Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work

Cofiwch y gallwch chi ddangos eich gwaith i mi drwy ei uwchlwytho ar 'Seesaw'. Gweler y llythyr yn eich llyfr gwaith cartref am ragor o fanylion.

Remember you can show me your work by uploading it on 'Seesaw'. Please see the letter in your homework book for more information.

Diolch, Miss Westphal

Llythyr Seesaw Gwaith Cartref 3 a 4.pdf


Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Iaith / Language:

In class we've looked at the 'igh' -'fly high' sound.

Task 1: How many of the words can you read in 1 minute? Can you beat your score?

Task 2: Read the sentences below and fill the blanks with the correct 'igh' word.

might / night / light / fight

  1. The stars come out at __________.

  2. Can you please turn off the ________.

  3. The boys had a _______ on the yard.

  4. I _______ have a bath later.

Task 3: Can you write a silly story including some of the 'igh' words?

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Defnyddiwch y tabl i'ch helpu ateb y cwestiynau isod. / Use the table to help you answer the questions below.

  1. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Candelas? How many children like Candelas?

  2. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Yws Gwynedd? How many children like Yws Gwynedd?

  3. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Gwilym a Mr Phormula? How many children like Gwilym and Mr Phormula?

  4. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Yr Ods a Candelas? How many children like Yr Ods and Candelas?

Thema / Theme:

Dylunio siwmper/ siwmper Nadolig:

Yn y dosbarth fe ddechreuon ni ddylunio ein siwmperi. Beth am i chi wneud templed siwmper yn eich llyfr er mwyn gorffen eich dyluniad? Gallwch ddangos i mi drwy 'Seesaw'.

Designing a jumper / Christmas jumper:

In class we started designing our jumpers. How about drawing a jumper template in your books and finishing your design? You can show me your jumper on 'Seesaw'.

Gweithgaredd ychwanegol / Additional activity:

Beth am ddilyn y fideo er mwyn dylunio tŷ bara sinsir? Gallwch ddangos i mi ar 'Seesaw'.

How about following the video to draw a gingerbread house? You can show me on 'Seesaw'.


Iaith / Language:

Click on the link for a phonics session with Miss Westphal. Choose the option 'Log in with Google' and enter your Hwb e-mail. We will be revising the sound 'ar' - start the car today.

How about filling your page with pictures of Edgar and different things from the advert once you have finished?

In class last week we looked at last year's John Lewis advert based on 'Excitable Edgar'.

We listed adjectives to describe Edgar's feelings during the advert. Below are some of the adjectives you listed. Can you give examples of why he was feeling like that? Please see the example below.

excited / sad / sorry / happy / embarrassed / loved / proud

  1. Edgar felt loved when the little girl knocked on his door and gave him a present.

Edgar felt ... because ...

Edgar was ... when...

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Byddwn yn adolygu adio mewn colofnau yn ein gwaith bore ma. Cliciwch ar y linc er mwyn gwrando ar neges gan Miss Westphal.

We will be revising column addition in our work this morning. Click on the link to listen to a message from Miss Westphal.

Tasg 1: Cwblhewch y symiau isod yn eich llyfr. Task 1: Complete the sums below in your book.

Thema / Theme:

Tasg - Effaith pobl ar yr amgylchedd:

Gwyliwch y clip isod sy'n sôn am effaith pobl ar yr amgylchedd. Yna, gwnewch lun o'r ddaear yng nghanol eich tudalen ac ysgrifennwch ffyrdd rydyn ni'n gallu helpu'r amgylchedd o'i gwmpas.

Task - The impact of humans on the environment:

Watch the clip below which explains the impact of humans on the environment. Then, draw a picture of the earth in the middle of your page and write ways in which we can help the environment around it.

Gweithgaredd ychwanegol / Additional activity:


Beth am ddilyn y fideo er mwyn dylunio dyn eira? Gallwch ddangos i mi ar 'Seesaw'.

How about following the video to draw a snowman? You can show me on 'Seesaw'.


Iaith / Language:

Click on the link for a phonics session with Miss Westphal.

Choose the option 'Log in with Google' and enter your Hwb e-mail. We will be revising the sound 'ou' - shout it out today.


Task 1: Click on the presentation and read the words.

Task 2: Practise spelling the words following the strategy below.

