1.2.2021 - 5.2.2021

Sesiwn dal lan yr wythnos / This week's catch up session:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 9:15am ar ddydd Mercher ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 9:15am a chlicio ar y ddolen. Cofwich ddefnyddio eich gwybodaeth Hwb chi i logio mewn.

Our live catch up session will take place at 9:15am on Wednesday on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 9:15am and click on the link. Remember to login using your Hwb details to access the meeting.

Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the week:

Geiriau’r Wythnos:

Cofiwch ymarfer geiriau’r wythnos, bob dydd. Gwrandewch ar y fideo er mwyn sicrhau eich bod yn eu hynganu’n gywir. Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni’n mynd i edrych ar eiriau ym ymwneud gyda’r amgylchedd; ar eiriau lluosog sy’n gorffen gydag ‘au’ a’r treiglad trwynol ar ôl ‘fy’.

Tasg: Ysgrifennwch frawddeg sy’n cynnwys gair sy’n dechrau gyda phob un o’r llythrennau sy’n treiglo’n drwynol. Bydd angen ysgrifennu chwe brawddeg yn gyfan gwbl.

p – mh / t – nh / c – ngh / b – m / d – n / g – ng

e.e. p - Gwnes i’n wych yn fy mhrawf Mathemateg heddiw.

Words of the week:

Remember to practise this week’s words of the week, every day. Listen to the video to make sure you’re pronouncing each word correctly. This week, we’re going to look at words associated with the environment; on plurals ending with ‘au’ and on the nasal mutation after ‘fy’.

Task: Write a sentence containing a word which begins with every one of the following letters. You’ll need to write six sentences altogether.

p – mh / t – nh / c – ngh / b – m / d – n / g – ng

e.g. p - Gwnes i’n wych yn fy mhrawf Mathemateg heddiw.

Chwefror 1 - Geiriau'r wythnos

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Dydd Llun / Monday

Gwasanaeth / Assembly

Mae’n Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant yr wythnos hon. I ddechrau’r wythnos, dewch i wrando ar wasanaeth gan Mr Dobson, sy’n esbonio mwy am thema’r flwyddyn hon.

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week this week. To start the week, listen to Mr Dobson’s assembly explaining a little more about this year’s theme.

Gwasanaeth Wythnos Iechyd meddwl plant.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1 - Read 'I am Enough' by Grace Byers

Read the book yourself or read along with Mr Price by clicking on the video below.

Dw i’n ddigon (I am Enough) - stori
Dwi'n Ddigon.mp4

Task 2 - Words within Words

How many words can you make from the book title?

I am Enough / Rwy'n ddigon

Task 3 - Comparing Songs

The theme for this week's Children's Mental Health week is 'Express Yourself'.

Self-expression is about communicating your individuality. This can be through words, clothing and hairstyle, or through art forms such as writing, drawing, music and dance. Self-expression can help you to showcase your true self – your story, your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

1) Watch the short video about music and meaning. Think about how the different pieces of music make you feel.

2) Then listen to the two songs linked below.

How does each song make you feel?

Which one do you prefer? Why?

3) Compare the songs you have listened to.

Are there similarities? What are the differences between them?

Think about:

  • the messages in the songs

  • how they want their audience to feel

  • how they made you feel

  • the instruments used

  • types of words in the songs

  • the tempo and energy of the songs

Show these using a Venn Diagram.

Comparing Songs Venn Diagram.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith Mathemateg heddiw.

Watch the video before starting your Maths work today.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 1 - Choose the most appropriate mental maths challenge.

Maths Pen 1.2.2021.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith. Cyfrifwch beth yw ffracsiynau y rhifau yma. Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi uchod i'ch helpu.

Task 3 - Watch the video before starting your work. Calculate the fractions of these numbers. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you. Use the multiplication square above to help you.

Heriau Ffracsiwn o Rif Syml.pptx

Cliciwch y botwm ac ymarferwch eich sgiliau darllen ffracsiwn wrth chwarae'r gêm yma.

Click on the button and practise your fractions reading skills by playing the game.

