8.3.2021 - 12.3.2021

O heddiw ymlaen, bydd Mr Price ar gael yn fyw ar lein am sesiwn bob dydd rhwng 10:30-11:00. Bydd y sesiynau ‘galw mewn’ yn sesiynau mwy anffurfiol a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i’r disgyblion ‘alw mewn’ os oes ganddynt unrhyw gwestiynau am y gwaith, neu os ydynt eisiau trafod gwahanol agweddau o’r gwaith gyda’u hathro. Bydd ein sesiwn ffurfiol ‘dal lan’ wythnosol nawr yn digwydd ar ddydd Gwener. Gweler yr amserlen newydd. Diolch yn fawr.

From today onwards, Mr Price will be available on line for a live session every day between 10:30-11:00. The ‘drop in’ sessions will be informal sessions, giving the pupils an opportunity to ‘drop in’ if they have any questions about the work or if they want to discuss different aspects of the work with their teacher. Our more formal ‘catch up session’ will now take place on Fridays. Please see the new timetable. Thank you.

Sesiynau Mr Price.pdf

Bydd y sesiynau hyn yn dal i ddigwydd ar Google Meet, trwy ddilyn y ddolen yn Google Classroom.

These sessions will still take place on Google Meet, through following the link in their Google Classroom.

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Gwasanaeth / Assembly:


Dewch i wylio gwasanaeth Mr Dobson am Anifeiliaid Arbennig.

Come to watch Mr Dobson's assembly about Special Animals.

Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the Week

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni’n mynd i adolygu geiriau Cymraeg yr wythnosau diwethaf.

Tasg: #MewnMunud: Faint o weithiau gallwch chi ysgrifennu’r geiriau hyn yn gywir o fewn munud?

breuddwyd / anghofio / blwyddyn / gorffennol / annibynnol

This week, we’re going to revise some of the Welsh words of the last few weeks.

Task: #JustaMinute: How many times can you spell these words correctly within a minute?

breuddwyd / anghofio / blwyddyn / gorffennol / annibynnol

Geiriau'r wythnos - Mawrth 8fed

Dydd Llun / Monday

Iaith / Literacy:

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1: Read 'The Squirrels who Squabbled'

Read the book yourself or read along with Mr Price by clicking on the video below. To practise your Welsh reading, you could also read the Welsh version.

Gwiwerod Gwirion Bost - stori
Squirrels Who Squabbled.mp4

Task 2: Words within Words

How many words can you make from the book title?

The Squirrels who Squabbled

Task 3: 'qu' Sound Spellamoodle

1) Learn - Watch the BBC Bitesize and Nessy clips to learn more about the 'qu' sound.

Click the arrow under the video to complete further activities on the 'qu' sound on BBC Bitesize.

2) Read - Practise reading the 'qu' words. Read them correctly as quickly as you can or read along. Can you time yourself? Can you beat your own time?

qu’ words.pptx

3) Spellamoodle

  • Choose at least six 'qu' words from the slides above.

  • Draw an outline of a squirrel (use the video to help you or draw your own).

  • Write your chosen words in and around your drawing to practise this spelling pattern.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 1 - Choose the most appropriate mental maths challenge.

Maths Pen 8.3.2021.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Edrychwch ar y graffiau bar yma ac atebwch y cwestiynau.

Task 3 - Choose the most appropriate challenge for you. Look at the bar graphs and answer the questions.


1Dehongli Graff Bar.docx


2Dehongli Graff Bar.pdf


3Dehongli Graff Bar.pdf

Thema / Themed work

Wythnos Gwyddoniaeth Prydain /

British Science week:

Mae hi'n wythnos gwyddoniaeth Prydain yr wythnos hon. Thema'r wythnos yw 'Newid pethau ar gyfer y dyfodol'. Mae hyn yn golygu meddwl a datblygu ffyrdd newydd o wneud pethau.

This week is British Science Week. The theme of the week is ‘Innovating for the future' which means thinking and developing new ways of doing things.

Tasg 1/ Task 1:

Dyfeisiadau dylanwadol / Inspiring inventions

Mae pobl wedi bod yn dyfeisio pethau am flynyddoedd, pethau rydyn ni'n dibynnu arnyn nhw erbyn hyn. Yn amlwg mae'r dyfeisiadau hyn yn newid ac yn datblygu o hyd. Pa ddyfeisiadau dydych chi ddim yn gallu byw hebddyn nhw? Rhestrwch 5 yn eich llyfr. Beth yw eich hoff ddyfais? Pam eich bod chi'n hoffi'r ddyfais hon? Gwyliwch y clip fideo isod i ddysgu mwy am ddyfeisiadau.

