
Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 10:00am ar ddydd Mawrth. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn digwydd ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 10:00am a chlicio ar y ddolen. (Efallai na fydd y ddolen yn gweithio os ydych chi’n ei thrio cyn yr amser dechrau.)

Cofiwch ddarllen y canllawiau a’r rheolau isod cyn eich sesiwn os gwelwch yn dda.

Our live catch up session will take place at 10:00am on Tuesday. The session will take place on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 10:00am and click on the link. (If you click on the link before this time, it might not work.)

Remember to read the instructions and the rules below before your session please.

Accessing Google Classrooms:

Fideo Goodle Classroom.mp4
Canllawiau rhieni - Google Classroom.pdf
Rheolau Sesiynau Byw.pdf

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y botwm isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the button below.

Dydd Llun / Monday 1/2/2021


Mae’n Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant yr wythnos hon. I ddechrau’r wythnos, dewch i wrando ar wasanaeth gan Mr Dobson, sy’n esbonio mwy am thema’r flwyddyn hon.


It’s Children’s Mental Health Week this week. To start the week, listen to Mr Dobson’s assembly explaining a little more about this year’s theme.

Gwasanaeth Wythnos Iechyd meddwl plant.mp4

Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Read the story 'You, Me and Empathy' or listen to the story being read to you.

You, Me and Empathy
You, Me and Empathy.mp4

Task 1: The main character in the story is a little boy named Quinn. Can you create a character concertina for him? This is a fun and creative way to describe a character’s personality. How about creating one for yourself too?

You can choose your own adjectives or use the ones in the table below.

Online dictionary:

Task 2: Choose 4 adjectives you're unsure of and use the online dictionary to find their definition. Create a simple table in your books like the one below. One has been done for you.


Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Gramau a chilogramau / Grams and kilograms:

Rydym yn defnyddio’r unedau mesur gramau (g) a chilogramau (kg) i ddarganfod pwysau eitemau.

Rydym yn pwyso pethau bach ysgafn mewn gramau (g) a phethau trymach mewn cilogramau (kg).

1 kg = 1000 g

We use the measuring unit grams (g) and kilograms (kg) to weigh an object.

We weigh smaller items in grams (g) and larger, heavier items in kilograms (kg)

1 kg = 1000 g

Tasg 1) Didolwch y lluniau hyn i’r cylchoedd cywir.

Task 1) Sort these items into their correct group.

Tasg 2) Darllenwch y raddfa a llenwch y bylchau. Yn gyntaf, darganfyddwch fesul beth mae'r neidiadau.

Task 2) Read the scale correctly in order to fill in the boxes. Firstly, work out how much every interval is worth.

Tasg 3: Chwaraewch y gêm 'Mostly Postie'. Dechreuwch ar yr un 1af a gweithiwch lan at y 4ydd un fel y gwelwch yn y llun. Byddwch yn darllen clorian mewn gramau heddiw.

Tasg 3: Play the game 'Mostly Postie'. Start with the 1st one and work up to the 4th as seen in the picture. You will be reading scales in grams today.


Thema / Theme:

Thema Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant eleni yw 'Mynegwch Eich Hun'. Mae hunanfynegiant yn ymwneud â chyfleu eich unigoliaeth. Gall hyn fod trwy eiriau, dillad a steil gwallt, neu trwy ffurfiau celf fel ysgrifennu, darlunio, cerddoriaeth a dawns.

This year's theme for Children's Mental Health Week is 'Express Yourself'. Self-expression is about communicating your individuality. This can be through words, clothing and hairstyle, or through art forms such as writing, drawing, music and dance.

Mynegi fy hun drwy gelf / Expressing myself through art

Tasg 1: Rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgaredd syml hwn ‘tynnu llun eich teimladau’ gan dîm 'Place2Be’s Art Room'. Bydd angen papur a rhywbeth i dynnu llun arnoch.