Thema / Themed work:

Creadigrwydd yn y gegin / Creativity in the kitchen:

Mae hi'n 'Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant' yr wythnos hon, sy'n gyfle i ni fynegi ein hunain mewn ffurf wahanol. Un ffordd o fynegi ein teimladau yw drwy goginio. / It is Children's Mental Health Week this week which encourages us to express ourselves in different ways. One way of expressing ourselves is through cooking.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Creu pryd blasus / Making a tasty meal

Beth ydych chi'n hoffi bwyta? Pa fwydydd sy'n eich gwneud chi'n hapus? Mae coginio yn ffordd wych i ddangos ein teimladau. Ewch ati i greu pryd o fwyd sy'n eich gwneud chi'n hapus. Gall hyn fod yn rhywbeth melys neu'n iachus. Mae yna nifer o syniadau i'ch ysbrydoli isod.

What do you like to eat? What foods make you happy? Cooking or baking is an excellent way to express ourselves. Your task is to make a dish that makes you happy. This can be sweet or savoury. There are a number of ideas to inspire you.

Tasg estynedig / Extension task:

Ewch ati greu cerdyn rysáit i fynd gyda'ch pryd i'w rhannu neu gwnewch fideo ohonoch chi'n coginio eich pryd.

Make a recipe card to share with others explaining how to make your dish or record a video of you cooking.

Gweithgareddau chwaraeon Torfaen / Torfaen sports activities:

Mae Swyddogion Chwaraeon Torfaen wedi rhoi'r log yma at ei gilydd ar gyfer mis Chwefror. Beth am geisio rhai ohonyn nhw? / Torfaen sports team have put a log together full of challenges to complete in February. Why not have a go at some of them?

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Watch the video before you start your work.

Task 1 - Express Yourself

Imagine you got stuck on an island for a day (don’t worry, a ship comes to rescue you). Think about your answers to the following questions:

Complete this task using the worksheet or, alternatively, create a Powerpoint or complete the task in your book. Can you write at least 3 sentences for every question?

The island.pdf


  • Write in full sentences.

  • Give reasons to explain your choices.

  • Don't forget to use capital 'I' when talking about yourself.

  • Use capital letters at the beginning of your sentences.

  • Use full stops or exclamation marks at the end of your sentences.

  • Check any spellings you're unsure of using the dictionary or the spellchecking tool if you're completing the work electronically.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 1 - Choose the most appropriate mental maths challenge.

Maths Pen 2.2.2021.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith. Cyfrifwch beth yw ffracsiynau y rhifau yma. Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi (*, ** neu ***). Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi i'ch helpu.

Task 3 - Watch the video before starting your work. Calculate the fractions of these numbers. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you (*, **, ***). Use the multiplication square to help you.

Ffracsiwn o Rif 2


*Ffracsiwn o Rif


**Ffracsiwn o Rif


***Ffracsiwn o Rif

Thema / Themed work:

Dangos ein creadigrwydd / Expressing our creativity:

Thema Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant 2021 yw mynegwch eich creadigrwydd. Gall hyn fod drwy weithgareddau celf. / The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is to express your creativity. One way of showing creativity is through art.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Her sgriblo / Squiggle challenge:

Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad a chwblhewch yr her. / Watch the presentation before completing the challenge.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Creadigrwydd gyda cherrig / Stone art

Ewch am dro o amgylch eich ardal leol a chasglwch wahanol fathau o gerrig. Pa ddelwedd allwch chi ei chreu allan o’r cerrig? Mae ychydig o syniadau fel sbardun isod. / Go out for a walk around your local area and collect different types of stones, pebbles and rocks. What image can you create from these objects? Look at the pictures below for inspiration.

Cofiwch dynnu lluniau o'ch gwaith a'u rhannu gyda ni. /

Remember to take pictures of your work and share them with us.

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1 - Staying Connected

It is important to remember that we are not alone. There are lots of people in our lives who can and do support us. Use these activities to reflect on the people in your life and how they support you.

