8.2.2021 - 12.2.2021

Sesiwn dal lan yr wythnos / This week's catch up session:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 9:15am ar ddydd Mercher ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 9:15am a chlicio ar y ddolen. Cofwich ddefnyddio eich gwybodaeth Hwb chi i logio mewn.

Our live catch up session will take place at 9:15am on Wednesday on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 9:15am and click on the link. Remember to login using your Hwb details to access the meeting.

Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the week

Words of the week:

This week, we’re going to look at different spelling patterns. We’re going to look at words with ‘ough’ in them; words with ‘sh’ / ‘ch’ in them and words with ‘ture’ / ‘sure’ in them.

If you’d like to look more into these, see the links below:

Remember to practise this week’s words of the week, every day. Listen to the video to make sure you’re pronouncing each word correctly.

Task: Just a minute

‘ough’ words: How many words can you think of within a minute?

‘ch’ words: How many words can you think of within a minute?

‘ture’ words: How many words can you think of within a minute?

‘sure’ words: How many words can you think of within a minute?

Chwefror 8 - Geiriau'r wythnos

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Dydd Llun / Monday

Gwasanaeth / Assembly

Gwrandewch ar wasanaeth Miss Williams ar y thema 'Gwneud Ein Gorau Glas'.

Click here and listen to Miss Williams' assembly on the theme 'Trying Our Very Best'

gwasanaeth gwneud ein gorau glas.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn decrhau ar eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1: Darllen / Task 1: Reading

Bydd gwaith iaith yr wythnos hon yn seiliedig ar stori Mali a'r Morfil. Darllenwch y llyfr eich hun neu darllenwch a gwrandewch.

This week's literacy tasks will be based on the stori 'Mali a'r Morfil'. Read the book yourself or read along.

Mali a'r morfil - y stori

Mali a'r Morfil

Mali a'r Morfil.mp4

Tasg 2: Sillafu / Task 2: Spelling

1) Tynnwch lun neu amlinelliad o forfil. Gallwch ddewis un o'r fideos i'ch helpu chi. / Draw an outline of a whale. Choose one of the videos below to help you.

2) Dewiswch o leiaf 6 gair o'r llyfr i ymarfer sillafu. / Choose at least 6 words from the book to practise spelling.

3) Ysgrifennwch y geiriau gymaint o weithiau ag y gallwch o fewn amlinelliad eich llun. / Write the words as many times as you can within your drawing's outline.

Awgrymiadau: / Suggestions:

traeth (beach) morfil (whale) llanw (tide) arllwys (pour) croen (skin) sych (dry)

niwed (harm) anhapus (unhappy) gorau (best) anferth (huge) oedolion (adults)

lleuad (moon) symud (move) ysgwyd (shake) anghyffyrddus (uncomfortable)

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your Maths work today.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn yn gywir? Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi os ydych chi angen.

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer all questions correctly? Use the multiplication square if you need to.

Maths Pen 8.2.2021.pdf

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith. Atebwch y cwestiynau yma ar luosrifau. Mae tair her ar eich cyfer (*, **, ***) - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Watch the video before starting your work. Answer these questions on multiples. There are three challenges for you (*, **, ***) - choose the most appropriate challenge for you.

Diagram venn.pdf

Thema / Themed work:

Cyfrifiad 2021 / 2021 Census

Beth yw’r cyfrifad? / What is the census?

Mae’r cyfrifiad yn ffordd o gasglu gwybodaeth am yr holl bobl sy’n byw yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Mae’r cyfrifiad yn gofyn i bobl ateb cwestiynau yn seiliedig ar ble maen nhw’n byw, eu swyddi, eu hoedrannau a pha ieithoedd maen nhw’n siarad. Mae'r wybodaeth o'r cyfrifiad yn cael eu defnyddio i wella gwasanaethau fel ysgolion, ysbytai, trafnidiaeth a chartrefi. Mae’r cyfrifiad yn digwydd pob 10 mlynedd. Dyddiad y cyfrifiad nesaf yw 21ain o Fawrth 2021. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad i ddysgu mwy am y cyfrifiad.

