
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 14.5.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema / Topic:

Tasg/ Task:

Ar ddydd Gwener, rydyn ni'n canolbwyntio ar Gymreictod. Mae'r lluniau isod yn ymwneud â Chymru.

Ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio'r lluniau fel atebion er mwyn ysgrifennu amrywiaeth o gwestiynau i rywun yn y tŷ? e.e. Mae'r ferch yn dweud 'Shwmae!' felly'r cwestiwn gyntaf fydd -Pa iaith ydyn ni'n siarad yng Nghymru?

On Friday, we focus on all things Welsh. The pictures below are to do with Wales.

Can you use the pictures as answers to write questions for someone in your house to answer? Eg. The girl says 'Shwmae!' so the question could be - What language do we speak in Wales?

Celf / Art:

Mae'r ddraig goch yn symbol pwysig i Gymru. Mae'r ddraig ar ein baner. Eich tasg chi yw tynnu llun neu greu draig goch.

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio'r camau ar sut i dynnu llun draig neu edrychwch ar y lluniau isod i greu draig.

The red dragon is an important symbol for Wales. The dragon is on our flag. Your task is to draw or create a red dragon.

Click on the link to watch a step by step guide on how to draw a dragon or look at the pictures below on how to create one.

Addysg Gorfforol / Physical Education:

Isod, mae lluniau amrywiaeth o symudiadau gwahanol. Ydych chi'n gallu dewis rhai (neu pob un!) o'r symudiadau isod a chyfri sawl un, neu am ba mor hir rydych chi'n gallu eu gwneud e.e. sawl hop, sgip, neu am ba mor hir rydych chi'n gallu cydbwyso ar un goes? Gofynnwch i oedolyn i'ch helpu i gadw cyfrif/ amseru.

Below, are pictures of different types of movement. Can you choose some (or all!) of the movements below and count how many or for how long you can do each e.g. how many skips, hops or for how long you can balance on one leg? Ask an adult to keep count/ help you to time yourself.

Gwaith Cartref / Homework:

Geiriau Sillafu /Spellings:

Fedrwch chi ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau isod? / Can you practise spelling the following words?

roedd (it was)

tŷ (house)

dyma (here is)

nhw (them)

Beth am ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau gan eu hysgrifennu fel graffiti/mewn llawysgrifen a lliwiau gwahanol? Gweler enghraifft isod.

Maybe you could practise these words by writing them like graffiti/in different handwriting and colours? Please see the example below..

Tasg /Task:

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni wedi bod yn gweithio gydag arian.

Fedrwch chi greu gwahanol gyfansymiau o arian gan ddewis darnau gwahanol?

Tynnwch lun yn y cadw-mi-gei o’r gwahanol ddarnau o arian fedrwch ddefnyddio i greu’r cyfansymiau.

Mae yna tair taflen wahanol. Dewiswch un i’w cwblhau.

This week, we have been working with money.

Could you create different amounts of money by choosing different coins?

Draw the different coins that you could use to create the totals in the piggy banks.

There are three different worksheets. Choose one to complete.