Gwanwyn / Spring

22.2.2021 - 26.2.2021

O heddiw ymlaen, bydd Mr Price ar gael yn fyw ar lein am sesiwn bob dydd rhwng 10:30-11:00. Bydd y sesiynau ‘galw mewn’ yn sesiynau mwy anffurfiol a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i’r disgyblion ‘alw mewn’ os oes ganddynt unrhyw gwestiynau am y gwaith, neu os ydynt eisiau trafod gwahanol agweddau o’r gwaith gyda’u hathro. Bydd ein sesiwn ffurfiol ‘dal lan’ wythnosol nawr yn digwydd ar ddydd Gwener. Gweler yr amserlen newydd. Diolch yn fawr.

From today onwards, Mr Price will be available on line for a live session every day between 10:30-11:00. The ‘drop in’ sessions will be informal sessions, giving the pupils an opportunity to ‘drop in’ if they have any questions about the work or if they want to discuss different aspects of the work with their teacher. Our more formal ‘catch up session’ will now take place on Fridays. Please see the new timetable. Thank you.

Sesiynau Mr Price.pdf

Bydd y sesiynau hyn yn dal i ddigwydd ar Google Meet, trwy ddilyn y ddolen yn Google Classroom.

These sessions will still take place on Google Meet, through following the link in their Google Classroom.

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.

Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the Week

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni’n mynd i edrych ar eiriau gydag au / ae / ai ynddyn nhw a geiriau gyda wy / oe ynddyn nhw. Edrychwch ar y pŵer bwynt a gwyliwch y fideo er mwyn sicrhau eich bod yn eu hynganu’n gywir. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn edrych ar eiriau’r wythnos bob dydd.

Tasg: Faint o eiriau gyda au / ae / ai ynddyn nhw gallwch chi eu rhestri? Ysgrifennwch nhw ar y padlet hwn.

This week, we’re going to look at words with au / ae / ai in them and words with wy / or in them. Look at the power point and watch the video to make sure that you’re saying the words correctly. Make sure you go over the words of the week each day.

Task: How many words with au / ae / ai in them can you list? Write them on this padlet.

Dydd Llun / Monday

Gwasanaeth / Assembly

Gwyliwch wasanaeth Mr Dobson ar Fasnach Deg.

Watch Mr Dobson's assembly on Fair Trade.

Masnach_Deg (1).mp4

Iaith / Literacy:

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1: Words within Words

How many words can you make from this week's topic title?

Fairtrade Fortnight

Task 2: Give Me Five!

Watch the video and read the information below about Fairtrade.

Task: Share five things you now know about Fairtrade.


Challenge: Read the information sheets and answer the following questions.

  1. Name a country where sugar is produced.

  2. How many farmers and farm workers does the Fairtrade system support?

  3. Name two things that the Fairtrade system do to help farmers?

  4. Where and when did the Fairtrade Foundation begin?

  5. Name a country where cocoa is produced.

Fair Trade.pptx

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fide cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 1 - Choose the most appropriate mental maths challenge.

Maths Pen 22.2.2021.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith. Cyfrifwch berimedrau y siapiau yma. Mae tair her - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Watch the video before starting your work. Calculate the perimeters of these shapes. There are three challenges - choose the most appropriate challenge.







Thema / Themed work:

Gwledydd y Byd / Countries of the World:

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i brofi eich gwybodaeth am wledydd y Byd. Ydych chi'n gallu enwi prifddinasoedd y Byd? Ydych chi'n gwybod baneri rhai o wledydd y Byd ac ym mha gyfandiroedd mae'r gwledydd? Defnyddiwch y map gyferbyn i'ch helpu.

Today you are going to test your knowledge about different countries of the World. Can you name different capital cities? Do you know which flag represents each country and in what continent countries are located? Use the interactive map to help you.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Gwneud bas data o wledydd y Byd / Making a database of different countries in the World:

Ble hoffech chi fynd yn y Byd? Rhestrwch rhai o'ch hoff wledydd. Nawr ewch ati i gasglu ffeithiau am y gwledydd a'u rhoi mewn i fas data ar HWB gan ddefnyddio J2 Data. Fe gewch chi benderfynu ar eich meini prawf neu defnyddiwch y templed isod.

Where would you like to visit in the World? List your favourite countries. Now collect some facts about these countries and present them in a database on HWB using J2 Data. You can decide on your own success criteria or follow the template below.

