11.1.2021 - 15.1.2021

Cofiwch y gallwch gwblhau eich gwaith yn eich llyfrau neu arlein. Cofiwch ddanfon unrhyw waith neu unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gyda chi ata' i ar e-bost: wilson-pricec6@hwbcymru.net

Remember that you can complete your work in your books or online. You can e-mail any work to me, or if you have any questions about the work, send an e-mail: wilson-pricec6@hwbcymru.net

Diolch yn fawr.

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Mr Price. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Defnyddiwch y côd waldowilliams2020 os oes angen. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Mr Price. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Use the code waldowilliams2020 if needed. Diolch yn fawr.

Dydd Llun / Monday

Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the Week

Words of the week:

Remember to practise this week’s words of the week, every day.

Listen to the video to ensure you’re pronouncing each word correctly.


What is the meaning of the following words?

grateful / ambitious / courageous

Can you think of 5 more words with ‘ous’ in them?

Can you think of 5 more words with ‘ed’ in them?

Can you think of 5 more words with ‘ful’ in them?

Geiriau'r wythnos - Ionawr 11

Y Sarter Iaith

Beth am ymweld â thudalen y Siarter Iaith?

How about visiting the Siarter Iaith page?

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Tasg 1 - Darllenwch chwedl Cantre'r Gwaelod / Task 1: Read the legend of 'Cantre'r Gwaelod'

Mae gwaith iaith yr wythnos hon yn seiliedig ar chwedl Cymraeg Cantre'r Gwaelod. Dewch i ddysgu am yr hanes drwy wylio'r clipiau fideo a darllen y chwedl drwy ddilyn y linciau isod.

This week's language work is based on the Welsh legend of Cantre'r Gwaelod. Learn about its history through watching the videos and reading the legend by following the links below.

Dewch i ddarllen gyda Mr Price gan glicio ar y linc isod: / Read along with Mr Price by clicking on the link below:


Cyfieithiadau defnyddiol / Helpful Translations:

Bae Ceredigion - Cardigan Bay tir - land

ffrwythlon - fertile doeth - wise

isel - low gwastad - flat

llanw - tide llifddorau - floodgates

filwyr - soldiers gwledd - feast

gwleddoedd - feasts meddwi - drunk

rhuo - roar tonnau - waves

llifodd - it flowed yn nes - closer

chwalwyd - was destroyed boddwyd - drowned

clychau - bells perygl - danger

Tasg 2: Ar goll! / Task 2 - Missing!

Gallwch chi benderfynu pa lythrennau sy'n mynd mewn i'r bylchau er mwyn sillafu'r gair yn gywir? (Cliw: Maent i gyd yn eiriau o'r chwedl.)

Can you decide which letters can fill the gaps to spell each word correctly? (Hint: all the words can be found within the story of Cantre'r Gwaelod.)

hap__s bw__d an__fe__l__a__d b__w ar__a__

__chel ad__ilad__ m__w__ m__nd pw__s__g rh__w__n

gor__ __ mw__nha__ __fed cysg__ gw__nt cl__c__a__

Tasg 3: Sgribliad Sillafu / Task 3: Spellamoodle

  1. Tynnwch lun neu amlinelliad o rywbeth sy'n ymwneud gyda stori Cantre'r Gwaelod. Gallwch ddefnyddio'r fideos neu'r llun isod i'ch helpu chi gyda syniadau neu meddyliwch am un eich hun. / Draw an outline of something related to the story of Cantre'r Gwaelod. You could use the videos or drawing below to help you with ideas or think of your own.

  2. Dewiswch o leiaf 6 gair o'r stori i ymarfer sillafu. / Choose at least 6 words from the story to practise spelling.

  3. Ysgrifennwch y geiriau gymaint o weithiau ag y gallwch o fewn amlinelliad eich llun. / Write the words as many times as you can within your drawing's outline.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your maths work today.

Cyflwyniad Maths 11.01.2021 (1).mp4

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Cofiwch i gwblhau'r cwestiynau adio, tynnu a lluosi gan ddefnyddio'r dull colofnau a'r cwestiynau rhannu gan ddefnyddio'r dull 'gorsaf bws'.

Task 1 - Choose the appropriate mental maths challenge. Remember to complete the addition, subtraction and multiplication questions by using the columns method and the 'bus stop' method for division questions.