  1. Look at the word.

  2. Cover the word.

  3. Write the word.

  4. Check that you've spelt the word correctly.

Task 3: Watch the advert about Edgar from yesterday's work and then draw a story map which shows what happens throughout the advert.

Remember to put the events in the correct order on your story map.

Please see the pictures below for some examples.

Remember to show me your work on Seesaw.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg: Ymarferwch ein rap tabl 3 a 4. Yna, beth am i chi chwarae rhai o'r gemau tablau? Gallwch ddewis tabl 2, 3 neu 4. Cliciwch ar y linc berthnasol.

Task: Practise the 3 and 4 times table rap. Then, how about playing some of the times tables games? You can choose either times table 2, 3 or 4. Click on the relevant link.

Rhannu: Cwblhewch y symiau isod gan ddilyn y dull yn y llun, cyfri yn y pen neu defnyddio eich bysedd.

Division: Complete the sums below by following the method in the picture, counting in your head or using your fingers.

Thema / Theme:

Lles- Pobl sy'n ein helpu / Well-being- People who help us:

Yn y llun mae rhai o'r bobl y byddech chi'n meddwl amdanyn nhw wrth drafod pobl sy'n ein helpu.

Heddiw hoffwn i chi feddwl am rywun sydd wedi helpu chi yn ystod y cyfnod clo. Tynnwch lun o'r person sydd wedi helpu chi ac ysgrifennwch neges yn esbonio sut maen nhw wedi eich helpu.

In the picture there are some of the people we'd think of when we talk about people who help us.

Today I'd like you to think about someone who helped you during the lockdown period. Draw a picture of the person that's helped you and write a little message explaining how they've helped you.

Gweithgaredd ychwanegol / Additional activity:


Beth am ddilyn y fideo er mwyn dylunio lluniau Nadoligaidd? Gallwch ddangos i mi ar 'Seesaw'.

How about following the video to draw some Christmas pictures? You can show me on 'Seesaw'.


Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Iaith / Language:


Tasg: Beth am gwblhau ychydig o lefelau ar NESSY?

Task: How about completing a few levels on NESSY?

Secret word : frosteddawn

Task 1: Read over the words on the PowerPoint 3 times.

Task 2: Split your page to look like a graffiti wall as seen below. Then, practise writing the words in any style on your wall. Please see the example below.

Red words PPT

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg: Allwch chi ddod o hyd i 1 yn fwy a 1 yn llai na'r rhif ar fola'r robot?

Task: Can you work out 1 less and 1 more than the number on the robot's belly?

Tasg: Gwyliwch y fideo sy'n esbonio dilyniannau rhif. Yna, gweithiwch allan beth yw'r rheol er mwyn gweithio allan beth yw'r rhifau nesaf yn y dilyniant.

Task: Watch the video which explains number sequences. Then, work out the rule in order to work out the next numbers in the sequence.

Thema / Theme:

Beth am wneud bach o ymarfer corff bore mae? Cliciwch ar y fideo er mwyn dechrau eich sesiwn Nadoligaidd.

How about doing a Christmas workout this morning? Click on the link to begin the work out with Buddy the elf.

Gweithgaredd ychwanegol / Additional activity:

Beth am ddilyn y fideo er mwyn dylunio glôb eira? Gallwch ddangos i mi ar 'Seesaw'.

How about following the video to draw a snow globe? You can show me on 'Seesaw'.


Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Westphal. Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Westphal. Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access. Diolch yn fawr.

Iaith / Language:

I'd like you to imagine that Edgar is missing. Can you help by designing a missing poster? Draw a picture of Edgar and write a description to help people find him. Please see the posters below for examples.

You can describe how he looks and how he behaves.

Mathemateg /Mathematics:

Adio arian mewn colofnau / Adding money in columns:

Defnyddiwch y dull colofnau er mwyn cyfrifo'r gost ar gyfer rhai o gynhwysion cinio rhost.

Use the column method to calculate the cost of some ingredients for a roast dinner.

Beth yw'r gost ar gyfer y cynhwysion isod? What is the cost for the following ingredients?

1) pys a moron / peas and carrots

2) tatws rhost a grefi / roast potatoes and gravy

3) cig a thatws / meat and potatoes

4) tatws a pys / potatoes and peas

5) cig a thatws rhost / meat and roast potatoes

6) pys a grefi / peas and gravy

Syniadau parti Nadolig / Christmas party ideas:

Dyma rai syniadau o bethau y gallwch chi wneud fel rhan o'n parti Nadolig. Here are some ideas of things you could do as part of our Christmas party.

