu'r wythnos hon. Dewch i ni fynd dros y tablau, gwrandewch a chanwch y caneuon / rapiau isod. / We will be looking at multiplication and division this week. Let us go over the times tables, listen and sing the songs / raps below.

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm ganlynol ar luosi cyn cyflawni'r tasg sy'n dilyn. / Come and play the game below on multiplication before completing the task that follows.

Tasg / Task:

Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r symiau lluosi isod? Edrychwch ar yr enghraifft isod i weld esboniad o beth sydd angen ei wneud. / Can you complete the sums below? Look at the example below to see an explanation of what to do.

Thema / Theme:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wrando ar y gân 'Teithio'.

Click on the link to listen to the 'Teithio' (Travel) song.

Mae llawer o wahanol ffyrdd o deithio o un lle i'r llall.

Faint o wahanol ffyrdd o deithio gallwch chi weld yn y darlun hwn?

There are many different ways to travel from one place to another.

How many different modes of transport can you see in this picture?

Mae rhai cerbydau yn defnyddio olwynion i symud dros y tir.

Tasg: Didolwch y cerbydau isod i rai sydd gydag olwynion a rhai sydd heb olwynion. Copïwch y tabl a gwnewch luniau o'r cerbydau yn y golofn gywir.

Some vehicles use wheels to move over land.

Task: Sort the vehicles below into those with wheels and those without. Copy the table and draw the vehicles in the correct column.


Dydd Mawrth 12.1.2021 / Tuesday 12.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work:

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.

_Iaith d.Mawrth - PowerPoint Slide Show - Iaith d.Mawrth.mp4

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen gyda ni ac atebwch y cwestiynau isod. Gallwch ddarllen y testun yn annibynnol, neu cliciwch ar y fideo i glywed Miss Emery yn ei ddarllen. /

Come and read with us and answer the questions below. You can read the text independently, or click on the video to listen to Miss Emery reading.

1) Beth yw teitl y gerdd? / What is the poem's title?

2) Erbyn pryd mae'r haul yn cilio? / The sun retire's (cilio) by when?

3) Beth sy'n odli gyda'r gair 'te'? / What rhymes with the word 'te'?

4) Beth a gawn erbyn diwedd y p'nawn? / What will we get by the end of the afternoon?

5) Beth sy'n odli gyda'r gair 'taranau'? / What rhymes with the word 'taranau'?

6) Pan gododd y bachgen, edrychodd yn beth? / When the boy woke up, he looked what?

7) Pa liw oedd y byd? / What colour was the world?

8) Beth yw ystyr y gair 'celwydd'? / What does the word 'celwydd' mean?

1) Dyn y Tywydd

2) Amser cinio / Dinner time

3) De

4) Cawodydd / Showers

5) Glannau / Shores

6) Syn / Puzzled

7) Wyn / White

8) Lie

Ysgrifennu / Writing

Gwrandewch ar lyfr yr wythnos (ar frig y dudalen yma) unwaith eto cyn mynd ati i gwblhau'r dasg ganlynol. Ydych chi'n gallu ail-drefnu'r geiriau i greu brawddegau o'r llyfr 'Ia - Hŵ meddai gwdihŵ'? Edrychwch yn y llyfr i ffeindio'r brawddegau cywir. Cofiwch fod priflythyren ar ddechrau brawddeg ac atalnod llawn ar y diwedd.

Listen to the book of the week (at the top of this page) once again before completing the following task. Can you rearrange the words below to make sentences from the book 'Ia - Hŵ meddai gwdihŵ'? Chlic? Search in the book to find the correct sentences. Remember that there is a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a full stop at the end.

Atebion / Answers:

  • Aderyn y nos yw'r dylluan.

  • Aderyn sy'n gallu gweld yn y tywyllwch.

  • Ond roedd y dylluan fach hon yn wahanol.

  • "Ia - Hŵ meddai gwdihŵ."

  • Roedd yr awyr yn binc cynnes, cyffrous.