The census is a way o collecting information about all the people who live in Wales and in England. The census is a questionnaire and asks people to answer questions about where they live, their jobs, their age and what languages they speak. The information from the census gets used to improve facilities such as schools, hospitals, transport and homes. The census takes place every 10 years. The next census will be held on the 21st March 2021. Watch the presentation to learn more.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Llunio cyfrifiad ysgol / Creating a school census:

Rydych chi’n mynd i helpu i gynnal cyfrifiad ysgol i ddarganfod gwybodaeth am ddisgyblion yr ysgol er mwyn i ni fedru cynllunio am y dyfodol. Pa gwestiynau ydych chi’n credu dylen ni ofyn? Pa wybodaeth ydyn ni am gasglu?

Defnyddiwch y rhaglen 'Forms' ar Hwb i greu eich holiadur. Gwyliwch gyflwyniad Miss Williams cyn cychwyn ar y dasg.

You are going to help us plan a school census so that we can find out information about the pupils in the school. This will help us plan for the future and make improvements. What questions do think we should ask? What would we want to know?

Use 'Forms' on Hwb to create your questionnaire. Watch Miss Williams' presentation before beginning the task.

sut i greu holiadur ar Forms.mp4

Gweithgareddau Chwaraeon Torfaen / Torfaen Sports Activities:

Mae Swyddogion Chwaraeon Torfaen wedi rhoi'r log yma at ei gilydd ar gyfer mis Chwefror. Beth am geisio rhai ohonyn nhw? / Torfaen sports team have put a log together full of challenges to complete in February. Why not have a go at some of them?

Dydd Mawrth /Tuesday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1: Coeden Thema / Task 1: Theme Tree

Llenwch goeden thema ar gyfer y stori 'Mali a'r Morfil'.

Complete a 'Theme Tree' activity based on the story of 'Mali a'r Morfil'.

Mali a'r morfil - y stori


Theme Tree - Coeden Thema Mali a'r MorfilG.pdf


Theme Tree - Coeden Thema Mali a'r Morfil C.pdf


Theme Tree - Coeden Thema Mali a'r Morfil.pdf

Awgrymiadau: / Tips:

1) Penderfynwch ar o leiaf 4 thema sydd i'w gweld yn y stori. Mae rhai wedi'u dewis i chi yn opsiwn * a **. Choose at least 4 themes that appear in the story. Themes have been chosen for you in options * and **.

2) Esboniwch pa ddarn o'r stori sy'n dangos y thema yna gan ddefnyddio brawddeg llawn. Explain which part of the story shows each of your chosen themes, using a full sentence.

3) Os ydych yn hyderus, defnyddiwch ddyfyniad o'r llyfr i brofi eich esboniad yng ngham 2. If you're feeling confident, use a quote from the book to prove your explanation in step 2.

e.e. Thema – Dyfalbarhad

Rydyn ni’n gweld dyfalbarhad yn y stori pan mae Mali, Dafydd a’u tad yn gweithio mor galed i achub y morfil. Dydyn nhw byth yn rhoi'r gorau iddi a byth yn gadael y morfil. Yn y stori, mae’n dweud “Drwy’r prynhawn buon nhw wrthi’n cloddio ac yn arllwys. A thrwy’r amser roedd Mali’n canu…” Mae hyn yn dangos faint o amser sydd wedi mynd heibio a bod nhw dal yn gwneud pob dim maen nhw’n gallu.

e.g. Theme – Perseverance

We see perseverance as a theme in the book when Mali, Dafydd and their father work so hard to save the whale. They do not give up and do not leave the whale. In the story, it says “Drwy’r prynhawn buon nhw wrthi’n cloddio ac yn arllwys. A thrwy’r amser roedd Mali’n canu…” This shows us how much time has passed and they were still doing everything they could.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your Maths work today.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn yn gywir? Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi os ydych chi angen.

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer all questions correctly? Use the multiplication square if you need to.

Maths Pen 8.2.2021.pdf

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith. Atebwch y cwestiynau yma ar ffactorau. Mae tair her ar eich cyfer (*, **, ***) - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Watch the video before starting your work. Answer these questions on factors. There are three challenges for you (*, **, ***) - choose the most appropriate challenge for you.