Profwch eich hun drwy chwarae'r gêm yma. / Test your knowledge by playing the following game.

Cystadleuaeth gelf Menter Iaith /

Menter Iaith's art competition:

Mae Menter Iaith yn cynnal cystadleuaeth gelf ar gyfer eu gŵyl, Torf-Hwyl. Ydych chi'n gallu dylunio tarian ar gyfer yr ŵyl? Danfonwch lun o'ch dyluniad ar e-bost yn ôl at Miss Passmore -

Menter Iaith is holding a new festival and the organisers want you to design a new shield for the festival. Send a photo of your design on an e-mail back to Miss Passmore -

Dyddiad cau yw'r 24.2.21

Closing date - 24.2.21

Chwaraeon Torfaen/

Torfaen Sports:

Gweithgareddau Chwefror / February's Activities:

Mae Swyddogion Datblygu Chwaraeon Torfaen wedi rhoi’r syniadau hyn at ei gilydd ar gyfer mis Chwefror. Faint ohonyn nhw gallwch chi eu gwneud?

Torfaen Sports Development Officers have put this log of activities together for February. How many of them can you complete?

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday

Iaith / Literacy:

Gwyliwch y fideo ar Flipgrid cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video on Flipgrid before starting your work.

Task 1: What is in a photograph?

This is a picture of a farmer on her farm.

Answer the following questions before moving on to the second task:

  • What type of farmer do you think this is?

  • What is growing on this farmer’s farm?

  • Where in the world do you think this could be?

  • What do you think the temperature is like in this photograph?

  • Could this photograph be in the UK? Why do you think this?

Starter photo.pdf

Task 2: Compare and Contrast

Today we are going to find out about the different climates in the UK, and in the cocoa growing region of West Africa.

First, watch the 3 minute film ‘Cocoa Climate’ below:

What are the differences between these two climates? What are

the similarities? Are they facing some of the same problems?

Record your ideas using the Venn diagram below:


Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fide cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 1 - Choose the most appropriate mental maths challenge.

Maths Pen 23.2.2021.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith. Cyfrifwch arwynebedd y siapiau yma. Mae tair her - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Watch the video before starting your work. Calculate the surface area of these shapes. There are three challenges - choose the most appropriate challenge.


Arwynebedd Cyfri Sgwariau.pdf




3 Arwynebedd.pdf

Thema / Themed work:

Cynnyrch Masnach Deg / Fairtrade Products:

Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl o ble mae y nwyddau sydd yn eich bagiau siopa yn dod? Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i ddysgu o ble mae gwahanol nwyddau yn dod a'u lleoli ar fap o'r byd.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Gwnewch restr o wahanol nwyddau sy'n cael eu mewnforio o wledydd eraill, hynny yw sydd ddim yn tyfu yn y wlad hon. Ewch ati i ymchwilio ble mae'r nwyddau yma yn dod yn wreiddiol. Dangoswch y lleoliad ar fap o'r byd.

Make a list of some food products that we import from different countries, that is products that don't grow in this country. Find out where some of these products grow and locate them on the map.

Lleoli nwyddau masnach deg ar fap.pdf

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday

Iaith / Literacy:

Gwyliwch y fideo ar Flipgrid cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video on Flipgrid before starting your work.

Task 1: The Journey of Chocolate

Where did your chocolate come from? And how did it get to you? Find out by reading the slides yourself or read along with Mr Price.

Making Chocolate 24.2.2021.mp4

Task 2: Mapping the Journey

Below, you will see eight stages of making chocolate, the time it takes to complete each stage and what is needed at each point. Order the stages and match the time and what is needed by using the information in the slides from task 1. There are three levels to choose from.

Journey of Chocolate Mixed.pdf


Journey of Choc Table All Stages.docx.pdf


Journey of Choc Table 1Complete.pdf


Journey of Chocolate Mixed.docx.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fide cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn yn gywir? Allwch chi wella'ch amser trwy gydol yr wythnos?

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer all questions correctly? Can you improve your time throughout the week?

Maths Pen 24.2.2021

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Cwblhewch y gwaith yma ar berimedr ac arwynebedd. Bydd angen darganfod arwynebedd trwy gyfri sgwariau yn her *. Bydd angen darllen y cwestiynau a gwneud symiau er mwyn darganfod perimedr ac arwynebedd yn heriau ** ac ***.