Beth am wneud bach o ymarfer corff a dawnsio? / How about doing a work out and some dancing?

Beth am ddylunio rhai o'r lluniau isod yn eich llyfrau ac yna lliwio nhw? / How about drawing some of the pictures below in your book and colouring them?


Beth am ddilyn y fideo er mwyn dylunio lluniau Nadoligaidd? Gallwch ddangos i mi ar 'Seesaw'.

How about following the video to draw some Christmas pictures? You can show me on 'Seesaw'.

Gweithgareddau ychwanegol / Additional tasks:

Iaith / Language:

Yr wyddor Gymraeg / The Welsh alphabet :

Dewch i gael hwyl yn ymarfer yr wyddor Gymraeg drwy gopïo synau a symudiadau'r plant yn y fideo hwn.

Have fun practising the Welsh alphabet by copying the sounds and movements of the children in this video.

Sillafu / Spelling:

Geiriau Cymraeg / Welsh words.

Dewiswch dri neu fwy o'r lluniau isod a'u copïo yn eich llyfrau. Yna, llenwch y lluniau gyda rhai o'r geiriau allweddol Cymraeg sydd yn y tabl. Cofiwch eu sillafu yn gywir.

Choose three or more of the pictures below and copy them into your books. Then, fill in the pictures with some of the Welsh keywords from the table. Remember to spell them correctly.

Y llythrennau dwbl ll a ch:

Mae'r lluniau isod yn cynnwys y llythyren ddwbl ll neu ch. Gwnewch dabl yn eich llyfr, tynnwch lun o dan y llythyren ddwbl gywir ac yna ysgrifennwch y gair wrth ei ochr. Mae enghraifft isod i chi.

Atebion : Ar ôl cwblhau eich gwaith, gallwch wirio'r atebion ar y sleid.

Double letters ll and ch:

The pictures below include the double letters ll or ch. Draw a table in your book, draw the pictures under the correct double letter and then spell the word by its side. There is an example below for you.

Answers : After completing your work you can check the answers on the slide.

Atebion ll neu ch


Beth am gwblhau ychydig o lefelau ar NESSY?

What about completing a few levels on NESSY?

Secret word : frosteddawn

Read Write Inc-Phonics:

oy - toy for a boy / ir - whirl and twirl

Find the 'oy' and 'ir' sounds on the video. Practise the sounds in a normal voice / high voice / low voice / funny voice.

Task 1: Read the words as many times as you can. How about reading them in their order and then a random order?

Task 2: Practise spelling the 'oy' and 'ir' words in practical ways with items you have at home. There are some ideas in the picture.

oy- toy for a boy

ir- whirl and twirl

Task: How many words can you make from the Boggle grids below? You can use each letter once.

Examples: cat / hat

Llawysgrifen / Handwriting:

Copïwch y gerdd yn eich llyfrau yn eich llawysgrifen orau.

Copy the poem in your books in your neatest handwriting.

Llythrennau coll! / Missing letters!

Mae'r lluniau yn cynnwys y llythyren ddwbl th neu ff. Pa lythyren ddwbl sy'n mynd yn y bwlch i sillafu'r gair gywir?

The pictures include the double letters th or ff. Can you decide which double letter goes in the gap to spell the word correctly?

ce____yl / ca____ / por_____or / ___rindiau / ba____ / ar_____

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Gemau Mathemateg / Maths games:

Dewch i ymarfer eich mathemateg pen drwy chwarae'r gemau isod.

Practise your mental maths by playing the games below.

Bondiau rhif 10, 100 a 1000.

Mae bondiau rhif yn barau o rifau sy'n adio i nifer penodol.

Gwyliwch y clip ac yna chreu un o'r posteri isod i'ch helpu i gofio eich bondiau rhif 10,100 a 1000. Cofiwch ymafer eich bondiau rhif yn reolaidd.

Number bonds to 10, 100 and 1000.

Number bonds are pairs of numbers which add up to a certain number.

Watch the clip and then create one of the posters below to help you remember your number bonds to 10,100 and 1000. Remember to practise your number bonds regularly

Cwblhewch y bondiau rhif isod. Dewiswch eich lefel anhawster eich hun.

