Gwaith Cartref / Homework


Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Yr wythnos hon, buon ni’n defnyddio’r arddodiaid i ddisgrifio lleoliad pethau gwahanol yn y dosbarth. Eich gwaith cartref yw i gopïo a chwblhau’r brawddegau isod gan ychwanegu’r arddodiad cywir i ddisgrifio lleoliad y bêl ym mhob llun. Defnyddiwch yr eirfa yn y tabl i’ch helpu.

This week, we have been using prepositions to describe the positions of different items in the class. Your homework this week is to copy and complete the sentences below by choosing the correct preposition to describe the position of the ball in each picture. Use the vocabulary in the table to help you.

*Tasg Ychwanegol / Additional Task:

Beth am guddio teganau neu eitemau gwahanol o amgylch y tŷ ac yna ymarfer defnyddio'r arddodiaid cywir i ddisgrifio ble mae pob un?

How about hiding toys or different items around the house and then using the correct prepositions to explain where they are?

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch y stori ‘Ble mae’r….?' ac yna atebwch y cwestiynau isod.

Read the story, ‘Ble mae’r…?' and then answer the questions below.

Ble mae’r moch? / Where are the pigs?

Ble mae’r cwch? / Where’s the boat?

Ble mae’r het? / Where’s the hat?

Ble mae’r car? / Where’s the car?

Ble mae'r heb sain 4).mp4

Cliciwch ar y linc yma i ddarllen y stori.

Click on this link to read the story.

ble mae'r .mp4

Cliciwch ar y linc yma i glywed Mrs Dalgleish yn darllen y stori .

Click on this link to hear Mrs Dalgleish reading the story.


Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw i adolygu ein gwaith arian. Fedrwch chi gyfrifo faint o arian sydd ym mhob cadw-mi-gei? Yna fedrwch chi greu cyfansymiau gan ddewis gwahanol ddarnau o arian? Mae yna tair set o gwestiynau. Dewiswch un i’w gwblhau.

Your homework this week is to revise our work on money. Can you calculate how much money is in each piggy bank? Could you then create totals by choosing different coins? There are three different sets of questions. Choose one set to complete.

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen y stori ‘Pêl Sam’ gyda fi.

Yna ewch ati i gyfateb y geiriau gyda’r lluniau.

Read ‘Pêl Sam’ with me.

Can you now match the words with the pictures?

darllen gyda Sam llyfr 4.mp4


Yr wythnos hon buon ni’n darllen, dysgu ac adrodd y gerdd ‘Dwy ran i’r corff’.

Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw, i greu collage neu lun o’ch hun.

Yna fedrwch chi labelu’r rhannau sydd gyda dwy ohonynt, e.e coesau?

Edrychwch ar yr enghreifftiau isod

This week we have been reading and reciting the poem 'Dwy ran i'r corff'.

Your homework this week is to create a picture or collage of yourselves.

Can you then label those parts that you have two of, i.e. legs?

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen ‘I mewn’. Cliciwch ar y linc.

Nawr fedrwch chi sillafu’r chwe gair isod o’r stori?

Mae’r llythrennau wedi cael eu cymysgu i fyny. Ail-drefnwch er mwyn eu sillafu’n gywir.

Now can you read ‘I mewn’? Click on the link.

Can you spell the six words below?

The letters have all been mixed up. Re-arrange the letters to spell the words correctly.

I mewn .mp4


Yr wythnos hon buon ni’n defnyddio ein dealltwriaeth o werth lle i drefnu rhifau o’r lleiaf i’r mwyaf.

Fedrwch chi nawr drefnu’r rhifau ar y nadroedd isod o’r lleiaf i’r mwyaf?

Gallwch dangos eich gwaith unrhyw ffordd yr hoffech. Gallwch greu ysgol er mwyn trefnu’r rhifau fel yn yr enghraifft isod;

This week, we have been using our understanding of place value to order numbers from lowest to highest.

Can you now order the numbers on the snakes below from lowest to highest?

You can display your work in any way you wish. You could create a ladder and use it to order the numbers like in the example below.


Beth am drio trefnu rhifau 3 digid?

How about ordering 3 digit numbers?

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen y llyfr ‘Y Caffi’ gyda fi. Cliciwch ar y linc.

Yna fedrwch chi dynnu llun neu rhestru’r diodydd/bwydydd sydd yn ymddangos yn y stori?

How about reading the book 'Y Caffi' with me? Click on the link.