Task 1: Try this simple ‘draw your feelings’ activity by 'Place2Be’s Art Room' team. You will need paper and something to draw with.

Mynegi fy hun drwy gerddoriaeth a dawns / Expressing myself through music and dance

Gwyliwch y fideo hwn a meddyliwch am y gwahanol ffyrdd y gall cerddoriaeth newid sut rydyn ni'n teimlo a mynegi ein hunain.

Tasg 2: Dewiswch ddarn o gerddoriaeth neu gân sy'n gwneud i chi deimlo'n hapus, dawnsiwch i'r gerddoriaeth yn eich steil unigol eich hun.

Watch this video and think about the different ways in which music can change how we feel and express ourselves.

Task 2: Choose a piece of music or song that makes you feel good, dance to the music in your own individual style.

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2021 / Welsh Language Music Day 2021

Dydd Gwener yma yw Dydd Miwsig Cymru. Mae'n ddiwrnod i ddathlu pob math o gerddoriaeth Gymraeg. P’un ai ydych chi’n hoffi miwsig indi, roc, hip hop neu unrhyw beth arall, mae miwsig anhygoel yn cael ei greu yn y Gymraeg i chi ei ddarganfod. Bob dydd yr wythnos hon, byddwn yn rhoi cân Gymraeg i chi wrando arni.

Cân heddiw yw Cwîn gan Gwilym.

This Friday is Welsh Language Music Day. It is a day to celebrate all forms of Welsh Language music. Whether you’re into indie, rock, hip hop or anything else, there’s incredible music being made in the Welsh language for you to discover. Every day this week, we will give you a Welsh song to listen to.

Today’s song is 'Cwîn' by Gwilym.

Chwaraeon Torfaen / Torfaen Sports:

Gweithgareddau Chwefror / February's Activities:

Mae Swyddogion Datblygu Chwaraeon Torfaen wedi rhoi’r syniadau hyn at ei gilydd ar gyfer mis Chwefror. Faint ohonyn nhw gallwch chi eu gwneud?

Torfaen Sports Development Officers have put this log of activities together for February. How many of them can you complete?

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday 2/2/2021

Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Spelling: These 'red words' are words we are unable to sound out. We have to learn them.

Task 1: Speed read the words. How about timing yourself and trying to beat your score?

Task 2: Practise spelling these words using the pyramid method as seen in the examples below.

Task 3: Quinn carries out several acts of kindness in the story. Can you note them down on a mind map? Draw a picture of Quinn and then give examples around it. One has been done for you.

If you'd prefer, you can record yourself on Seesaw.

Task 4: How can we show kindness? Fill this wheel with different acts of kindness. You can do this through pictures, sentences or both. There are some examples below for you.

Mathemateg/ Mathematics

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Tasg 1: Trefnwch y bwydydd o'r ysgafnaf i'r trymaf. Gallwch gofnodi eich atebion drwy wneud lluniau, nodi'r pwysau neu enw'r eitem.

Task 1 : Order the groceries from the lightest to the heaviest. You can record your answers by drawing pictures, noting down the weight or the name of the item.

Tasg 2 : Atebwch y cwestiynau isod. Gallwch ddewis opsiwn 1,2 neu 3. Task 2: Answer the following questions. You can choose option 1,2 or 3.

Opsiwn 1 / Option 1:

Opsiwn 2 / Option 2:

Opsiwn 3 / Option 3:

Thema / Theme

Mynegi fy hun drwy ddillad / Expressing myself through clothes

Fel y gwyddoch, thema Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant eleni yw 'Mynegwch Eich Hun'. Gallwch fynegi eich hunain drwy'r dillad yr ydych yn dewis eu gwisgo.

Tasg: Dyluniwch esgid newydd i chi eich hunain. Dylai'r esgid gynnwys eich hoff liwiau a lluniau o bethau sydd yn eich gwneud yn hapus. Gallwch ddefnyddio un o'r templedi isod os dymunwch.

