
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 25.6.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema / Topic:

Mae'r traeth a'r profiad o fynd ar lan y môr wedi newid llawer dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Gwyliwch y clipiau isod a darllenwch y pwerbwynt i weld rhai o'r newidiadau yna.

Ydych chi'n gallu didoli'r lluniau i brofiadau 'ddoe' neu brofiadau 'heddiw'? Ydych chi wedi sylwi ar unrhyw beth sydd wedi aros yr un peth?

The beach and the experience of going to the seaside has changed a lot over the years. Watch the clip below and read the Powerpoint to see some of those changes.

Can you sort the pictures into experiences 'then' and experiences 'now'. Did you notice anything that has stayed the same?

Ar lan y mor ddoe a heddiw.ppt

Celf / Art:

Roedd sioeau 'Punch a Judy' yn boblogaidd iawn ar lan y môr amser maith yn nol. Mae sioeau ac adloniannau dal yn digwydd ar lan y môr ond o bosib mewn ffurf wahanol i'r sioeau hyn. Ydych chi'n gallu creu sioe bypedau eich hun? Defnyddiwch 'jync' ailgylchu neu tynnwch luniau ar ddarnau o bapur.

'Punch and Judy' shows were very popular at the seaside a long time ago. Shows and entertainment still happen at the seaside but maybe in different forms to these shows. Can you make puppets for your own show? Use recycling 'junk' or draw pictures on pieces of paper.

Addysg Gorfforol / Physical Education:

Dewch i wylio'r fideo canlynol ar ioga i blant.

Mae'r bennod hon yn canolbwyntio ar anadlu dros y tonnau.

Come and watch the following video on yoga for children.

This episode concentrates on breathing over the waves.

Gwaith Cartref / Homework:

Geiriau Sillafu/Spellings

Fedrwch chi ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau isod? / Can you practise spelling the following words?

mewn (in)

dweud (say)

rhai (some)

dydd (day)

enw (name)

Beth am ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau gan dorri llythrennau allan o hen gylchgronau neu bapurau newydd? Gweler enghraifft gerllaw.

How about practising spelling these words by cutting out the different letters from old magazines and newspapers? Please see the example below.


Patrymau Rhif/Number Sequences

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn cwblhau patrymau rhif yr wythnos hon. Fedrwch chi gwblhau’r patrymau rhif isod? Mae yna dri set o batrymau rhif gwahanol. Dewiswch un set i’w cwblhau.

This week, we have been completing different number patterns. Can you complete the patterns below? There are three sets of number patterns. Choose one set to complete.