Can you then draw or list the drinks/foods that appear in the story?

Y Caffi .mp4


Mae Nadolig yn agosau!

Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw i restru’r teganau sydd yn sach Sion Corn. Mae yna wyth eitem wahanol yn y sach. Gweler y llun gerllaw.

Ar ôl rhestru’r teganau, fedrwch chi lunio cwpl o frawddegau yn esbonio beth sydd yn y sach?

Dilynwch y patrwm isod;

Mae _______ yn y sach.

Christmas is getting closer!

Your homework this week is to list all the items in Santa’s sack. There are a total of eight items.

After you have listed the items, could you form a couple of sentences explaining what is in the sack?

Follow the sentence pattern below;

Mae _______ yn y sach./ There’s a _____ in the sack.

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen 'Yn y fan' gyda fi. Cliciwch ar y linc.

How about reading 'Yn y fan' with me? Click on the link.

Yn y fan.mp4

Mae chwe gair o’r stori yn y grid i'r dde. Fedrwch chi rhestru’r geiriau yn nhrefn yr wyddor?

Mae yna lun o’r wyddor isod i’ch helpu.

There are six words from the story in the grid to the right. Could you list the words in alphabetical order?

There is a picture of the alphabet below to help you.

Cliciwch ar y linc isod er mwyn chwarae gemau darllen a chyfateb gair a llun.

Click on the link to play reading and matching word games.


Yr wythnos hon dechreuon ni darllen yr amser ar gloc analog.

Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw i greu cloc. Gallwch ddefnyddio unrhyw adnoddau yr hoffech. Gallwch ddefnyddio papur a phensil neu adnoddau naturiol megis creigiau brigau a dail. Mae mwy o syniadau isod.

Ar ôl i chi creu eich cloc, fedrwch chi ei ddefnyddio i ddangos yr amseroedd gwahanol yn y tabl isod? Mae yna 3 set o amseroedd gwahanol. Dewiswch un set i’w cwblhau.

This week we have began telling the time on an analogue clock.

Your homework this week is to create your own clock. You can do this any way you wish. You could draw a clock on paper or alternatively you could use natural resources like stones, branches and leaves. There are more ideas in the pictures below.

After creating your clock could you then show the different times stated in the table below?

There are 3 different sets of times. Choose one set to complete.

Dewch i gwblhau gemau amser gan glicio ar y linc i'r chwith.

How about completing more time related activities by clicking onthe link to the right?

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen y stori ‘Nofio’ gyda fi/Read the story 'Nofio' with me.

Nawr atebwch y cwestiynau isod/Now answer the questions below;

1. Beth yw enw’r stori?/What is the name of the book?

2. Beth yw enw’r ferch yn y stori?/What is the name of the girl in the story?

3. Pwy ydy hi’n mynd nofio gyda?/Who does she go swimming with?

4. Beth ydy hi’n hoffi gwneud yn y pwll?/What does she like doing in the pool?

5. Beth ydy hi’n hoffi bwyta?/What does she like to eat?


Nadolig / Christmas:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Darllenwch lyfr / erthygl / cylchgrawn Cymraeg neu gwyliwch raglen Gymraeg dros y gwyliau.

Read a Welsh book / article / magazine or watch a Welsh television programme over the holiday.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Ewch ati i ymarfer rhai o eiriau'r tymor hwn.

Ysgrifennwch nhw / darllenwch nhw / sillafwch nhw'n gywir! Os nad ydych chi'n cofio ystyr rhai ohonynt, cofiwch edrych mewn geiriadur.

Practise some of this term's words;

mae roedd cath

ar mat cwch

dyma car sach

Write them / read them / spell them correctly! If you're unsure of the meaning of some of them, remember to check in a dictionary.

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Ydych chi'n gallu ymuno gyda her natur y Wildlife Trust? Mae'r Wildlife Trust wedi creu her '12 Days Wild'. Gweler gwybodaeth am yr her isod:

Can you join the Wildlife Trust '12 Days Wild' challenge? The Wildlife Trust has set a '12 Days Wild' challenge. See more information below:

A midwinter nature challenge

12 Days Wild is our mini Christmas challenge, encouraging you to do one wild thing a day from the 25th December to the 5th January. In those weird days between Christmas and New Year, winter wildlife is just waiting to be explored! Your wild acts could be little things to help nature - like recycling your Christmas tree or feeding the birds – or ways to connect to the natural world, like walking off your Christmas dinner in the woods or admiring the beauty of a winter sunset.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!