As you know, this year's Children's Mental Health Week theme is 'Express Yourself'. You can express yourself through the clothes you choose to wear.

Task: Design new shoe for yourself. The shoe should include your favourite colours and pictures of things that make you happy. You can use one of the templates below if you wish.

Templed 1.pdf
Templed 2.pdf
Templed 3.pdf

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2021 / Welsh Language Music Day 2021

Cofiwch am ddydd Miwsig Cymru ar ddydd Gwener. Beth am wrando ar gân y diwrnod?

Remember that it's 'dydd Miwsig Cymru' (Welsh Language Music Day) on Friday. How about listening to today's chosen song?

'Gwreiddiau' gan Sŵnami.

'Gwreiddiau' by Sŵnami.

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday 3/2/2021

Llythrennedd / Literacy

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Task 1: Fill in the blanks with either the 'ea' cup of tea sound or the 'ee' what can you see sound.

Task 2: Following yesterday’s work, fill in the padlet with an act of kindness you’ve done or are planning to do this week.


Task 3: We feel many different feelings every day. Quinn talks about how he’s sometimes happy, sad, worried and mad and how we all have feelings. What does happiness feel like to you? What does it sound like? Write a simple happiness poem using the template below. If you like, you can choose a different feeling.

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Darllen cloriannau mewn kg / Reading scales in kg.

Heddiw byddwch yn mesur pwysau trwy edrych ar gloriannau wedi eu labelu mewn kg.

Cofiwch fod 1kg yn =1000g felly mae ½ kg yn 500g

Today you will be looking at scales which are labelled in kg.

Remember that 1kg = 1000g and therefore ½ a kg is 500g.

Tasg 1: Parwch y glorian gyda'r pwysau cywir. Dechreuwch drwy edrych ar y dewis o bwysau. Cofiwch fod 1kg = 1000g

Task 1: Match the scales with the correct weight. Start by looking at the choice of weights. Remember that 1kg = 1000g

Tasg 2: Defnyddiwch glorian i bwyso bwydydd yn eich tŷ er mwyn darganfod y pwysau. Labelwch bwysau'r bwyd gan ddefnyddio darn o bapur. Trefnwch eich eitemau o’r ysgafnaf i’r trymaf a thynnwch lun i ni ar SeeSaw. (Gweler y lluniau). Os nad oes clorian gennych, amcangyfrifwch bwysau'r gwahanol eitemau ac yna trefnwch nhw.

Task 2: Use weighing scales to weigh different food items in your house. Label the food items with a piece of paper. Order them from the lightest to the heaviest. Take a picture to show us on SeeSaw. (See picture) If you don't own a set of scales, estimate the weight of each item and then order them.

Thema / Theme

Meddwlgarwch / Mindfulness

Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn ddawns meddwlgarwch gyda Tara.

Click on the link below to take part in a mindfulness dance session with Tara.


Tasg: Mae'r cerdiau her isod yn cynnwys gweithgareddau meddwlgarwch defnyddiol. Mae'r gweithgareddau wedi eu cynllunio i'ch helpu chi i gymryd yr amser i feddwl am eich teimladau, teimladau pobl eraill - a'r byd o'ch cwmpas. Dewiswch 5 neu fwy o'r gweithgareddau a rhowch gynnig arnyn nhw.

Task: The challenge cards below contain some helpful mindfulness activities. The activities are designed to help you take the time to think about your feelings, those of others - and the world around you. Choose 5 or more activities and give them a try.

Cerdiau her meddwlgarwch.pdf
Mindfulness Challenge Cards.pdf

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2021 / Welsh Language Music Day 2021

Cofiwch am ddydd Miwsig Cymru ar ddydd Gwener. Beth am wrando ar gân y diwrnod?

Remember that it's 'dydd Miwsig Cymru' (Welsh Language Music Day) on Friday. How about listening to today's chosen song?

'Enfys yn y glaw' gan Kizzy Crawford

'Enfys yn y glaw' by Kizzy Crawford.