Maths Pen 1.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Ysgrifennwch y tymereddau cywir o dan y thermomedrau. Mae tri lefel gwahanol i'r gwaith (*, **, ***). Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Her - Lluniwch y tymheredd cywir ar y thermomedrau.

Task 3 - Write the correct temperatures below the thermometers. There are three levels to the work. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you.

Challenge - Draw the correct temperatures on the thermometers.

*Darllen Thermomedrau.pdf
Llinell Rhif Negyddol.pdf
**Darllen Thermomedrau.pdf
***Darllen Thermomedrau.pdf

Tasg 4 - Ymarferwch eich sgiliau darllen thermomedrau gan chwarae'r gêm.

Task 4 - Practise your thermometer reading skills by playing the game.

Thema / Theme work:

Diogelwch ar y we / Online safety:

Mae technoleg yn ddefnyddiol iawn ac rydyn ni'n dibynnu arno yn ddyddiol i wneud ein gwaith ac i gadw mewn cysylltiad gyda'n ffrindiau a'n teuluoedd. Ond gall technoleg fod yn beryglus hefyd os nad ydyn ni'n ei defnyddio'n gywir. Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i atgoffa'n hunain o sut i ddefnyddio technoleg yn ddiogel gan gynnwys diogelwch ar y we.

Digital technology is very useful and we rely on it every day to help us with our work and to keep us connected with our friends and families. However, technology can also be dangerous if we don't use it correctly. Today we are going to remind ourselves of how to use digital technology safely and look at online safety.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Beth ydych chi'n gwybod eisoes am ddiogelwch ar y we? Rhannwch eich syniadau ar dudalen Padlet Blwyddyn 5.

What do you already know about online safety? Share your ideas on Year 5's Padlet page.

Edrychwch ar y PowerPoint i ddysgu mwy am ddiogelwch ar y we.

Look at the PowerPoint to learn more about online safety.


Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Dylunio poster diogelwch ar y we / Designing an online safety poster:

Wrth feddwl am ddiogelwch ar y we mae yna algorithm syml i gofio sef SMART. Ewch ati i feddwl am algorithm eich hunain yn debyg i'r gair SMART a dyluniwch boster yn defnyddio'r algorithm gan gyfeirio at ddiogelwch ar y we.

When thinking about online safety there is a simple algorithm we can use to remind us, SMART. Try and think of your own algorithm similar to the word SMART and design a poster around the algorithm referring to online safety.


Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Cwis diogelwch ar y we / Online safetly quiz:

Faint rydych chi'n gwybod am ddiogelwch ar y we? Ceisiwch y cwis isod i weld.

What do you know about online safety? Try the quiz below.


Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Tasg 1 - Gwir neu Gau? / Task 1: True or False?

Defnyddiwch y stori i gadarnhau os ydy'r datganiadau yn y tabl yn rhai gwir neu gau. Ticiwch yn y golofn 'gwir' os ydy'n wir. Cofiwch i brofi sut rydych yn gwybod bod y datganiad yn un gau gan ffeindio a nodi'r wybodaeth gywir yn y golofn 'gau'.

Use the story to find out whether the statements in the table are true or false. Tick the statement if it's true. Prove how you know the statement is false by finding and noting down the correct information in the 'false' column.

Gwir neu Gau CG.pdf

Dewch i ddarllen gyda Mr Price gan glicio ar y linc isod: / Read along with Mr Price by clicking on the link below:


Gwir neu gau? / True or false?

Gosodiad - Statement

Gwir - True

Gau - False

Cywiriad - Correction

Tasg 2: Delweddu /

Task 2 - Visualise

Tynnwch lun o Gantre’r Gwaelod gan ddefnyddio’r dyfyniad. Defnyddiwch y cyfieithiad Saesneg i'ch helpu os oes angen.

Draw a picture of Cantre'r Gwaelod using the extract. Use the English translation to help you if needed.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your maths work today.

Cyflwyniad Maths 12.01.2021 (1).mp4

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Cofiwch i gwblhau'r cwestiynau adio, tynnu a lluosi gan ddefnyddio'r dull colofnau a'r cwestiynau rhannu gan ddefnyddio'r dull 'gorsaf bws'.