Gwaith Thema / Themed Work

Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel 2021 / Safer Internet Day 2021:

Mae Diwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel 2021 yn ein hannog ni i ddefnyddio’r we yn ddiogel. Mae’r ymgyrch yn canolbwyntio ar sut gallwn ni wybod beth i’w gredu ar-lein ac i wahaniaethu rhwng yr hyn sy’n wir ac anwir. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad cyn parhau gyda'r tasgau.

Safer Internet Day 2021 celebrates the amazing range of information and opportunities online, and its potential to inform, connect and inspire us, whilst also looking at how young people can separate fact from fiction. Watch the presentation before continuing with the tasks.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Dylunio poster / Designing a poster:

Pa gyngor byddech chi'n rhoi i blant eraill wrth ddefnyddio'r we ? Dyluniwch boster i gyfleu eich neges gan gynnwys gwybodaeth am bopeth rydych chi wedi dysgu heddiw.

What advice would you give to other children when using the internet? Design a poster to present your message including information about what you have learnt today.

Sesiynau byw / Live sessions:

Bydd nifer o wersi byw yn digwydd yn ystod y dydd heddiw i hyrwyddo Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn fwy Diogel. Bydd un o dan arweiniad tîm pêl-droed Lerpwl.

There will be a number of live sessions to promote Safer Internet Day today. One session will be held by Liverpool football team.

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau'r gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

1Cyflwyniad Iaith 10.2.2021.mp4

Tasg 1: Map Stori / Task 1: Story Map

Mae'r stori'n dechrau gyda'r morfil yn sownd ar y traeth ar ôl y storm. Ewch ati i greu map stori ar gyfer yr hyn a ddigwyddodd cyn y pwynt hwn. Defnyddiwch luniau a geiriau i greu eich map. Yfory byddwch chi'n troi'ch syniadau'n frawddegau.

The story begins with the whale stranded on the beach after the storm. Create a story map for what happened before this point. Use pictures and words to create your map. Tomorrow you will turn your ideas into sentences.

Mali a'r morfil - y stori

Meddyliwch am:

  • Sut wnaeth y morfil gyrraedd yno?

  • Pam oedd e ar ei ben ei hun?

  • Oedd e ar goll?

  • Beth ddigwyddodd iddo yn ystod y storm?

  • Beth oedd yn gallu gweld a'i glywed o'i gwmpas?

  • Sut oedd yn teimlo yn ystod y storm?

  • A geisiodd droi i ffwrdd o'r tir?

Think about:

  • How did the whale get there?

  • Why was he on his own?

  • Was he lost?

  • What happened to him during the storm?

  • What might he have seen and heard around him?

  • How did he feel during the storm?

  • Did he try to turn away from the land?

Esiamplau: / Examples:

Tasg 2: Gwella Brawddegau / Task 2: Improving Sentences

Allwch chi wella'r brawddegau yma gan ychwanegu fwy o fanylion, agoriadau diddorol, cysyllteiriau, ansoddeiriau, cymariaethau, berfau cryno neu adferfau? Defnyddiwch y banc o eirfa i'ch helpu.

Can you improve these sentences by adding more detail, interesting openers, connectives, adjectives, similes, concise verbs or adverbs? Use the word banks to help you.

Roedd y storm yn y nos. (There was a storm in the night.)

Roedd y morfil ar y traeth. (There was a whale on the beach.)

Roedd y morfil yn fawr. (The whale was big.)

Roedd pawb wedi helpu'r morfil. (Everyone helped the whale.)

Roedd y morfil yn hapus. (The whale was happy.)


Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your Maths work today.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn yn gywir? Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi os ydych chi angen.

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer all questions correctly? Use the multiplication square if you need to.

Maths Pen 8.2.2021.pdf

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Atebwch y symiau lluosi yma. Cofiwch i ddefnyddio'r dull lluosi mewn colofnau. Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Answer these multiplication questions. Remember to use the columns method. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you.