Dydd Iau / Thursday 4/2/2021

Iaith / Language

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.


Task 1: Complete a few levels on Nessy.

Secret word : frosteddawn


Task 2: Today you are going to present information about yourself. You can do this by using one of the templates below, writing a paragraph or recording yourself on Seesaw.

You should consider including the following in your work:

•Your name / age

•A picture of yourself

•Your favourite food / colour / school subject / animal / song etc.

•Things you’re good at / things you need some help with.

•Things that make you happy.

Sentence starters:

My name is ________ and I am ________ years old.

I live in...

I enjoy...

My favourite... is...

I like...

I don't like...

Another thing I enjoy is...

I'm good at... / Sometimes I need help with...

This is me 2.pdf
This is me.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Pwysau / Màs : defnyddio pwysau 5g, 10g a 100g

Weight / Mass: using 5g, 10g and 100g weights.

Tasg 1: Atebwch y cwestiynau isod.

Task 1: Answer the following questions.

1. Rydym wedi rhoi gwrthrych ar glorian ac wedi cydbwyso’r glorian gan ddefnyddio’r pwysau canlynol, 5g, 10g a 10g. Beth yw pwysau/màs y gwrthrych?

(We have put an object on the weighing scales and balanced it by using the following weights, 5g, 10g and 10g. What is the weight/mass of the object?)

= ___________

2. Rydym wedi rhoi gwrthrych ar glorian ac wedi cydbwyso’r glorian gan ddefnyddio’r pwysau canlynol, 5g, 100g a 5g. Beth yw pwysau/màs y gwrthrych?

(We have put an object on the weighing scales and balanced it by using the following weights, 5g, 100g and 5g. What is the weight/mass of the object?)

= ___________

3. Rydym wedi rhoi gwrthrych ar glorian ac wedi cydbwyso’r glorian gan ddefnyddio’r pwysau canlynol, 100g, 100g a 5g. Beth yw pwysau/màs y gwrthrych?

(We have put an object on the weighing scales and balanced it by using the following weights, 100g, 100g a 5g. What is the weight/mass of the object?)

= ___________

4. Os yw’r gwrthrych yn pwyso 25g pa 3 o’r pwysau sydd ar gael y byddech yn eu dewis i gydbwyso’r glorian?

(If this object weighs 25g which 3 of the weights available would you choose to balance the scales)

1____________________ 2______________________ 3_______________________

5. Os yw’r gwrthrych yn pwyso 110g pa 3 o’r pwysau sydd ar gael y byddech yn eu dewis i gydbwyso’r glorian?

(If this object weighs 110g which 3 of the weights available would you choose to balance the scale?)

1____________________ 2______________________ 3_______________________

HER: Meddyliwch am gwestiwn rhif 6 eich hun ac yna ei ateb.

CHALLENGE: Think of your own question for number 6 and then answer it.

Tasg 2: Chwaraewch y gêm 'Mostly Postie' eto heddiw. Gallwch ddewis pa raddfa fesur yr hoffech ei chwarae. Sylwch fod yna ddau glorian wedi eu labelu mewn kg. Rhowch gynnig ar rhain er mwyn herio'ch hun.

Task 2: Play the game 'Mostly Postie' again today. You may choose which interval range game you wish to play. Notice that there are two scales labelled kg. In order to challenge yourself, have a go at these to see how you get on.


Thema / Theme

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2021 / Welsh Language Music Day 2021

Fel y gwyddoch, mae hi'n Ddydd Miwsig Cymru yfory. Diwrnod i ddathlu pob math o gerddoriaeth Gymraeg.

Beth am ddechrau'r dathlu yn gynnar a dawnsio o gwmpas y gegin? Mae cerddoriaeth ar y dolenni isod i chi fwynhau yn eich disgo. Cofiwch anfon llun i ni ar 'Seesaw' neu dudalen 'Trydar' (@ygcwmbran) yr ysgol.