Task 1 - Choose the appropriate mental maths challenge. Remember to complete the addition, subtraction and multiplication questions by using the columns method and the 'bus stop' method for division questions.

Maths Pen 2.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Darganfyddwch beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng y tymereddau sy'n cael eu dangos ar y thermomedrau. Mae tri her ar eich cyfer. Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas. Mae llinell rhif i'ch helpu.

Task 3 - Calculate the difference between the temperatures that are shown on the thermometers. There are three challenges. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you. There is a number line to help you.

Copy of Gwahaniaeth rhwng tymhereoedd Difference between temperatures
*Gwahaniaeth mewn tymheredd thermomedrau.pdf
Llinell Rhif Negyddol a Phositif.pdf
**Gwahaniaeth mewn tymheredd thermomedr 2.pdf
***Gwahaniaeth mewn tymheredd thermomedr 3.pdf

Her - Cliciwch ar y botwm a chwaraewch y gêm yma. Allwch chi ddarganfod y tymereddau cywir o gwmpas y byd?

Challenge - Click on the button and play the game. Can you discover the correct temperatures across the world?

Thema / Theme work:

Pa mor ddoeth ydych chi wrth ddefnyddio dŵr? / How water wise are you?

Heddiw byddwch yn dysgu o ble mae dŵr yn dod a faint o ddŵr ydych chi’n ei ddefnyddio mewn diwrnod nodweddiadol. Gwyliwch y fideo i ddysgu mwy.

Today’s activities will encourage you to think about where water comes from and to look at the amount that you use in a typical day. Watch the video to learn more.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Ble rydych chi'n defnyddio dŵr yn eich cartrefi? Where do you use water in your home?

Rydyn ni'n defnyddio llawer o ddŵr bob dydd. Ewch am dro o amgylch eich cartref i ddarganfod yr holl bethau sy'n defnyddio dŵr. Cofiwch ystyried yr ardal allanol hefyd. Yna ystyriwch beth gallwch chi wneud i arbed dŵr? Nodwch eich syniadau ar y dudalen gyferbyn.

We use a lot of water every day. Go for a walk around your home and find all the objects that use water. Remember the outside area too. Then think about ways in which you could conserve water, Write down your ideas on the sheet opposite.

arbed dwr

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Faint o ddŵr ydych chi'n defnyddio bob dydd? / How much water do you use every day?

Rydych chi'n mynd i fynd ati i gynnal arolwg yn eich cartref i weld faint o ddŵr rydych chi'n eu defnyddio bob dydd. Bydd angen i chi drefnu eich data naill llai ar Excel neu defnyddiwch y templed isod.

I ddechrau nodwch i lawr yr holl bethau yn eich cartref sy'n defnyddio dŵr.

Yna, cofnodwch ar ffurf rhicbren faint o weithiau mae'r gwrthrych yn cael ei ddefnyddio.

Yn olaf cyfrwch sawl litr o ddŵr defnyddioch chi. Bydd y daflen gyferbyn yn eich helpu chi.

You are going to conduct a survey in your home to find out how much water you use every day. You will need to organise your data either by using Excel or by using the Word template below.

Begin by listing all the items in your home that use water.

Then note down in a tally form how many times that item is used.

Finally work out how many litres of water you used. The facts sheet opposite will help you.

Education fact sheet How many litres of water Welsh.pdf
How many litres.pdf

Tasg estynedig / Extension task:

Beth am gasglu'r data dros gyfnod o ddyddiau? / How about collecting your data over a number of days?

Faint o ddwr ydych chi'n defnyddio bob dydd?

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting on your work.

Tasg 1 - Beth yw'r cwestiwn? / Task 1: What is the question?

Ysgrifennwch beth ydych chi'n meddwl yw'r cwestiwn gan wybod yr ateb.

Write what you think is the question by knowing the answer?

Beth ywr cwestiwn CG.docx.pdf

Dewch i ddarllen gyda Mr Price gan glicio ar y linc isod: / Read along with Mr Price by clicking on the link below:


Geirfa Cwestiynau / Question starters

Beth...? / What...? Pwy...? / Who...?

Ble...? / Where...? Pryd...? / When...?

Sut...? / How...? Pam...? / Why...?