Complete the number bonds below. Choose your own difficulty level.

Bondiau rhif 10 / Number bonds to 10 :

Bondiau rhif 10, 100, 1000 a 10 000 / Number bonds to 10 ,100,1000 and 10 000.

Arian / Money:

Faint o newid sydd eisiau arnoch? Dechreuwch gyda 'A' ac os gwelwch hwn yn hawdd, datryswch daflen 'B'. (Gwyliwch y clip fidio yn dangos y dull adio ymlaen a ddefnyddiwyd gyda'r disgyblion yn y dosbarth. )

How much change do you need? Start with 'A' and if you can do this with some confidence, try worksheet 'B'. ( Watch the video clip showing the 'adding on' method used in class with the pupils.)




Ffracsiynau / Fractions:

Gwyliwch y fideo i'ch atgoffa o beth yn union yw ffracsiynau.

Watch this clip as a reminder of what fractions are.

Gemau Mathemateg / Maths games:

Dewch i chwarae'r gemau ffracsiynau.

Come and play these fraction games.

Ffracsiwn o rif:

I weithio allan ffracsiwn o rif rhaid i chi rannu'r rhif hwnnw gyda'r rhif ar waelod y ffracsiwn. Gallwch ddefnyddio y dull neidio isod i'ch helpu i ddatrys y symiau neu gwnewch y cyfrifo yn eich pen. Neidiwch fesul y rhif ar waelod y ffracsiwn. Dewiswch set A neu B.

Fraction of a number:

To work out a fraction of a number you must divide that number by the number at the bottom of the fraction. You can use the jumping method below to help you solve the sums or do the calculations in your head. Jump per the number on the bottom of the fraction. Choose set A or B.

1/5 o 30 = 6

Set A

  1. 1/5 o 45 =

  2. 1/2 o 12 =

  3. 1/5 o 35 =

  4. 1/3 o 27 =

  5. 1/5 0 50 =

  6. 1/2 o 30 =

Set B

  1. 1/4 o 24=

  2. 1/6 o 36 =

  3. 1/4 o 16 =

  4. 1/3 o 21 =

  5. 1/10 o 210 =

  6. 1/7 o 21 =

Dewch i chwarae'r gemau gwerth lle.

Come and play these place value games.

Adio mewn colofnau / Column addition

Gwyliwch y clip hwn i'ch atgoffa sut i ddefnyddio colofnau i'ch helpu i adio rhifau tri digid.

Watch this clip as a reminder of how to use columns to help you add three digit numbers.

Gwaith thema / Theme work:

Cymru / Wales

Yn y dosbarth rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am Gymru. Dyluniwch boster i annog twristiaid i ddod i ymweld â'n gwlad hyfryd. Gallwch wneud y poster yn eich llyfrau neu ar raglen Publisher ar liniadur. Isod mae fideo, gwefan a gwybodaeth i'ch helpu. Cofiwch wneud y poster yn lliwgar.

In class we have been learning about Wales. Design a poster to encourage tourists to come and visit our beautiful country, You can make the poster in your books or on the Publisher program on a laptop. Below is a video, website and information to help you. Remember to make the poster colourful.

Cymru Ffeithiau (1).pdf

Cynefinoedd / Habitats

Isod mae rhestr o gynefinoedd gwahanol. Ymchwiliwch i ddarganfod pa anifeiliaid, planhigion ac anifeiliaid sy'n byw ym mle a chopiwch tabl tebyg i'ch llyfrau.

In the table below there is a list of different habitats. Research to find what animals, plants and birds live where and copy a similar table in your book.

Cliciwch ar y linc hwn er mwyn dysgu am y cyefinoedd gwahanol ar Bitesize /

Click on this link to learn about the different habitats on Bitesize.

Dylunio creadur newydd / Design your own creature

Defnyddiwch eich gwaith cartref ar gynefinoedd â'r fideo hyn fel ysbrydoliaeth i ddylunio eich creadur eich hunain! Atebwch y cwestiynau yn y daflen isod. Cofiwch gall eich creadur fod mor wallgof ag y dymunwch!

Use your habitat homework and this video as inspiration for designing your own creature! Answer the questions on the documents below. Remember your creature can be as crazy as you like!