People have been inventing new things for centuries, things that have become an important part of our daily lives by now. All of these inventions have changed and developed over time. Which inventions can't you live without? Note 5 ideas in your book. What is your favourite invention? What do you like about this invention? Watch the video clip below to learn more about innovative inventions.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Creu dyfais newydd / Designing a new inventions:

Pe baech chi yn gallu dyfeisio dyfais newydd beth fyddech chi'n ei greu? Efallai gallwch chi feddwl am rywbeth sy'n bodoli eisoes a meddwl am ffurf o'i ddatblygu ar gyfer y dyfodol. Beth am feddwl am wrthrych newydd fyddai'n gallu helpu pobl neu am ddyfais fyddai'n gweithio i wella'r amgylchedd? Dyluniwch eich syniad ar ddarn o bapur. Cofiwch i labelu eich gwaith er mwyn dangos sut mae'r ddyfais yn mynd i weithio. Mae clip fideo ac ychydig o syniadau fel sbardun isod.

If you could design a new invention what would you choose? This idea doesn't have to be a new item. Maybe choose something that already exists and think how you could change and develop it for the future. How about inventing something that could help people or choose an item that might help to improve the environment? Design your invention on a piece of paper. Remember to label your design showing how it might work. There is a video clip and some ideas to inspire you below.

Efallai y gallwch chi wneud prototeip o'ch dyfais. / How about making a prototype of your invention?

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday

Iaith / Literacy:

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1: Alliteration

The Squirrels who Squabbled has an alliterative title and there are many examples of alliteration in the story. How many can you find by reading or listening to the story again?

1) Write a list of the alliterations you find in the book.

2) Can you make up your own story titles that use alliteration too?

Gwiwerod Gwirion Bost - stori
Squirrels Who Squabbled.mp4

Task 2: Alliterative Scavenger Hunt

Can you find an object in your house or garden starting with each letter of the alphabet? Think of an adjective for each object starting with the same letter or sound.



**Can you write 5 alliterative sentences about your alliterative objects?

***Can you write a short description of your garden or a room in your house using as many alliterations as you can?

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn?

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer every question?

Maths Pen Big Maths.pdf

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo i wybod sut i greu graff gan ddefnyddio Google Sheets. Atebwch y cwestiynau isod.

Task 3 - Watch the video to learn how to create a graph on Google Sheets.

Cwestiynau / Questions

Her (opsiynol) / Challenge (optional)

Crëwch graff bar sy'n dangos hoff liwiau aelodau o'ch teulu.

Create a bar graph that shows your family members' favourite colours.

Thema / Themed work

O Chwith! / Back to front!

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i ddysgu am y berthynas rhwng golau a dŵr. Dechreuwch drwy wylio y clip fideo. Beth ydych chi'n credu sy'n digwydd? /Today you are going to explore the relationship between light and water. Begin by watching a short video. What do you think is going on?

Pan fydd y jar yn wag, mae golau'n pasio drwyddo; ar ôl iddo gael ei lenwi â dŵr, mae'r golau'n plygu. Mae'r dŵr yn gwneud i'r golau newid cyfeiriad; mae'r golau o ochr chwith y papur yn symud i'r dde ac i'r gwrthwyneb. Oherwydd bod y golau'n cyfnewid lle, rydyn ni'n gweld y gair go chwith.

When the jar is empty light passes through, after it has been filled with water, the light bends or refracts. The water makes the light change direction, the light from the left side of the paper moves to the right and vice versa. Because the light swaps around we see the word reversed.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Datgelu nesges gudd / Revealing a hidden message

Rhowch gynnig ar ysgrifennu mewn drych. Daliwch ddrych yn syth i fyny ar ben eich papur neu eich bwrdd gwyn a gwyliwch eich ysgrifen yn y drych. Ceisiwch ysgrifennu fel y gallwch ei ddarllen yn gywir yn y drych. Bydd angen ymarfer ychydig. Llenwch jariau o wahanol faint sydd ag ochrau syth â dŵr a rhowch gloriau arnyn nhw. Edrychwch drwy'r jariau o wahanol faint. Er mwyn troi gair go chwith, daliwch jar sydd â diametr mawr yn agos at y gair ac edrychwch drwyddo.

Have a go at mirror writing. Hold a mirror upright at the top of your paper or whiteboard and watch your writing in the mirror. Try to write so that you can read it correctly in the mirror. It might take a bit of practice. Fill some different sized straight-sided jars to the brim with water and put the lids on. Try looking through the different sized jars. To reverse a word, hold a large diameter jar close to the word and look through it. Remember that you also need to have a good light source.

