
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 9.7.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch i edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema / Topic:

Dweud 'Helo!' / Say 'Hello!'

Defnyddiwch y ddogfen i ddarganfod sut mae dweud 'helo' ymhob gwlad sydd wedi cynnal gêm Ewro 2020. Cyflwynwch hyn mewn ffordd o'ch dewis e.e. ar bapur / Adobe Spark / PwerBwynt / creu poster. Gallwch ddefnyddio rhai syniadau isod i'ch helpu.

Use the document to discover how to say 'hello' in every country that has hosted a Euro 2020 game. You can present this in a format of your choice e.g. on paper / Adobe Spark / Powerpoint / a poster. Use the ideas below to help you.


Celf / Art:

Dylunio logo / Design a logo

Bydd y Bencampwriaeth Ewropeaidd UEFA nesaf yn 2024 yn cael ei gynnal yn Yr Almaen. Germany will stage the next UEFA European Championship in 2024.

Tasg: Dyluniwch logo ar gyfer y twrnamaint. Mae rhai syniadau i'ch ysbrydoli chi isod.

Task: Design a logo for the tournament. There are some ideas for inspiration below.

Baner Yr Almaen /

German flag

Gwaith cartref / Homework:

Darllen / Reading:

Dyma'r wobr sydd ar gael i enillwyr twrnamaint Ewro 2020. Darllenwch amdano ac atebwch y cwestiynau isod.

Here is the prize for the winners of the Euro 2020 tournament. Read the information and answer the questions below.

1) What name is given to the trophy?

2) Name the Spanish captain that first lifted the updated trophy in June, 2008.

3) Name two roles that Henry Delaunay had.

4) From what material is the trophy made?

5) How tall and heavy was the original trophy?

6) In what year did Henry Delaunay die?

Sillafu / Spelling:

Words within Words:

How many words can you make from...?

European Championship

Mathemateg / Maths:

Ar gyfer * a **, defnyddiwch y cardiau 'top trumps' am wahanol chwaraewyr i ateb y cwestiynau. Cliciwch ar y saeth yng nghornel y ddogfen i weld gwybodaeth pob chwaraewr.

For * and **, use the player 'top trumps' cards to answer the questions. Click on the arrow in the top corner to view every player's information.

Dewiswch y lefel sydd orau i chi. Choose the level that suits you best.



Defnyddiwch >, < neu = i gymharu taldra'r chwaraewyr yma. Use >, < or = to compare the heights of these players.

Mathemateg 1.pdf


A) Ffeindiwch y gwahaniaeth rhwng taldra'r chwaraewyr yma. Find the difference in height between each pair of players.

1) Tomas Soucek a Georginio Wijnaldum

2) Andriy Yarmolenko a Luka Modric

3) Manuel Neuer a Marco Verratti

B) Cyfanswm pa set o dri chwaraewr sydd drymaf? Which set of three players is the heaviest when their weights are added together?

1) Robert Lewandoski + Emil Forsberg + David Alaba =

neu / or

2) Marek Hamsik + John McGinn + Granit Xhaka =

C) Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng pwysau'r chwaraewr trymaf ac ysgafnaf yn y setiau uchod?

What is the difference in weight between the heaviest and lightest player in the above sets?


Defnyddiwch y wybodaeth am stadiwm Wembley er mwyn ateb y cwestiynau. Use the information about Wembley stadium to answer the questions.

a) Un o'r stadia mwyaf yn Ewrop yw'r Bernabeu, cartref Real Madrid. Mae ganddo gapasiti o 81 044. Faint yn fwy yw capasiti stadiwm Wembley? One of the largest stadiums in Europe is the Bernabeu, home of Real Madrid. It has a capacity of 81 044. How much greater is the capacity of Wembley stadium?

b) Os bydd gêm Ewro 2020 yn Wembley yn cychwyn am 14:25 ac yn para am 90 munud gydag egwyl o 15 munud ar hanner amser, faint o'r gloch y bydd yn gorffen? Rhowch eich ateb gan ddefnyddio'r cloc 24 awr. If a Euro 2020 match at Wembley kicks off at 14:25 and lasts for 90 minutes with a 15 minute break at half time, what time will it finish? Give your answer using the 24-hour clock.

c) Faint yn fwy yw cylchedd y stadiwm nag uchder bwa'r to? How much greater is the circumference of the stadium than the height of the roof arch?

d) Os oedd stadiwm Wembley yn 3/4 llawn yn ystod gêm Ewro 2020 Lloegr yn erbyn Croatia, faint o bobl oedd yn bresennol yn y gêm? If Wembley stadium was 3/4 full during the England vs Croatia Euro 2020 game, how many people were in attendance at the match?

e) Os yw capasiti Wembley wedi'i gyfyngu i 35% o'i gapasiti llawn, faint o bobl fydd yno? If the capacity of Wembley is limited to 35% of its full capacity, how many people will it hold?

f) Os yw stadiwm Wembley yn llawn ar gyfer gêm Lloegr yn erbyn Denmarc ac o'r gwylwyr mae 3/5 yn oedolion a'r gweddill yn blant, faint o blant fydd yn bresennol yn y gêm? If Wembley stadium is full for the England vs Denmark game and 3/5 of the spectators are adults and the rest are children, how many children will be in attendance at the match?