Tasg 2: Llawysgrifen / Task 2 - Handwriting

Copïwch y gerdd enwog 'Clychau Cantre'r Gwaelod' gan J.J. Williams i'ch llyfr gan ddefnyddio'ch llawysgrifen glwm orau. Tynnwch luniau pethau sy'n berthnasol i stori Cantre'r Gwaelod o gwmpas eich cerdd.

Copy the famous poem 'The Bells of Cantre'r Gwaelod' by J.J. Williams into your book using your best joined handwriting. Draw illustrations relevant to the story of Cantre'r Gwaelod around your poem.

Gwrandewch ar Mr Price yn darllen y gerdd gan glicio ar y linc uchod. / Listen to Mr Price read the poem by clicking on the link above.

Clychau Cantre'r Gwaelod JJ Williams Letter Join.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your maths work today.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Cofiwch i gwblhau'r cwestiynau adio, tynnu a lluosi gan ddefnyddio'r dull colofnau a'r cwestiynau rhannu gan ddefnyddio'r dull 'gorsaf bws'.

Task 1 - Choose the appropriate mental maths challenge. Remember to complete the addition, subtraction and multiplication questions by using the columns method and the 'bus stop' method for division questions.

Maths Pen 3.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Darllenwch y tabl sy'n dangos y tymheredd mewn dinasoedd gwahanol ym Mhrydain. Atebwch y cwestiynau gan ddefnyddio'r tabl. Mae llinell rhif i'ch helpu ar dop y dudalen a bacn o eirfa isod i'ch helpu. Mae 2 her (*, **) - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Read the table that shows the different temperatures in cities across Britain. Answer the questions by using the table. There is a number line on the top of the document and a word bank below to help you. There are 2 challenges (*, **) - choose the most appropriate challenge for you.

Gerifa / Word Bank

oeraf - coldest cynhesaf - warmestgwahanaieth - difference gostwng - decreaseoerach - colder cynhesach - warmertymheredd - temperature gwahanol - different

*Gwahaniaeth mewn tymheredd Dinasoedd.docx
**Gwahaniaeth mewn tymheredd Dinasoedd Prydain.docx

Her (opsiynol) - Atebwch y cwestiynau sydd ar y ddogfen. Mae fersiwn Saesneg i'ch helpu.

Challenge (optional) - Answer the questions that are on the document. There is an English version to help you.

Rhifau Negyddol a Thymheredd.pdf
Negative Numbers and Temperature English.pdf

Thema / Theme work:

Y Gylchred Ddŵr / The Water Cycle

Cylchred ddŵr yw’r daith ddi-ben draw mae dŵr yn ei ddilyn wrth gylchdroi o’r cymylau i’r tir, yna llifo i’r môr ac yn ôl eto i’r awyr. Gwyliwch y fideo a darllenwch y PowerPoint i ddysgu mwy am y gylchred ddŵr.

The water cycle is the never-ending journey that water takes as it circulates from clouds to the land to the ocean and back again. Watch the video and read the PowerPoint to learn more about the water cycle.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Beth yw camau y gylchred ddŵr? Ewch ati i labeli'r diagram isod gan ddefnyddio'r termau cywir.

What are the stages of the water cycle? Label the diagram below using the correct terms.

the water cycle

anweddiad - evaporation

cyddwysiad - condensation

gwaddodiad - precipitation

casgliad - collection

yr haul - the sun

cymylau - clouds

dŵr yn llifo dros y tir - water flowing over the ground

Tasg 2/Task 2:

Gwneud model i ddangos y gylchred ddŵr / Make a model to show the water cycle:

Gwnewch ddiagram o’r cylchred ddŵr. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau isod. Cofiwch labeli pob rhan gan ddefnyddio’r geiriau anweddiad, cyddwysiad a gwaddodiad a chasgliad.

Create a diagram of the water cycle. Follow the instructions below. Label each stage: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.

Tasg 3 / Task 3

Chwaraewch y cwis ar ddiwedd y dudalen i weld faint rydych chi wedi dysgu am y gylchred ddŵr.

Play the quiz at the end of the page to find out how much you have learnt about the water cycle.

Dydd Iau / Thursday

Ymunwch â'r dosbarth ar Google Classroom. Cliciwch ar y botwm isod er mwyn mynd at y dudalen Google Classroom.