Sesiwn ddawns stryd / Street dance session:

Dewch i wneud sesiwn ddawns stryd gyda Amber Williams, ar ran Chwaraeon Torfaen. Os ydych chi’n cymryd rhan, cofiwch rannu eich lluniau gyda ni ar Twitter. (@ygcwmbran)

Come and take part in a street dance session with Amber Williams, on behalf of Torfaen Sports Team. If you take part in the session, remember to share your photos with us on Twitter. (@ygcwmbran)

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday

Llythrennedd / Literacy

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1: Words other than 'said'

Look closely at the extracts (parts) from the book The Squirrels who Squabbled. What words has the author used instead of using 'said'? Can you spot all 5?


Task 2: Inverted Commas (Speech Marks)

Watch the BBC Bitesize clip below to learn more about the rules of using speech marks.

Then choose your task from the three available options. Use the poster on the rules of using inverted commas and the word banks above to support you.


The Squirrels who Squabbled words for Said.pdf

Add in words other than said.


The Squirrels who Squabbled words for Said and speech marks.docx.pdf

Add in words other than said and speech marks.


The Squirrels who Squabbled words for Said and all punctuation.docx.pdf

Add in words other than said and all missing punctuation.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn?

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer every question?

Maths Pen Big Maths.pdf

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich sgiliau mathemateg pen gan glicio ar y botymau isod a chwarae'r gemau Mathemateg.

Task 2 - Practise your mental arithmetic by clicking on the buttons below and playing the Maths games.

Tasg 3 - Edrychwch ar y graff ac atebwch y cwestiynau amdano. Mae tair her ar eich cyfer - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 3 - Look at the graph and answer the questions. There are three challenges for you - choose the most appropriate challenge.


1Goliau Mohammed Salah.pdf


2Goliau Mohammed Salah.pdf


3Goliau Mohammed Salah.pdf

Thema / Themed work

Grymoedd / Forces:

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i ddysgu am rymoedd. Mae grymoedd yn achosi i bethau symud neu newid cyfeiriad. Ydych chi'n gallu enwi gwahanol rymoedd?

Today you are going to learn about forces. To make something move you need a force. Can you name different forces?

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Ydych chi'n gallu gwneud i resins ddawnsio? / Can you make raisins dance?

Beth ydych chi'n credu bydd yn digwydd i'r rhesins mewn dŵr ffisiog? Rhowch gynnig arni. Gwyliwch y clip fideo i ddysgu sut i wneud yr ymchwiliad.

What do you think will happen to the raisins in fizzy water? Have a go yourself! Watch the video clip to find out more.

Pam fod hyn yn digwydd ? How this works?

I ddechrau mae'r rhesins yn suddo i waelod y gwydr achos eu bod nhw'n fwy dwys na dŵr. Ond pan fydd swigod y dŵr ffisiog yn glynu at y rhesins, yna bydd y rhesins yn codi i'r arwyneb ac yna'n suddo eto pan fydd y swigod yn cael eu rhyddhau.

First, the raisins sink because they are more dense than the water but once some bubbles (of carbon dioxide gas that provides the fizz) attach to the raisins, they float upwards, sinking again when the bubbles are released.

Rhowch gynnig ar wneud yr un ymchwiliad gan ddefnyddio gwahanol bethau fel llus neu rawnwin. Ydyn nhw'n ymateb yn yr un ffordd a'r rhesins?

Try this same experiment with other objects like blueberries or grapes. Do they rise in the soda the same way the raisins did?

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM /

BGTM's Welsh language events

Mae Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiynau 'Ymarfer Corff' ac 'Amser Chwarae' yn wythnosol ar Zoom. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r dosbarth derbyn i flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbysebion isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise holds Welsh fitness sessions and Playtime sessions every week on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the adverts below for more information.

Dydd Iau / Thursday

Iaith / Literacy:

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1: Red Squirrel Fact File (Research)

What do you know about red squirrels? Red squirrels are rare animals in Wales and Britain. Can you find information about red squirrels to complete a Fact File about them?

Start by watching the Newsround clip to learn more about the red squirrel. Then use the information sheet and the links below to help you find information.

Task 2: Create Your Fact File

You can choose to present your fact file in any way you choose. e.g. PowerPoint, Adobe Spark, poster, mind map, in your book, on Word or you could use the template below:

Copy of Animal-fact-file.docx

Here are some ideas on the kind of information you could include:

  • How many red squirrels are there in Britain?