Task 3 - Complete the work on perimeter and surface area. You will need to count squares to find the surface area in the * challenge. You will need to read the questions and complete sums in order to find the perimeter and surface area in the ** and *** challenges.

Perimedr ac Arwynebedd Perimeter and Surface Area


Area of Chocolate Boxes.pdf


2Arwynebedd a Pherimedr Geiriol.docx


3Arwynebedd a Pherimedr Geiriol.docx

Her (opsiynol): Mesurwch berimedr y gwrthrychau yma o gwmpas eich tŷ:

Challenge (optional): Measure the perimeter of these objects around your house:

  • wyneb llyfr / face of a book

  • sgrîn deledu / television screen

  • llawr eich cegin / your kitchen floor

  • bwrdd / table

Thema / Themed work:

Y Ddaear, y tymhorau ac amser/ Earth, seasons and time:

Ydych chi erioed wedi sylwi sut mae'r tymhorau'n newid? Bydd planhigion newydd yn tyfu a bydd hyd y dydd yn newid. Bydd gweithgareddau heddiw yn eich helpu i ddysgu am y Ddaear, y tymhorau ac amser. Symudiad y Ddaear o gwmpas yr haul sy’n rhoi ein tymhorau i ni. Gwyliwch fideo 'Y Tymhorau'. Beth sydd yn digwydd i'r haul?

Have you ever noticed how the seasons change? Different plants begin to grow and day length will change. Today's activities will help you learn about Earth, seasons and time. The movement of the earth around the sun gives us our seasons. Watch 'The Seasons' video. What seems to happens to the sun?

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Rydyn ni'n defnyddio ein symudiad o gwmpas yr haul i roi amser i ni. Ydych chi'n gallu gwneud amserydd sy'n para munud yn union? Bydd angen rhai deunyddiau ailgylchu arnoch chi fel potiau iogwrt, rhywbeth i wneud twll ac ychydig o halen, reis, siwgr neu rywbeth tebyg a fydd yn llifo. Allwch chi wneud eich mesurydd fel bod modd ei ailddefnyddio?

We use our movement around the sun to give us time. Can you make a timer that lasts exactly a minute? You’ll need some recycling materials such as yoghurt pots, something to make a hole and some salt, rice, sugar or similar that will flow. Can you make your timer so that it can be reused?

Os gallwch chi, tynnwch lun o'r machlud bob wythnos ac edrychwch ar y lluniau wrth ochr ei gilydd. Byddwch chi'n sylwi sut mae'r haul fel petai'n newid ei le. /If you can, take a photo each week of the sunset and look at the pictures side by side, you’ll notice together how the sun appears to be changing place.

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language events:

Mae Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiynau 'Ymarfer Corff' ac 'Amser Chwarae' yn wythnosol ar Zoom. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r dosbarth derbyn i flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbysebion isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise holds Welsh fitness sessions and Playtime sessions every week on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the adverts below for more information.

Dydd Iau / Thursday

Iaith / Literacy:

Gwyliwch y fideo ar Flipgrid cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video on Flipgrid before starting your work.

Task 1: Opinion

Read the following extract from Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' or choose to read along with Mr Price. Listen carefully to the weird and wonderful edible inventions.

Think about:

1) Which one would you choose to eat and why?

2) Can you think of a good name for the one you chose?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chap 2 Extract.pdf
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Extract 1.mp4

Task 2: A Fairtrade Invention

1) Read or listen along to the next extract from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chap 19 Extract.docx.pdf
Extract 2 Charlie and Chocolate Factory.mp4

2) Use the planning table below to invent your own Fairtrade treat for Willy Wonka!

Use the link to the Fairtrade website to help you with ideas for ingredients.

What to do:

  • Decide upon the sweet/chocolate you want to invent.

  • Give it a name.

  • Willy Wonka’s sweets have a special feature. They either contain a surprise or they perform a function. So, yours will have to do the same! Decide what function your sweet will perform or what surprise it will contain. e.g. a sweet to make people more confident, a sweet to turn bullies’ tongues black, a sweet to make people listen when people are talking.

  • Find Fairtrade ingredients for your invention (follow the link above to help you).

  • Give a reason why you think people will buy you invention.

