Haf / Summer

Dydd Gwener / Friday - 16.4.2021

Thema / Topic:

Eich cymuned / Your community:

Mae llawer o ffyrdd i ni deimlo bod gennym gysylltiad gyda lle rydym yn byw. Yn ein cymuned, rydym yn gwneud nifer o bethau er mwyn teimlo ein bod yn perthyn i'n cymuned leol. Gallem fod yn rhan o'n cymuned leol mewn nifer o ffyrdd. Ydych chi'n gallu meddwl am wahanol bethau sydd yn gwneud i chi deimlo eich bod yn perthyn?

There are many ways for us to feel connected to where we live. In our community, we do many things to make us feel like we belong to our local community. We could be part of our local community in a number of ways. Can you think of the different things that make you feel like you belong?

Sut allwch chi helpu yn eich cymuned? Ysgrifennwch restr neu tynnwch luniau o'r gwahanol ffyrdd y gallwch chi help.

Dyma rai syniadau i'ch helpu:

Casglu sbwriel, ailgylchu, helpu pobl a gwirfoddoli ayyb.

How can you help in your community? Write a list or draw the different ways you can help.

Here are some ideas to help you:

Litter picking, recycling, helping people and volunteering etc.

Gwaith celf / Art work:

Fedrwch chi dynnu llun neu greu map o'ch cymuned neu lle rydych chi'n hoffi mynd yn eich ardal leol? Cofiwch gynnwys amrywiaeth o bethau e.e. parc, gardd, cae rygbi, ffrindiau, ysgol, gorsaf heddlu neu gapel ayyb.

Can you draw a map of your community or where you like to visit in your local area? Remember to include a variety of things e. g. park, garden, rugby pitch, friends, school, police station or a chapel etc.

Addysg Gorfforol / Physical Education:

Cliciwch ar y linc ar gyfer sesiwn Ymarfer Corff.

Click on the link for a workout.

Gwaith Cartref / Homework:

Sillafu / Spelling:

One way of remembering how to spell the word because is by using the mnemonic big elephants can always understand small elephants. Create your own poster to help you remember. There are some examples below.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Gwerth lle / Place value:

Beth yw gwerth y rhif wedi'i danlinellu? Dewiswch set a, b neu c. / What is the value of the underlined number? Choose set a,b or c.

Darllen / Reading:

In our English lessons this week we've looked at adjectives. Read the paragraph below and then list the adjectives in your book.