Heriau lluosi.pptx

Her (opsiynol) - Datryswch y problemau geiriol yma.

Challenge (optional) - Solve these written problems.

Problemau Geiriol Lluosi.docx

Thema / Themed work

Dysgu am oleuni / Learning about light:

Ydych chi'n gwybod sut gallwn ni weld yr holl bethau sydd o'n hamgylch ni? Beth sy'n digwydd pan mae golau’n cael ei rhwystro? Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i gwblhau tasgau i'ch helpu i ddarganfod mwy am oleuni. / Do you know how we can see things around us? What happens when light cannot pass through objects? Today you are going to complete a range of activities to help you learn more about light.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Sut gallwn ni weld yr holl bethau sydd o'n hamgylch ni? Edrychwch ar y diagram. Beth ydych chi'n credu mai'r diagram yn dangos?

How can we see things around us? Look at the diagram. What do you think the diagram is showing us?

Rydyn ni'n gweld pethau oherwydd bod goleuni'n cael ei adlewyrchu oddi wrthyn nhw. Mae cysgodion yn ffurfio oherwydd nad yw goleuni'n gallu mynd drwy rywbeth. Gwyliwch y cyfwyniad i ddysgu mwy. / We see things because light is reflected from them. Shadows form because light cannot pass through something. Watch the presentation to learn more.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Archwilio cysgodion / Investigating shadows:

Dewisiwch un o'r tasgau isod / Choose one of the tasks below:

Ewch ati i edrych ar ble a phryd mae cysgodion yn ffurfio. Sut gallwch chi wneud iddyn nhw fynd yn fwy neu'n llai. Os gallwch chi fynd y tu allan ar adegau gwahanol ar ddiwrnod braf, edrychwch ar sut mae cysgodion yn newid eu maint a'u cyfeiriad. / Have a look at where and when shadows form, how you can make them bigger or smaller. If you can get outside at different times on a sunny day, see how shadows change their size and direction.

Y tu mewn, ceisiwch wneud cysgodion â thortshys a'ch dwylo. Gallech chi hyd yn oed geisio gwneud pypedau cysgod i adrodd stori – y cyfan fydd ei angen i wneud pyped yw darn o bapur trwchus neu gerdyn o'r ailgylchu i dynnu amlinelliad y cymeriad sydd ei angen, a darn o bren i'w osod arno. Disgleiriwch y dortsh ar y pyped a bydd cysgod yn ffurfio y tu ôl iddo.

Indoors, try to make shadows with torches and your hands. You could even try to make shadow puppets to tell a story – all you will need to make a puppet is some thick paper or card from recycling to cut an outline shape of the character you need, and a stick or to mount it on. Shine the torch at the puppet and a shadow will form behind it.

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language events:

Mae Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiynau 'Ymarfer Corff' ac 'Amser Chwarae' yn wythnosol ar Zoom. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r dosbarth derbyn i flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbysebion isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise holds Welsh fitness sessions and Playtime sessions every week on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the adverts below for more information.

Dydd Iau / Thursday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1: Ysgrifennu / Task 1: Writing

Defnyddiwch eich syniadau a'ch map stori o'r gweithgaredd ddoe i ysgrifennu paragraff (neu ddau!) am beth rydych chi'n meddwl digwyddodd i'r morfil cyn dechrau'r stori 'Mali a'r Morfil'.

Use your ideas and story map from yesterday's task to write a paragraph (or two!) about what you think happened to the whale before the beginning of the story 'Mali a'r Morfil'.

Beth ddigwyddodd cyn hyn?

What happened before this?

Beth am ddechrau gyda'r frawddeg yma? How about using this as an opening sentence?

Un diwrnod, yn nofio yng nghanol y môr, roedd morfil…

One day, swimming in the middle of the sea, was a whale...

A gorffen gyda'r frawddeg yma? And ending your paragraph with this sentence?

Ond yn anffodus, glaniodd yn sownd ar y traeth. Sut fyddai byth yn gallu mynd yn ôl i’r môr?

Unfortunately, he was stranded on the beach. How would he ever be able to get back to the sea?

