Gwaith Cartref / Homework


Iaith - Llythyren yr wythnos / Language - Letter of the week:

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni wedi bod yn edrych ar y llythyren 'a'. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wrando ar y gân ac i ddysgu'r ffordd gywir i'w ffurfio.

This week, we have been looking at the letter 'a'. Click on the link below to listen to the song and to learn the correct way to form it.

Ydych chi'n gallu ffurfio'r llythyren 'a' gyda phethau naturiol? Ydych chi'n gallu sylwi ar 'a' mewn geiriau o gwmpas y tŷ / wrth fynd am dro?

Can you form the letter 'a' using natural objects? Can you notice 'a' in words around the house / when going for a walk?

Mathemateg / Mathematics :

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn ymarfer ein sgiliau cyfri ac adnabod rhifau 1 - 5 yr wythnos hon. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i gyfri gyda Cyw i 10.

We have been practising counting and recognising numbers 1 - 5 this week. Click on the link below to count to 10 with Cyw.

Ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer cyfri i o leiaf 5 a chasglu nifer cywir o wrthrychau naturiol i gyfateb?

Can you practise counting to at least 5 and collect the right amount of natural objects to match?

Lliw yr wythnos / Colour of the week

Coch oedd lliw'r wythnos yr wythnos hon. Aethon ni ar helfa i chwilio am bethau coch o gwmpas y dosbarth. Ydych chi'n gallu mynd ar helfa o gwmpas y tŷ i weld pa bethau coch sydd gyda chi? Tybed os oes unrhywbeth yn debyg. Edrychwch o gwmpas eich ardal leol hefyd.

Red was the colour of the week this week. We went on a hunt around the class to find things that were red. Can you go on a hunt around your house to find what things you have that are red? I wonder if you have anything similar. Look around your local area too.