Join the class on Google Classroom. Click on the button below in order to get to the Google Classroom page.

Google Classroom Rhieni.pdf

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting on your work.

Tasg 2: Berfau Cryno y Gorffennol / Task 2 - Past Tense Concise Verbs

Ail ysgrifennwch y brawddegau am Gantre'r Gwaelod gan ddefnyddio berfau cryno: / Rewrite the sentences about Cantre'r Gwaelod using concise verbs:

Esiampl / Example:

1 . Roedd storm arswydus wedi dod dros Gantre’r Gwaelod. ---->

Daeth storm arswydus dros Gantre’r Gwaelod.

2. Roedd Gwyddno Garan Hir wedi penderfynu cael parti i ddathlu pen-blwydd ei ferch, Mererid. ---->

Penderfynodd Gwyddno Garan Hir gael parti i ddathlu pen-blwydd ei ferch, Mererid.




Berfau Cryno.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your maths work today.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Cofiwch i gwblhau'r cwestiynau adio, tynnu a lluosi gan ddefnyddio'r dull colofnau a'r cwestiynau rhannu gan ddefnyddio'r dull 'gorsaf bws'.

Task 1 - Choose the appropriate mental maths challenge. Remember to complete the addition, subtraction and multiplication questions by using the columns method and the 'bus stop' method for division questions.

Maths Pen 4.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Darllenwch ac atebwch y cwestiynau yma sydd yn ymwneud â thymheredd. Mae tri her gwahanol ar eich cyfer (*, **, ***). Defnyddiwch y llinell rhif i'ch helpu.

Task 3 - Read and answer the questions that are to do with temperature. There are three challenges for you (*, **, ***). Use the number line to help you.

Gerifa / Word Bank

oeraf - coldest cynhesaf - warmest

gwahanaieth - difference gostwng - decrease

oerach - colder cynhesach - warmer

tymheredd - temperature gwahanol - different

*Cwestiynau Geiriol Tymheredd.docx
**Cwestiynau Geiriol Tymheredd.docx
***Cwestiynau Geiriol Tymheredd.docx

Thema / Themed work

Sut mae dŵr glân yn cael ei wneud? / How do we get clean water?

Pob tro trowch chi dap dŵr ymlaen mae dŵr glân yn dod allan ohono. Heddiw byddwch yn dysgu sut mae'r dŵr rydyn ni'n ei yfed yn cael ei lanhau ac yna byddwch yn gwneud ymchwiliad eich hunain i droi dŵr budr yn lân. Darllenwch y dudalen ffeithiau a gwyliwch y clip fideo i ddysgu mwy.

Every time you turn a water tap on clean water comes out. Today you are going to learn how our drinking water gets cleaned and then conduct your own experiment to see if you can make dirty water clean again. Read the fact sheet and watch the video to learn more.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Sut i droi dŵr budr yn lân? How to clean dirty water?

Ewch ati i ddilyn y cyfarwyddiadau isod i weld os gallwch chi droi eich dŵr budr yn lân. Tynnwch luniau i ddangos pob cam er mwyn i ni gael gweld y canlyniadau.

Follow the instructions below to see if you can make dirty water clean again. Take photographs of each step so that we can see the results.

Ystyriwch y cwestiynau canlynol / Consider the following questions:

Ydy newid defnydd yr hidlydd yn effeithio ar y canlyniadau? / Does changing the material of the filter have an impact on the results?

Ydy newid trefn y defnyddiau yn effeithio ar eich canlyniadau? / Does changing the order of the materials in your filter impact the result?

Beth arall gallwch chi ddefnyddio fel hidlydd? / What else could you use to filter the dirty water?

Dydd Gwener / Friday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting on your work.

Tasg 1 - Ailddweud stori Cantre'r Gwaelod / Task 1: Retell the story of Cantre'r Gwaelod

Cwblhewch Bwrdd neu Olwyn Stori ar gyfer chwedl Cantre'r Gwaelod. Dilynwch y camau isod a defnyddiwch y banc o eiriau i'ch helpu.

Complete a Story Board or Wheel for the legend of Cantre'r Gwaelod. Follow the steps below and use the word bank to help you.