As you know, it's Welsh Language Music Day tomorrow. It is a day to celebrate all forms of Welsh Language music.

Why not start the celebrations early and have a dance around your kitchen? There's music on the links below for you to enjoy in your disco. Remember to send us a picture on 'Seesaw' or the school's Twitter page (@ygcwmbran).

Tasg: Dyluniwch glawr deniadol ar gyfer albwm CD 'Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2021'. Mae templed isod i chi gopïo a syniadau o'r lluniau a fedrwch eu cynnwys. Cofiwch ysgrifennu teitl yr albwm yn glir, mewn llythrennau mawr.

Task: Design an attractive cover for a 'Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2021' CD album. Below is a template for you to copy and some ideas of the pictures you could include. Remember to write the title of the album clearly, in large letters.

Clawr CD.pdf
Dydd Miwsig Cymru.pdf

Digwyddiad Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language event:

Dydd Gwener Lles / Well-being Friday:

Lles / Well-being:

Thema ein sesiwn lles heddiw yw ‘emosiynau.’ Dewch i wrando ar y stori, ‘The Colour of Happy’, yn cael ei darllen.

The theme of this week’s well-being session is ‘emotions’. Listen to the story ‘The Colour of Happy’ being read.

The Colour of Happy.mp4

Mae’r stori yn cyfeirio at wahanol emosiynau a’r lliwiau mae’r plentyn yn eu cysylltu gyda phob emosiwn. Weithiau mae’n anodd i ni ddangos ein hemosiynau a dydy rhai ddim yn hoffi trafod eu hemosiynau. Bydd y dasg heddiw yn eich helpu i gyfleu eich emosiynau.

Creu olwyn emosiynau: Meddyliwch am wahanol emosiynau a’r lliwiau rydych chi’n cysylltu gyda’r emosiwn. Ewch ati i greu olwyn emosiynau eich hunain tebyg i’r un isod.

The story refers to different emotions and the colours that the character associates with every emotion. Sometimes, we find it hard to express and show our emotions. Today’s task will help you express and explain your emotions to others.

Creating an emotions wheel: Think of different emotions that you might feel and the colours that you associate with these emotions. Make your own emotion wheel similar to the one below.

Her tynnu llun ein teimladau: Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad hwn ac yna cwblhewch y dasg. Bydd y dasg yn eich helpu i gyfleu eich teimladau drwy lun.

Draw your feelings challenge: Create a picture of how you are feeling today. Watch the presentation before completing the task.

Celf / Art:

Tasg: Cliciwch ar y ddolen er mwyn gwylio'r awdur a darlunydd plant, Shoo Rayner, yn eich dysgu sut i arlunio wynebau yn dangos gwahanol emosiynau. Beth am roi cynnig arni?

Task: Click on the link to watch Shoo Rayner, the children's author and illustrator, teach you how to draw faces showing different emotions. Why not give it a try?

Addysg Gorfforol a Meddwlgarwch:

Physical Education and Mindfulness:

Beth am gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn Addysg Gorfforol heddiw? Ceir nifer o syniadau am weithgareddau ar y wefan hon. Mae ail wers Meddwlgarwch Mr Dobson ar gael ar y wefan hefyd.

How about taking part in a P.E session today? There are many ideas for activities on this website. Mr Dobson’s second Mindfulness lesson is on the website too.


Tasg ychwanegol / Extra task:

Cofiwch am y digwyddiad hwn sy’n fyw, bob prynhawn dydd Gwener.

Remember about this event, which takes place live, every Friday.

Dydd Miwsig Cymru:

Welsh language Music Day:

Am 12:30 heddiw, mae’r Urdd yn cynnal disgo yn fyw o Lan-llyn i ddathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru. Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod er mwyn ymuno mewn.

At 12:30 today, the Urdd will be holding a live disco from Glan-llyn to celebrate Dydd Miwsig Cymru. Click on the link below at 12:30 to join in.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

Enjoy the weekend!