  • What is the size of a red squirrel?

  • What do red squirrels eat?

  • In what type of habitat do red squirrels live?

  • Can red squirrels swim?

  • Can you name one place in Wales where you can find red squirrels?

  • Why are red squirrels rare in Wales and Britain?

  • Any other interesting facts

  • Photographs or pictures


Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn?

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer every question?

Maths Pen Big Maths.pdf

Tasg 2 - Edrychwch ar y graffiau ac atebwch y cwestiynau amdanynt. Mae tair her ar eich cyfer - dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 2 - Look at the graphs and answer the questions. There are three challenges for you - choose the most appropriate challenge.


1Dehongli Graff Bar a Llinell.pdf


2Dehongli Graff Bar a Llinell.pdf


3Dehongli Graff Bar a Llinell.pdf

Thema / Themed work:

Sut mae awyrennau'n hedfan? / How do planes fly?

Ydych chi'n gwybod sut mae awyrennau yn hedfan? Mae gwahanol rymoedd yn galluogi i awyrennau hedfan. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad i ddysgu mwy.

Have you ever wondered how planes fly? Different forces enable planes to fly. Watch the video to learn more.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Arbrofi gydag awyrennau papur / Experimenting with paper planes:

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd arbrofi gyda gwahanol awyrennau papur er mwyn dysgu sut maen nhw'n gweithio. I gynnal yr ymchwiliad bydd angen darnau o bapur A4 a digon o le. Edrychwch ar y wefan i gael eich ysbrydoli.

Wrth wneud eich awyrennau papur meddyliwch am y pethau canlynol:

Sut gallwch chi wneud i'ch awyren bapur fynd yn fwy uchel neu'n bellach?

Pa fath o awyren sy'n gweithio orau? Beth am arbrofi gyda gwahanol rhai?

Ydy maint yr awyren yn effeithio ar eich canlyniadau?

Today you are going to experiment with different paper planes to see how they work. You will need pieces of A4 paper and plenty of space. Look at the website for inspiration.

When making your paper planes consider the following questions:

How can you make your paper plane travel higher and further?

Which style of plane works best? How about experimenting with different styles?

Does the size of the plane or the wing span have an impact on the results?

Dydd Gwener / Friday

Iaith / Literacy:

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1: Dweud Diolch / Saying Thank You

Mae'r wythnosau diwethaf wedi bod yn sialens i ni gyd. Oes yna rywun hoffech chi ddiolch i am eich cefnogi chi a'ch helpu chi yn ystod yr amser hwn? Nawr yw eich siawns!

The past few weeks have been a challenge for us all. Is there someone you'd like to thank for helping and supporting you during this time? Now is your chance!

Cam 1) Dewiswch y person hoffech chi ddiolch.

Step 1) Choose the person you'd like to thank.

Cam 2) Dewiswch ym mha ffurf yr ydych am roi eich neges i'r person. Defnyddiwch y rhestr i'ch helpu chi benderfynu.

Step 2) Choose the format in which you will give the message to your chosen person. Use the list to help you decide.

Ffyrdd gallwch ddiolch:

  • nodyn

  • cerdyn

  • llythyr

  • e-bost

  • neges

Ways to say thank you:

  • a note

  • a card

  • letter

  • e-mail

  • message

Cam 3) Ysgrifennwch atyn nhw i ddangos pa mor ddiolchgar rydych. Gallwch wneud hyn yn y Gymraeg neu yn Saesneg. Defnyddiwch y syniadau isod ar gyfer eich cynnwys.

Step 3) Write to them to show how grateful you are. You can choose to do this in Welsh or in English. Use the ideas below of what to include.

  • Dechreuwch eich neges gydag - Annwyl / I / Enw'r person

  • Dywedwch wrthyn nhw pam rydych chi'n ysgrifennu

  • Dywedwch wrthyn nhw eich bod chi'n gwerthfawrogi'r hyn wnaethon nhw i chi (dwi'n gwerthfawrogi'n fawr ... / Diolch yn fawr am ...)

  • Dywedwch wrthyn nhw beth wnaethoch chi ei fwynhau neu hoffi am yr hyn rydych chi'n diolch iddyn nhw (fe wnes i fwynhau ... / roeddwn i'n hoff iawn o ...)

  • Crynhowch eich neges gyda brawddeg garedig (byddaf ... / gobeithiaf ...)