  • Describe your invention using adjectives and verbs (use the word banks below for ideas).

My Fairtrade Treat.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fide cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn yn gywir? Allwch chi wella'ch amser trwy gydol yr wythnos?

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer all questions correctly? Can you improve your time throughout the week?

Maths Pen 24.2.2021

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Darganfyddwch gyfeintiau y siapiau 3D. Mae tair her ar eich cyfer.

Yn her * bydd angen i chi gyfri'r ciwbiau.

Yn her ** ac *** bydd angen i chi ddefnyddio'r fformiwla (hyd x lled x uchder) er mwyn darganfod y cyfaint.

Maw dwy fideo isod i'ch helpu.

Task 3 - Discover the volume of these 3D shapes. There are three challenges for you.

In the * challenge you will need to count the cubes.

In the ** and *** challenges you will need to use the formula ( length x width x height) to find the volume.

There are two videos below to help you.







Thema / Themed work:

Creu cysgodlun / Creating a silhouette:

Ddoe, edrychon ni ar y newidiadau sydd yn digwydd o fewn y tymhorau. Heddiw, rydych chi'n mynd i greu cysgodlun i gyfleu'r newidiadau sy'n digwydd i fyd natur wrth i'r tymhorau newid. Dilynwch y cyflwyniad neu gwnewch luniau eich hun.

Yesterday, we looked at the changes that happen as we go from one season to the next. Today, you are going to create a silhouette to show the changes that happen in nature as the seasons change. Follow the presentation or create your own silhouettes.

Dydd Gwener / Friday

Iaith / Literacy:

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1: Match up!

Match these sweets from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to their description!

Task 2: Design your Fairtrade Treat!

Now you have a name, a function and some descriptive vocabulary for your Fairtrade treat following yesterday's work, you are now ready to design your packaging and what your treat will look like once it has been unwrapped.

What to do:

  • Draw the packaging and the treat itself in the centre of the correct box.

  • Label each drawing.

  • Describe both underneath the picture; use adjectives and give reasons for your decisions.

Packaging Tips:

  • It has to be eye-catching

  • Feature the name of the product

  • Include the Fairtrade logo

Treat Tips:

  • Include the ingredients as you label

  • Will we be able to see its special feature or surprise?

Fairtrade Treat Design.pdf

Useful sentence starters:

I have chosen this design because...

The colours I have used are...

Inside the treat...

The first thing people will see is...

The Fairtrade logo is..

The treat will look like...

Task 3: Persuasive Writing

Write a paragraph to the owner of The Chocolate Factory, explaining why he should choose YOUR Fairtrade Treat over everyone else’s design.

Use the guide and the adjectives below to help you write the most persuasive paragraph possible!

Persuasive Writing.docx.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fide cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn yn gywir? Allwch chi wella'ch amser trwy gydol yr wythnos?

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer all questions correctly? Can you improve your time throughout the week?

Maths Pen 24.2.2021

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith. Atebwch y cwestiynau er mwyn darganfod perimedr, arwynebedd a chyfaint y siapiau. Mae tair her ar eich cyfer. Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Watch the video before starting your work. Answer the questions in order to find the perimeter, surface area and volume of the shapes. There are three challenges for you. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you.


1Perimedr, Arwynebedd, Cyfaint.pdf


2Perimedr, Arwynebedd, Cyfaint.pdf


3Perimedr, Arwynebedd, Cyfaint.pdf

Thema/ Themed work:

Mwynhau yn yr awyr agored / Go outdoors:

Mae'r tywydd yn cynhesu ac mae'r dyddiau yn ymestyn. Cyfle gwych i ni fynd allan a mwynhau'r awyr agored. Mae bod allan yn dda i'r meddwl ac i'r corff. Eich tasg heddiw ydy gwneud gweithgaredd hwylus yn yr awyr agored. Beth am greu drysfa neu adeiladu cwrs antur yn yr ardd? Casglwch frigau neu ddarnau o goed i greu cwrs rhwystrau. Edrychwch ar y syniadau isod i'ch ysbrydoli.

The weather is changing and the days are becoming longer. This is an ideal opportunity for us to enjoy being outdoors. Fresh air is good for our mental wellbeing and our bodies. Your task today is to enjoy a fun activity outside. How about building your own maze or obstacle course in the garden? How about doing a circuit training course in the woods? There are some ideas below to inspire you.