  • Ond roedd yr haul yn dal i wenu.

Gêm iaith / Language game

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm ganlynol ar eiriau llwyd Tric a Chlic. / Come and play the following game on the grey Tric a Chlic words.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.

Maths 12.1.21.mp4

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Dyma'r caneuon / rapiau os hoffech chi ymarfer. / Here are the songs / raps if you would like to practise.

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm yma heddiw i wella eich dealltwriaeth cyn cyflawni'r tasg sy'n dilyn. Dewiswch y botwm 'Times tables'. / Come and play this game today to work on your understanding before completing the task that follows. Choose the 'Times tables' button.

Tasg / Task:

Atebwch y cwestiynau lluosi isod. Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi. / Answer the multiplication questions below. Choose the most suitable set for you.

Set A

Set B

Byddwch yn ofalus gyda'r set yma, efallai bydd angen newid rhai symiau rownd er mwyn i chi eu cwblhau e.e. 3 x 7 = , dydyn ni ddim yn gwybod tabl 7 ond rydyn ni'n gwybod tabl 3, newidiwch i 7 x 3 = / Be careful with this set, maybe you will need to change some sums around to complete them i.e. 3 x 7 = , we don't know the7 times tables yet but we do know the 3 times table, change the sum to 7 x 3 = .

Set C

Thema / Theme:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio rhaglen Oli Wyn ble mae'n dangos cerbyd arbennig sy'n cludo cychod o'r doc sych i'r harbwr.

Click on the link to watch the 'Oli Wyn' programme where it shows a special vehicle that carries boats from the dry dock to the harbour.

Arbrawf arnofio neu suddo / Float or sink experiment.

Mae'n rhaid i gychod arnofio. Rydych am arbrofi i weld pa bethau o’n cwmpas sydd yn arnofio, a pha rai sydd yn suddo. Gyda help oedolyn, casglwch eitemau o amgylch y tŷ, neu’r ardd, i wneud yr arbrawf.

Defnyddiwch bowlen fawr yn llawn o ddŵr a rhoi un eitem ar y tro ynddo. Dyfalwch beth fydd yn digwydd i bob un, cyn eu gollwng i mewn. Cofnodwch ar lun o’r môr, fel isod. Gwnewch luniau ohonynt yn arnofio fel y cwch neu’n suddo fel yr angor.

Boats have to float. You are going to experiment to see which day to day objects float, and which sink. With the help of an adult, collect objects from around the house, or garden, to carry out the experiment.

Use a large bowl full of water and place one item in at a time. Predict what will happen to each one, before dropping them in. Record your findings on a picture of the sea, as below. Draw each object floating like the boat or sinking like the anchor.

Arnofio a suddo.pdf

Dydd Mercher 13.1.2021 / Wednesday 13.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.

Iaith 13.1.21.mp4

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen gyda ni ac atebwch y cwestiynau isod. Gallwch ddarllen y testun yn annibynnol, neu cliciwch ar y fideo i glywed Miss Hughes yn ei ddarllen. /

Come and read with us and answer the questions below. You can read the text independently, or click on the video to listen to Miss Hughes reading.

1) Beth yw teitl y gerdd? / What is the poem's title?

2) Beth mae'r diwrnod wedi'i wneud? / What has happened to the day?

3) Beth mae'r blodau wedi'u gwneud? / What have the flowers done'?

4) Beth mae'r adar yn ei wneud yn y bennill gyntaf? / What are the birds doing in the first verse?

5) Pwy sy'n canu? / Who is singing?

6) Ble mae'r gwersi'n cael eu cynnal? / Where are the lessons being held?

7) Dysgu dala beth fydd y cywion yn ei wneud? / What will the chicks learn to catch?

8) Beth maen nhw am ddysgu i wneud yn y bennill olaf? / What will they learn to do in the last verse?