Web of connections task:

1) Think about all the people you have in your life that you can turn to for support.

2) Draw a picture of yourself in the circle labelled ‘me’.

3) Around the outside, write the names or draw all the people you know and can talk to. Start with the people closest to you.

4) Draw a line between you and each person. Think about the ways you can talk to them and what you can both do to support each other.

Being kind to my friends task:

1) Think about the people on your web of connections. What type of person are they? What do they like to do? How can you help them?

2) Pick 3 people from the web and write down one kind act you can do for them.

Task 2 - Understanding Others

Read the book 'You , Me and Empathy.' Read the book yourself or listen and read along. Think about the questions that the book asks as you read. Tomorrow's tasks will be based on this book.

You, Me and Empathy


You, Me and Empathy.mp4

Read along

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 1 - Choose the most appropriate mental maths challenge.

Maths Pen 5.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo sydd ar Flipgrid cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith. Cyfrifwch beth yw ffracsiynau y rhifau yma. Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi i'ch helpu.

Cofiwch i ddefnyddio'r dull gorsaf bws i rannu.

Task 3 - Watch the video on Flipgrid before starting your work. Calculate the fractions of these numbers. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you . Use the multiplication square to help you.

Remember to use the 'bus stop' method to divide.

Heriau Ffracsiwn o Rif Mwy.pptx

Her (opsiynol) : Cyfrifwch y ffracsiynau ac ychwanegwch y symbolau cywir yn y bylchau.

Challenge (optional): Calculate the fractions and include the correct symbols in the gaps.

Her Ffracsiynau

Thema / Themed work:

Gweithgareddau corfforol / Physical activities

Mae’n gwneud gweithgareddau corfforol yn dda i’n hiechyd meddwl ac yn ffordd hefyd o reoli ein hemosiynau. / Physical activities help improve our mental wellbeing and also help us control our emotions.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Rydyn ni i gyd yn mwynhau gwahanol fathau o weithgareddau corfforol. Pa weithgareddau corfforol ydych chi’n eu hoffi? Beth am gymryd rhan mewn un o’r gweithgaredd isod neu cwblhewch tasg ymarfer corff eich hun am 20 munud.

We all enjoy different kinds of physical activities. What is your favourite physical activity? How about trying some of the sessions below or spend 20 minutes doing your own activity.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Sesiwn ioga / Yoga session

Mae ioga yn ein helpu i ymlacio a chanolbwyntio drwy weithio ar ein hanadlu a’n sgiliau ymestyn. Dilynwch y sesiwn ioga canlynol. Sut ydych chi’n teimlo ar ôl cwblhau’r sesiwn? / Yoga helps with relaxation and concentration by working on our breathing techniques and stretching skills. Follow the yoga session below. How do you feel after complete the session?

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language events:

Mae Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiynau 'Ymarfer Corff' ac 'Amser Chwarae' yn wythnosol ar Zoom. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r dosbarth derbyn i flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbysebion isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise holds Welsh fitness sessions and Playtime sessions every week on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the adverts below for more information.

Dydd Iau / Thursday

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work

Watch the video before starting your work.

Task 1 - 'ough' words

Silly Story

Can you write a Silly Story containing every 'ough' word below?

though although dough doughnut through

cough trough rough tough enough

Can you include adjectives and similes in your story? Can you use a thesaurus to improve your vocabulary?

Word Search.pdf

'ough' words word search (optional)

Task 2 - Understanding Others

If you haven't already, read the book 'You , Me and Empathy.' Read the book yourself or listen and read along.

You, Me and Empathy


You, Me and Empathy.mp4

Read along

It is important to remember that everyone experiences life differently, and it is important to understand how others feel. Understanding how others feel can help us be kinder to them, and to create a kinder world. Use the activities below to think about and learn how to understand others.

1) Look at the stories in the table; can you imagine being those people? How might they feel? Use the vocabulary grid to help you.

Understanding Others Table.docx
Emotion Thesaurus Vocabulary Grid - A4.pdf

How can I help?