  • Gorffennwch eich neges gyda - Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Oddi wrth

  • Start your message with - Dear / To / The person's name

  • Tell them why you are writing

  • Tell them that you appreciate what they did for you (I really appreciate.../ Thank you so much for...)

  • Tell them what you enjoyed or liked about what you are thanking them for (I really enjoyed.../ I particularly liked...)

  • Sum up your message with a kind sentence (I will... / I hope...)

  • End your message with - Yours sincerely / From

Thank you word bank.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Tasg 1 - Pa mor gyflym allwch chi ateb pob cwestiwn?

Task 1 - How quickly can you answer every question?

Maths Pen Big Maths.pdf

Tasg 2 - Cwblhewch y Cwis Mathemateg yma. Cofiwch i ysgrifennu eich enw yn gyntaf.

Task 2 - Complete the Maths Quiz. Remember to write your name first.

Thema / Themed work:

Cerfluniau ffoil / Tin foil sculptures:

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i greu cerfluniau 3-D o bobl allan o ffoil sy'n dangos symudiad. Gwyliwch y clip fideo cyn cychwyn ar y dasg.

Today you are going to create 3-D sculptures of people out of tin foil. Your sculptures will need to show movement. Watch the video clip before beginning the task.

Mae ychydig o enghreifftiau isod fel sbardun. Gosodwch eich gwaith ar ddarn o bapur neu gerdyn. Beth am ddangos y cysgod sy'n cael ei chreu?

There are a few examples below to help you. Place your work on a piece of card or paper. How about drawing the shadow that your sculpture makes?

Eisteddfod T

Ydych chi eisiau cystadlu? / Do you want to compete?

Eisteddfod T ydi Eisteddfod yr Urdd mewn fformat rhithiol sy'n rhoi cyfle i blant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru a thu hwnt i gystadlu o'u cartrefi. Yn 2021, mae Eisteddfod T yn ei ôl!

Yn giamstar ar ganu neu ddweud jôc, yn feistr lip-sync neu’n hoff o ddynwared enwogion? O’r traddodiadol i TikTok, mae’r Urdd am gynnal gŵyl ddigidol yn ystod hanner tymor y Sulgwyn am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol, ac mae Eisteddfod T am fod yn “fwy arbrofol, blaengar a chyffrous nac erioed o’r blaen!” ac hoffem eich annog i gystadlu eleni.

Mae Rhestr Testunau 2021 a chyfarwyddiadau ar sut i gystadlu bellach ar gael a chofrestru i gystadlu yn agor ar Fawrth y 1af. Bydd disgwyl i gystadleuwyr gyflwyno gwaith cyfansoddi, fideos o berfformiadau a lluniau o’u gweithiau creadigol o flaen llaw, cyn i’r rowndiau terfynol gael eu darlledu mewn cyfres o raglenni arbennig ar S4C a BBC Radio Cymru dros bum niwrnod, rhwng dydd Llun, 31 Mai a Gwener, 4 Mehefin 2021.

Wrth glicio ar y wefan isod, cewch fynediad i'r holl gystadlaethau sydd ar gael, o ganu unigol a llefaru, i feimio i gerddoriaeth Cymraeg, celf neu creu wyneb gwirion! Rhywbeth at ddant pawb, felly anogwch eich plentyn / plant i fynd ati i ymarfer a ffilmio. Sicrhewch eich bod yn darllen y rheolau yn gywir cyn cystadlu.

Os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth neu am unrhyw gyngor, cysylltwch a Mrs Griffiths Jones: GriffithsN6@hwbcymru.net

Pob lwc.

Singing, lip-syncing and celebrity impersonations – from the traditional to TikTok, Urdd Gobaith Cymru have announced that Eisteddfod T is back for the second year running and the organisers promise a “more experimental, progressive and exciting festival than ever before” to be held during Whitsun half-term.

The list of competitions and instructions on how to compete will be available and registration will be live on the 1st of March. Competitors will compete by uploading videos, clips, and pictures of their performances and creations, and the final rounds will be broadcast on specially scheduled programmes on S4C, online and BBC Radio Cymru during the week commencing 31st of May.

By clicking on the link below, you will see all the different competitions that are available from singing and reciting poems, to miming a Welsh song, art competitions and a funny face competition. There is something for everyone, so encourage your child / children to go and rehearse and film! Make sure you read the rules before competing.

Please contact Mrs Griffiths Jones if you have any questions or need advice. GriffithsN6@hwbcymru.net

Good luck.

Gwyliwch y clipiau er mwyn cael blas ar y cystadlu. / Watch the video clips to have an idea of what's involved.