1) Ysgol yr adar bach

2) Deffro / It has woken up

3) Wedi gwisgo / Dressed

4) Dawnsio / Dancing

5) Mrs Dryw

6) Yn yr ardd / In the garden

7) Mwydon / Worms

8) Sut i hedfan / How to fly

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

Tylluan yw'r aderyn sydd yn stori'r wythnos hon. Yn y gair 'tylluan' mae'r llythyren ddwbl 'll'. Rydyn ni yn aml yn drysu rhwng y llythrennau dwbl 'll' a 'ch'. Heddiw, rydyn ni'n mynd i wneud gwaith yn didoli geiriau sy'n cynnwys y ddwy lythyren yma. Edrychwch yn ofalus ar y lluniau â'r geiriau oddi tanynt. Mae'r llythrennau dwbl ar goll. Rhaid gosod y geiriau mewn tabl o dan y llythyren gywir. Edrychwch isod am esiampl. Ydych chi'n gallu meddwl am fwy o eiriau sy'n cynnwys 'll' neu 'ch?

The bird in this week's story is an owl (tylluan). The double letter 'll' is in the word tylluan. We often get confused between the double letters 'll' and 'ch'. Today, we are going to sort words that contain these letters. look carefully at the pictures with the words underneath. The double letters are missing. Sort the words into the table underneath the correct letter. Please see below for examples. Can you think of other words that contain 'll' or 'ch'?

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm parau i ffeindio'r geiriau sy'n cynnwys y lythyren ddwbl 'll'.

Come and play this pairing game to find the words that include the double letter 'll'.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your maths work today.

Maths 13.1.21.mp4

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Rydyn ni'n mynd i symud ymlaen i gwblhau gwaith rhannu heddiw. Dewch i chwarae'r gêm ganlynol i wella eich dealltwriaeth ohono cyn cyflawni'r tasg sy'n dilyn. / We will be moving on to division work today. Click on the link below to work on your understanding of it before completing the task that follows.

Defnyddiwch eich sgiliau lluosi (cyfri ymlaen), i helpu chi gyda'r cwestiynau rhannu isod. Edrychwch ar yr ail rif i weld pa rif rydyn ni'n cyfri ymlaen fesul yna chyfrwch ymlaen tan ni'n cyrraedd y rhif cyntaf. Sawl bys sydd i fyny gyda chi? Dyna'r ateb! / Use your multiplication skills (counting on), to help you with the division questions below. Look at the second number to see what times table we need, chant your times table until you reach the 1st number. How many fingers do you have up? That's the answer!

Set A

Set B

Set C

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm trên i gyfnerthu eich dealltwriaeth o luosi a rhannu. / Come and play the train game to consolidate your understanding of multiplication and division.

Thema / Theme:

Mae dyluniad cerbydau wedi newid llawer dros y blynyddoedd. Cliciwch ar y linc i gymharu cerbydau hen a newydd.

Vehicle design has changed a lot over the years. Click on the link to compare old and new vehicles.

Trafnidiaeth hen a newydd

Dylunio awyren / Designing an aeroplane.

Tasg: Dyluniwch awyren newydd sbon. Gallwch chi fod mor greadigol ag y dymunwch, gadewch i'ch dychymyg hedfan. Cofiwch gynnwys prif rannau awyren a'u labelu fel y dangosir yn y llun isod.

Task: Design a brand new aircraft. You can be as creative as you like, let your imagination fly. Remember to include the main parts of an aircraft and label them as shown in the picture below.


Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language events:

Bydd Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiwn ymarfer corff heddiw am 3:30yh ar Zoom. Gweler yr hysbyseb am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise will be holding a Welsh exercise session today at 3:30pm on Zoom. See the flyer for more information.

Dydd Iau 14.1.2021 / Thursday 14.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.

Iaith 14.1.21.mp4

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen gyda ni ac atebwch y cwestiynau isod. Gallwch ddarllen y testun yn annibynnol, neu cliciwch ar y fideo i glywed Miss Emery yn ei ddarllen. /

Come and read with us and answer the questions below. You can read the text independently, or click on the video to listen to Miss Emery reading.