Think about the people in the table above. Imagine you were there, what could you do to help them? Which things below could you do to help? Write the number of the story next to the kind solution. Some can be used in all the situations. Which ones are always helpful? Do you have any other suggestions of ways to be kind and helpful?

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Gwyliwch y fideo cyn dechrau eich gwaith.

Watch the video before starting your work.

Tasg 1 - Dewiswch yr her mathemateg pen sydd fwyaf addas i chi.

Task 1 - Choose the most appropriate mental maths challenge.

Maths Pen 4.2.2021.pptx

Tasg 2 -Ymarferwch eich tablau gan glicio ar y botymau a chwarae 'Hit the Button' neu 'Daily 10.' Cofiwch y gallwch ddefnyddio Sumdog a 'TT Blast' ar Hwb i ymarfer eich sgiliau mathemateg pen.

Task 2 - Practise your times tables by clicking on the buttons and playing 'Hit the Button' or 'Daily 10.' Remember that you can also use Sumdog and 'TT Blast', which is on Hwb, to practise your mental arithmetic.

Tasg 3 - Gwyliwch y fideo sydd ar Flipgrid cyn dechrau ar eich gwaith. Atebwch y cwestiynau geiriol yma gan ddarganfod ffracsiynau o rifau. Dewiswch yr her sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Defnyddiwch y sgwâr lluosi i'ch helpu os ydych eisiau.

Cofiwch i ddefnyddio'r dull gorsaf bws i rannu.

Task 3 - Watch the video on Flipgrid before starting your work. Answer these written questions by calculating fractions of numbers. Choose the most appropriate challenge for you . Use the multiplication square to help you if you want.

Remember to use the 'bus stop' method to divide.


1Problemau Geiriol Ffracsiynau.pdf


2Problemau Geiriol Ffracsiynau.pdf


3Problemau Geiriol Ffracsiynau.pdf

Thema Iaith / Themed Work

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2021/ Welsh Music Day 2021

Yfory, bydd hi'n ddydd Miwsig Cymru. Mae Dydd Miwsig Cymru yn ddigwyddiad blynyddol i ddathlu pob math o fiwsig Cymraeg. Mae'r diwrnod yn annog pobl o bob oed i ddarganfod ac i wrando ar gerddoriaeth Cymraeg.

Tomorrow will be Welsh Music Day. This annual event celebrates Welsh music and encourages people of all ages to listen and to discover the Welsh music scene.

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Y Siarter Iaith' am fwy o gemau a gweithgareddau Dydd Miwsig Cymru.

Remember to look at the 'Siarter Iaith' page above for more fun Welsh Music Day games and activities.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Cystadleuaeth ysgrifennu rap / Writing a rap competition:

Mae Mr Phormula, y rapiwr a'r cynhyrchydd, yn galw ar holl blant ysgolion cynradd Cymru i gyfansoddi cân rap Gymraeg neu ddwyieithog (gyda chymaint o Gymraeg â phosib) yn seiliedig ar y thema: 'Beth mae'r iaith yn feddwl i ti a dy ardal?' Dyma gymorth gan Mr Phormula.

Mr Phormula, the rapper and music producer is calling on school children from across Wales to write a bilingual rap song (using as much Welsh as possible) based on the theme: ‘What does the Welsh language mean to you and your area?’ Follow Mr Phormula’s top tips for writing a rap song

Lawrlwytha bîts am ddim gan Mr Phormula i'ch helpu i ysgrifennu eich rap./ Download Mr Phormula’s free beats to write your rap to .

Rhannwch eich gwaith gyda ni drwy glip fideo neu glip sain.

Share your work with us by recording a video or a sound clip.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Pwrpas Dydd Miwsig Cymru ydy gwrando ar gerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Ewch ati i fwynhau rhai o'r rhestrau chwarae sydd ar Spotify neu ar YouTube.

The aim of Welsh Music Day is to promote Welsh music. Listen to the various playlists on Spotify or on YouTube.

Dydd Gwener Lles / Well-being Friday:

Sbaeneg / Spanish:

Gwrandewch ar Hawys yn cyflwyno ffrwythau a bwydydd yn Sbaeneg.

