Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work

Cofiwch y gallwch chi e-bostio eich gwaith ata' i -

Cysylltwch os oes unrhyw gwestiwn gyda chi am y gwaith.

Remember you can e-mail your work to me -

Please contact me if you have any questions about the work.

Diolch, Mr Price

Tasg 1 - Adio a Thynnu Arian / Task 1 - Adding and Subtracting Money

Defnyddiwch y dull colofnau / Use the column method

Dewiswch eich her - 1, 2 neu 3 / Choose your challenge - 1, 2 or 3

Her 1

  1. £2.56 + £6.22 =
    2. £16.85 + £23.4
    1 =
    3. £13.25 + £35.
    11 =
    4. £44.82 + £36.23 =
    5. £42.23 + £36.77 =
    6. £6.76 - £2.54 =
    7. £18.65 - £11.34 =
    8. £34.23 - £21.1
    1 =
    9. £65.47 - £43.36 =
    10. £85.43 - £27.
    12 =

    Her 2

1. £65.73 + £87.38 =

2. £93.21 - £24.76 =

3. £636.43 + £342.78 =

4. £71.64 - £64.98 =

5. £634.76 + £75.86 =

6. £100.76 - £20.88 =

7. £5.35 + £35.12 =

8. £235.78 - £89.29 =

9. £200 + £745.23 =

10. £30.00 - £15.75 =

Her 3

1. £1000 - £356.50 =

2. £455.50 + £87.20 =

3. £56 - £23.50 =

4. £23.87 + £6.43 =

5. £50 - £22.50 =

6. £3.67 + £6.33 =

7. £47.23 - £28.11 =

8. £456.67 + £356.79 =

9. £50 - £21.60 =

10. £100 - £48.50 =

Tasg 2 - Saesneg / Task 2 - English

Darllenwch y testun isod a'i wella gan newid yr eirfa ac ychwanegu ansoddeiriau, adferfau, cymariaethau, ac unrhyw ddisgrifiadau eraill. /

Read the short extract below and improve it by changing the vocabulary and adding adjectives, adverbs, similes and more vivid descriptions.

"They were ready, after a changeover of modules the astronauts were now back, strapped into the spacecraft. The astronauts thought about the final leg of their journey. They knew the chance of success was small as they had no real idea of what damage had actually been caused to the spacecraft. Re-entry to Earth was tricky at the best of times but in this case it was almost impossible. Failure was not an option. Success was a must. The astronauts looked at each other and decided it was time to go. They could see their home. Earth. It was very big and colourful. They thought of their families and friends. It made them even more determined to succeed."

Tasg 3 - Mathemateg / Task 3 - Maths

Amser / Time (yn barhaus / continuous)

  • Darllen clociau digidol ac analog / Learn to read to use analogue and digital clocks

  • Amseru digwyddiadau mewn munudau ac eiliadau a'u trefnu / Time different events in minutes and seconds and order the results

  • Defnyddio calendrau i drefnu digwyddiadau / Use calendars to plan events

  • Amseru gweithgareddau gwahanol a'u hamseru ac yna egluro pa uned o fesur sydd yn briodol / Carry out practical activities involving timed events and explain which unit of time is the most appropriate

  • Amcangyfrif faint o amser mae'n cymryd i gwblhau gweithgareddau dyddiol / Estimate the length of time everyday activities take to complete, extending to hours and quarters of hours

Tasg 4 / Task 4

Ymarferwch eich tablau lluosi gan ddefnyddio'r gemau isod - chwaraewch gyda'ch teulu!

Practise your times tables by using the games below - play with your family!

Tasg 5 - Thema / Task 5 - Theme

Darllenwch y PowerPoint am sut i gadw'n ddiogel o gwmpas tân gwyllt. Crëwch boster sy'n cynnwys y prif wybodaeth. Defnyddiwch ferfau gorchmynnol yn eich poster (berfau 'wch'). e.e. sefyll - sefwch, peidio - peidiwch, cadw - cadwch. Gallwch wneud eich poster ar bapur neu ar gyfrifiadur.

Read the PowerPoint on how to keep safe on bonfire night. Create a poster that includes the main points. Use imperative verbs in your poster ( 'wch' verbs) e.g. sefyll - sefwch, peidio - peidiwch, cadw - cadwch. You can create your poster on paper or on the computer.

Noson Tan Gwyllt.ppt

Tasg 6 - Sillafu / Task 6 - Spelling

Mewn Munud / Just a Minute

Dewiswch air o'r tabl geiriau aml-ddefnydd. Sawl gwaith allwch chi ei ysgrifennu mewn munud? Gallwch ailadrodd y dasg nifer o weithiau ag y hoffwch gan ddewis gwahanol eiriau bob tro. Dewiswch eiriau sy'n mynd i'ch herio chi!

Choose a word from the high-frequency word chart. How many times can you write them correctly in just one minute? You can repeat this task as many times as you like, choosing a different word each time. Choose spellings that will challenge you and help you to improve.

Rhestr Geiriau aml eu defnydd Dyfal Donc.pdf

Tasg 7 - Grid Geiriau / Task 7 - Word Grid

Sawl gair allwch chi greu gan ddefnyddio'r llythrennau yn y grid yn unig?

How many words can you make using only the letters in the grid?

Tasg 8 - Ateb Cwestiynau / Task 8 - Answering Questions

Edrychwch ar y daflen i weld sut mae ateb gwahanol gwestiynau'n gywir yn y Gymraeg. Mae dechrau'r cwestiynau a'u hatebion yr un lliw i'ch helpu. Atebwch yn cwestiynau yn gywir gan gyfeirio at y swigod siarad os oes angen. Atebwch mewn brawddegau llawn. (Cliciwch ar y saeth yn y gornel dop i agor y ddogfen).

Use the worksheet to remind you of how to answer questions correctly in Welsh. The question starters and their answers are the same colour to help you.

Answer the questions correctly, referring to the speech bubbles if you need to. Answer in full sentences. (Click on the arrow in the top right-hand corner to open the document).

Ateb Cwestiynau.docx

Tasg 9 - Gofyn ac ateb cwestiynau / Task 9 - Asking and answering questions

Chwaraewch gêm o 'Pwy Ydw i?' Defnyddiwch y cwestiynau rydych wedi bod yn ymarfer i chwarae! Mae dwy daflen o gymeriadau gallwch ddefnyddio neu gallwch chwilio am un eich hun!

Play a game of 'Guess Who?' using the questions and answers you've been practicing. There are two sheets of characters you can choose from or you can find your own!

Esiamplau / Examples:

Oes het gyda ti?

Wyt ti'n berson caredig?

Ydy dy ben yn fwy na dy gorff?

Ife croen melyn sydd gyda ti?

Tasg 10 - Darllen / Task 10 - Reading

Ewch ati i ymarfer eich sgiliau darllen Cymraeg ar lein. Dewiswch ddarn darllen o Lyfr 1, 2, 3 neu 4 ac atebwch y cwestiynau sy'n dilyn. Mae'r testunau'n mynd yn anoddach wrth fynd drwy'r llyfrau.

Practise your Welsh reading skills online. Choose a text from Book 1, 2, 3 or 4 and answer the questions that follow. The tasks get more challenging as you go from book to book.