1) Beth yw teitl y gerdd? / What is the poem's title?

2) Pwy yw'r bardd? / Who is the poet?

3) Pa liwiau sy'n bwysig yn y gerdd yma? / Which colours are important in this poem?

4) Pa ansoddair sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio i ddisgrifio'r cylchgronau? / What adjective is used to describe the magazine?

5) Beth sy'n digwydd i'r planhigion, gwair a dail? / What happens to the plants, grass and leaves?

6) Pa fath o boteli sy'n mynd yn y bin gwyn? / What kind of bottles go in the white bin?

7) O ble mae'r tuniau yn dod? / Where do the tins come from?

8) Pa liwiau sy'n bwysig yn eich tŷ chi? / What colours are important in your house?

Atebion / Answers:

1) Lliwiau

2) Hedd ap Emlyn

3) Glas, gwyrdd, gwyn a du / Blue, green, white and black

4) Drud / Expensive

5) Troi yn gompost / Turn to compost

6) Plastig / Plastic

7) O'r siop / The shop

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

Eich tasg ysgrifenedig heddiw yw labelu llun o dylluan. Mae enghraifft isod, ond gallwch dynnu llun tylluan yn eich llyfrau gwaith cartref a mynd ati i'w labelu eich hunain. Mae geiriau o rannau corff y dylluan ar y gwaelod. Ceisiwch ddisgrifio'r dylluan hefyd gan ddefnyddio ansoddeiriau. Efallai yr hoffech ddweud fod gan y dylluan grafangau 'miniog' neu lygaid 'enfawr'.

Ewch ati i ysgrifennu brawddegau llawn yn disgrifio'r dylluan gan ddefnyddio'r patrwm iaith:

Mae gan y dylluan ....

Your written task today is to label an owl. There is an example below, but you can also draw a picture of an owl in your workbooks and label it yourself. There are words to help you with parts of the owl's body below. Try to describe the owl too by using adjectives. Perhaps you would like to describe the owl's talons as 'sharp' (miniog) or her eyes as 'large' (enfawr).

Write sentences to describe the owl by using the language pattern:

Mae gan y dylluan....

(The owl has....)

Ydych chi yn gallu chwarae'r gêm isod i ddidoli rhwng y geiriau sy'n cynnwys y llythrennau dwbl 'ch' a 'll'?

Can you play the following game to sort words that include the double letters 'ch' and 'll'?

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your maths work today.

Maths 14.1.21 .mp4

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Gallech hefyd chwarae'r gêm isod sy'n canolbwyntio ar luosi fel eich sesiwn mathemateg pen. / You can also play the game below that concentrates on multiplication as your mental maths session.

Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i ddefnyddio ein sgiliau lluosi i ddatrys problemau. Ydych chi'n gallu datrys y problemau isod? Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi. / Today we are going to use our multiplication skills to solve problems. Can you solve the problems below? Choose the most suitable set for you.

Byddwch yn ofalus, efallai bydd angen newid rhai symiau o amgylch er mwyn i chi eu cwblhau eto . / Be careful, maybe you will need to change some sums around to complete them again.

Set A

Set B

Set C

Thema / Theme:

Amser dawnsio / Dancing time

Heddiw, rydych am ddawnsio i ‘Gân y beic' gyda Huw. Mwynhewch.

Today, you are going to dance to the 'Cân y beic' (Bike song) song with Huw. Enjoy.

Beth am ddysgu canu’r gân? Dyma linc i’r gân a’r geiriau.

Why don’t you learn to sing the song? Here is a link to the song and lyrics.


Dydd Gwener 15.1.2021 / Friday 15.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith iaith heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your language work today.

Iaith 15.1.21.mp4

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen gyda ni ac atebwch y cwestiynau isod. Gallwch ddarllen y testun yn annibynnol, neu cliciwch ar y fideo i glywed Miss Hughes yn ei ddarllen. /

Come and read with us and answer the questions below. You can read the text independently, or click on the video to listen to Miss Hughes reading.