Beth allwch gynnwys:

  • disgrifiad o'r morfil

  • sôn am ei deulu

  • beth roedden nhw'n gwneud cyn y storm

  • disgrifiad o'r storm a'r môr

  • beth ddigwyddodd pan ddaeth y storm

  • sut gyrhaeddodd y traeth

What you could include:

  • description of the whale

  • talk about his family

  • what they were doing before the storm

  • description of the storm and the sea

  • what happened when the storm came

  • how the whale got to the beach

Banc Geirfa Mali a'r Morfil.pdf

Sbaeneg / Spanish

Gwrandewch ar Hawys yn cyflwyno geiriau / termau defnyddiol yn Sbaeneg.

Tasg: Ydych chi'n gallu cyfateb geiriau / termau Sbaeneg a Chymraeg? Cliciwch ar y linc i geisio'r cwis gan Hawys i gyfateb geiriau defnyddiol.


Listen to Hawys introducing different key terms / words in Spanish.

Task: Can you match the different key terms / words in Spanish and Welsh? Click on the link to test yourself on matching the key terms / words.


Sesiwn 5.webm

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn yn gywir? Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi os ydych chi angen.

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer all questions correctly? Use the multiplication square if you need to.

Maths Pen 8.2.2021.pdf

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Atebwch y symiau yma gan ddefnyddio'r weithred wrthdro. Mae tair her ar eich cyfer - dewiswch yr un sydd fwyaf addas.

Task 3 - Answer these sums by using inverse operation. There are three challenges - choose the most appropriate one.

Gweithred Gwrthdro.pdf

Thema / Themed work

Heriau Newport County / Newport County Challenges:

Beth am gymryd rhan mewn rhai o heriau Newport County? Cliciwch ar y llyfryn. / How about trying some of the tasks set by Newport County football team? Click on the booklet.

CITC Activity Book - Week 3.pdf

Gweithgareddau tu fas tu fewn / Outside In activities:

Cyfres o weithgareddau ymarferol i'w gwneud yn y tŷ ac yn yr awyr agored sydd yn y pecyn yma. Beth am geisio rhai ohonyn nhw? / This activity pack consists of a range of practical activities to enjoy at home and outside. How about trying some of them?

Dydd Gwener / Friday

Rydych chi wedi gweithio mor galed dros yr hanner tymor diwethaf – da iawn i chi gyd. Heddiw, rydyn ni’n trio annog diwrnod di-sgrîn felly mae gweithgareddau a thasgau gwahanol i chi eu cyflawni. Beth am drio cael diwrnod heb unrhyw fath o sgrîn? Faint o’r tasgau gallwch chi eu cyflawni mewn diwrnod? Pob lwc!

You’ve worked so hard over the last half term – well done to you all. Today, we’re trying to encourage a screen free day so there are different activities and tasks for you to complete. How about trying to have a day without any type of screen? How many of the tasks can you complete in a day? Good luck!

Dydd Gwener Di sgrin WW.pdf

Mwynhewch yr hanner tymor!

Enjoy the half term!

Os ydych chi’n edrych am rywbeth i’w wneud dros hanner tymor, beth am fynd trwy’r pecyn gwych hwn sydd wedi’i roi at ei gilydd gan Ymddiriedolaeth EEL – Gemau’r Gaeaf? (‘EFL Trust and Ferrero UK Joy of Moving Winter Games’.) Mae’r gemau a gweithgareddau hyn yn canolbwyntio ar iechyd a lles.

Os ydych yn cwblhau rhai o’r gweithgareddau, cofiwch bostio lluniau ar ein cyfrif Twitter a defnyddiwch yr hashnodau, #JOMWinterGames a #JoyofMoving.

Pob lwc!

If you’re looking for something to do over half term, why not work your way through this excellent pack from the EFL Trust and Ferrero UK Joy of Moving Winter Games? These games and activities focus on health and well-being.

If you complete any of the activities, please post some photos on our Twitter account and use the hashtags #JOMWinterGames and #JoyofMoving.

Good luck!

Joy of Moving Winter Games Pack_Final.pdf