

Iaith - Llythyren yr wythnos / Language - Letter of the week:

Rydyn ni wedi edrych ar y llythrennau 'm, a, p' dros y tair wythnos ddiwethaf. Ydych chi'n gallu cwblhau'r tri gweithgaredd syml isod?

  • Ffurfio'r llythrennau gyda phethau naturiol.

  • Edrych am y llythrennau yn eich ardal leol / cartref.

  • Dysgu un gair wrth eich teulu sy'n dechrau gyda'r llythrennau. ('m' am ... , 'a' am ... , 'p' am ... )

We have looked at the letters 'm, a, p' over the last three weeks. Can you complete the three simple activities below?

  • Form the letters using natural things.

  • Look for the letters in your local area / home.

  • Teach your family one word that starts with the letter. ('m' am (for) ... , 'a' am (for) ... , 'p' am (for) ... )

Datblygu eich gafael pensil drwy wneud marciau fel yr isod neu ffurfio'r llythrennau 'm, a, p'.

Develop your pencil grip by making marks like the below or by forming the letters 'm, a, p'.

Mathemateg / Mathematics :

Rydyn ni wedi edrych ar drefnu rhifau gan ddechrau o fannau gwahanol yr wythnos hon (e.e. 4, 5, 6 a.y.b.). Ydych chi'n gallu chwarae'r gêm isod i ymarfer a datblygu'r sgil yma?

We have been looking at ordering number by starting at different points this week (e.e. 4, 5, 6 etc ). Can you play the game below to practise and develop this skill?

*** Plîs anogwch eich plentyn i ddefnyddio'r rhifau Cymraeg, nid Saesneg. Diolch.

*** Please encourage your child to use the Welsh numbers rather than the English. Thank you.

Dewis yr opsiwn / Choose the option:

'sequencing : counting in ones : 1 - 10

Pori Drwy Stori

Yr wythnos nesaf byddwn yn edrych ar y rhigwm Pum Hwyaden (cyfeiriwch at Wythnos 1). Mae'r linc isod.

Next week we will be looking at the rhyme 'Pum Hwyaden' (refer to Week 1). The link is below.