Anifeiliaid y nos - Google Slides.mp4

1) Pryd mae anifeiliaid nosol yn cysgu? / When do nocturnal animals sleep?

2) Beth mae'r rhan fwyaf o anifeiliaid nosol yn gallu ei wneud yn dda? / What can most nocturnal animals do well?

3) Beth sy'n arbennig amdanynt, i'w helpu i weld yn dda? / What is special about them to help them see?

4) Pa ddau anifail yn y testun sydd ag adenydd? / Which two animals in the text have wings?

5) Beth sydd gan dylluanod sy'n fawr iawn i gymharu â gweddill eu cyrff? / What have owls got that are very large compared to the rest of their bodies?

6) Ydych chi'n gallu meddwl am fwy o anifeiliaid nosol? / Can you thing of other nocturnal animals?

7) Rhestrwch yr anifeiliaid yn nhrefn yr wyddor. / Order the animals alphabetically.

Atebion / Answers:

1) Yn ystod y dydd / During the day

2) Clywed / Hear

3) Llygaid / Eyes

4) Ystlum a tylluan / Bat and owl

5) Llygaid / Eyes

Beth am wylio'r clip isod sy'n son ychydig mwy am y gwahaniaeth rhwng anifeiliaid nosol a dyddiol? / How about watching the following clip that discusses the differences between nocturnal and diurnal animals?

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

Eich tasg ysgrifenedig heddiw yw i greu ffeil o ffeithiau am dylluan, neu anifail nosol arall o'ch dewis. Mae ychydig o wybodaeth am y dylluan wen a'r draenog isod i chi eu defnyddio, ond gallwch ddarganfod llawer o wybodaeth drwy edrych ar y gwefanau isod hefyd. Mae templed ar gael i chi isod, neu gallwch greu ffeil o ffeithiau eich hunain yn eich llyfrau gwaith. Cofiwch ddefnyddio'r patrymau iaith isod:

Mae gan y dylluan / draenog....

Mae'r dylluan / draenog yn gallu...

Mae'r dylluan / draenog yn hoffi...

Your written task for today is to create a fact file about the owl or another nocturnal animal of your choice. Some information about the barn owl and hedgehog is below for you to use, but there is a lot of information about these animals on the websites below. There is a template for you below, or you can create your own in your workbooks. Remember to use the following language patterns:

Mae gan y dylluan / draenog... (The owl / hedgehog has...)

Mae'r dylluan / draenog yn gallu... (The owl / hedgehog can...)

Mae'r dylluan / draenog yn hoffi... (The owl / hedgehog likes...)

ffeil o ffeithiau.pdf

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Cliciwch ar y fideo i weld cyflwyniad byr o'r hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud ar gyfer eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Click on the video to see a short introduction on what you need to do for your maths work today.

Maths 15.1.21.mp4

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm isod i ail-ymweld â'ch sgiliau rhannu. Dewis yr opsiwn 'Division'. / Come and play the game below to revisit your division skills. Choose the 'Division' option.

Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i ddefnyddio ein sgiliau rhannu i ddatrys problemau. Ydych chi'n gallu datrys y problemau isod, beth yw'r swm? Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi a dangoswch eich dulliau cyfrifo.

Today we are going to use our division skills to solve problems. Can you solve the problems below, what's the sum? Choose the most suitable set for you and show your calculations.

Set A

Set B

Set C

Thema / Theme:

Arlunio cerbydau / Drawing vehicles

Dilynwch y camau isod i ddysgu sut i arlunio car, roced neu awyren. Addurnwch eich cerbyd yn lliwgar a rhowch gefndir i'r llun.

Anfonwch lun o'ch darlun i ni ar 'Seesaw'.

Follow the steps below to learn how to draw a car, rocket or aeroplane. Colourfully decorate your vehicle and give it a background.

Send us a photograph of your drawing on 'Seesaw'.

Arlunio car.pdf
Arlunio roced.pdf
Arlunio awyren.pdf