Banc o Eiriau.pdf

Banc o Eiriau / Word Bank

Bwrdd Stori Cantre'r Gwaelod.docx.pdf

Bwrdd Stori / Story Board

  1. Argraffwch y ddogfen neu lluniwch grid yn eich llyfr neu ar y gliniadur. Rhannwch y grid mewn i chwe rhan. Print the document or make a gird in your book or laptop. Divide the grid into six parts as shown.

  2. Rhaid rhannu'r stori mewn i'r 6 rhan bwysicaf - cynlluniwch hyn cyn gosod nhw yn y grid. Rhaid cyrraedd diwedd y stori ar y grid. Penderfynwch ar eich chwe phrif ran. Divide the story into the 6 most important parts - plan this before placing them on the grid. You must reach the end of the story on your grid. Decide what your six main events will be.

  3. Tynnwch lun o bob rhan rydych wedi dewis, yn y drefn gywir, yn y bocsys mawr ar y grid. Draw a picture of each of the six parts you have chosen, in order, in the larger boxes on the grid.

  4. O dan bob llun, ysgrifennwch frawddegau i gyd-fynd gyda phob rhan sy'n ailddweud stori Cantre'r Gwaelod. Cofiwch ddefnyddio berfau cryno. Under each picture, write sentences that retell the story of Cantre'r Gwaelod. Don't forget to use concise verbs.

Olwyn Stori CG.pdf

Olwyn Stori / Story Wheel

  1. Argraffwch y ddogfen neu lluniwch gylch yng nghanol dudalen ddwbl yn eich llyfr. Rhannwch y cylch mewn i chwe rhan gyfartal. Print the document or draw a circle in the centre of a double page in your book. Divide the circle into six equal parts as shown.

  2. Ysgrifennwch deitl y stori yng nghanol y cylch. Write the title in the centre of the circle.

  3. Rhaid rhannu'r stori mewn i'r 6 rhan bwysicaf - cynlluniwch hyn cyn gosod nhw yn yr olwyn. Rhaid cyrraedd diwedd y stori ar yr olwyn. Penderfynwch ar eich chwe phrif ran. Divide the story into the 6 most important parts - plan this before placing them on the wheel. You must reach the end of the story on your wheel. Decide what your six main events will be.

  4. Tynnwch lun o bob rhan rydych wedi dewis, yn y drefn gywir, yn adrannau gwahanol y cylch. Draw a picture of each of the six parts you have chosen, in order, in different sections of the circle.

  5. Tu allan i'r cylch, ysgrifennwch frawddegau i gyd-fynd gyda phob rhan sy'n esbonio'r llun ac yn ailddweud stori Cantre'r Gwaelod. Cofiwch ddefnyddio berfau cryno. Outside the circle, write sentences to go with each picture that explain and retell the story of Cantre'r Gwaelod. Don't forget to use concise verbs.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your maths work today.

Cyflwyniad Maths 15.01.2021 (1).mp4

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Cofiwch i gwblhau'r cwestiynau adio, tynnu a lluosi gan ddefnyddio'r dull colofnau a'r cwestiynau rhannu gan ddefnyddio'r dull 'gorsaf bws'.

Task 1 - Choose the appropriate mental maths challenge. Remember to complete the addition, subtraction and multiplication questions by using the columns method and the 'bus stop' method for division questions.

Maths Pen 5.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo er mwyn deall sut i ddefnyddio'r symbolau <, > ac =. Mae tri lefel gwahanol i'r gwaith - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Watch the video in order to understand how to use the symbols <, > and =. There are three different levels to the work - choose the most appropriate challenge for you.

Mwy na, Llai na, Hafal i.ppt
*Mwy na, Llai na.docx
**Mwy na, Llai na.docx
***Mwy na, Llai na.docx

Tasg 4 (opsiynol) - Naill ai gwasgwch ar y botwm er mwyn chwarae gêm i ymarfer defnyddio'r symbolau <, >, = neu darganfyddwch yr atebion i'r hafaliadau emoji.

Task 4 (optional) - Either click on the button in order to play the game and practise your use of the <, > and = symbols or discover the answers to the emoji equations.

Sbaeneg / Spanish:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Mr Bridson.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Mr Bridson.

(Flipgrid - waldowilliams2020- Join with Google)


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