Tasg: Ydych chi'n gallu adnabod rhai ffrwythau a bwydydd? Eich tasg ydy ysgrifennu bwydlen o'ch hoff fwydydd yn Sbaeneg ar ôl gwrando ar gyflwyniad Hawys.

Listen to Hawys introducing different fruits and foods in Spanish.

Task: Can you recognize different fruits and foods? Write a menu of your favorite foods in Spanish after listening to the presentation from Hawys.

Rhan 1 / Part 1:

Sesiwn 4 rhan 1.webm

Rhan 2 / Part 2:

Sesiwn 4 Rhan 2.webm

Lles / Well-being:

Thema ein sesiwn lles heddiw yw ‘emosiynau.’ Dewch i wrando ar y stori, ‘The Colour of Happy’, yn cael ei darllen.

The theme of this week’s well-being session is ‘emotions’. Listen to the story ‘The Colour of Happy’ being read.

The Colour of Happy.mp4

Mae’r stori yn cyfeirio at wahanol emosiynau a’r lliwiau mae’r plentyn yn eu cysylltu gyda phob emosiwn. Weithiau mae’n anodd i ni ddangos ein hemosiynau a dydy rhai ddim yn hoffi trafod eu hemosiynau. Bydd y dasg heddiw yn eich helpu i gyfleu eich emosiynau.

Creu olwyn emosiynau: Meddyliwch am wahanol emosiynau a’r lliwiau rydych chi’n cysylltu gyda’r emosiwn. Ewch ati i greu olwyn emosiynau eich hunain tebyg i’r un isod.

The story refers to different emotions and the colours that the character associates with every emotion. Sometimes, we find it hard to express and show our emotions. Today’s task will help you express and explain your emotions to others.

Creating an emotions wheel: Think of different emotions that you might feel and the colours that you associate with these emotions. Make your own emotion wheel similar to the one below.

Her tynnu llun ein teimladau: Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad hwn ac yna cwblhewch y dasg. Bydd y dasg yn eich helpu i gyfleu eich teimladau drwy lun.

Draw your feelings challenge: Create a picture of how you are feeling today. Watch the presentation before completing the task.

Addysg Gorfforol a Meddwlgarwch:

Physical Education and Mindfulness:

Beth am gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn Addysg Gorfforol heddiw? Ceir nifer o syniadau am weithgareddau ar y wefan hon. Mae ail wers Meddwlgarwch Mr Dobson ar gael ar y wefan hefyd.

How about taking part in a P.E session today? There are many ideas for activities on this website. Mr Dobson’s second Mindfulness lesson is on the website too.


Celf / Art:

Tasg: Cliciwch ar y ddolen er mwyn gwylio'r awdur a darlunydd plant, Shoo Rayner, yn eich dysgu sut i arlunio wynebau yn dangos gwahanol emosiynau. Beth am roi cynnig arni?

Task: Click on the link to watch Shoo Rayner, the children's author and illustrator, teach you how to draw faces showing different emotions. Why not give it a try?

Tasg ychwanegol / Extra task:

Cofiwch am y digwyddiad hwn sy’n fyw, bob prynhawn dydd Gwener.

Remember about this event, which takes place live, every Friday.

Dydd Miwsig Cymru:

Welsh language Music Day:

Am 12:30 heddiw, mae’r Urdd yn cynnal disgo yn fyw o Lan-llyn i ddathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru. Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod er mwyn ymuno mewn.

At 12:30 today, the Urdd will be holding a live disco from Glan-llyn to celebrate Dydd Miwsig Cymru. Click on the link below at 12:30 to join in.

Mae Pwyllgor Cymreictod Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw wedi creu rhestr chwarae o ganeuon Cymraeg.

Cliwich ar y linc i wrando iddynt:

The Welsh Language Committee at Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw has created a playlist of Welsh songs.

Click on the link to listen to the playlist:

Mwynhewch! / Enjoy!

Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

Enjoy the weekend!