
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 28.5.2021

Thema / Topic:

Tasg 1/ Task1:

Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf rydyn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar Gymru. Heddiw, eich tasg chi yw creu map meddwl am yr holl bethau sydd yn bwysig i'r wlad, neu'r pethau sydd yn eich atgoffa chi o'r wlad. Gallwch ddefnyddio'r taflenni isod neu nodi'r pethau pwysig mewn unrhyw ffordd yr hoffech.

Over the past few weeks we have been focusing on Wales. Today, your task is to create a mind map of all the things that are important to the country, or the things that remind you of the country. You can use the sheets below or note important things in any way you wish.

Tasg 2/ Task 2:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wneud y cwis Cymraeg. Mae'r cwestiynau wedi ysgrifennu yn Saesneg isod am gymorth.

Click on the link to do the Welsh quiz. The questions have been written in English below to help.

  1. How many people live in Wales?

  2. What percentage of people speak Welsh in Wales?

  3. What are the main spoken languages in Wales?

  4. What is the national instrument of Wales?

  5. In what other country do people speak Welsh?

  6. What farm animal is the most common in Wales?

  7. Since when has Cardiff been the welsh Capitol?

  8. What is the prize for winning the poem in the National Eisteddfod?

  9. What capital is the newest in Wales?

  10. What is on 74% of Welsh land?

Celf / Art:

Mae'r lluniau isod yn dangos map o Gymru. Ydych chi'n gallu peintio neu liwio llun o fap o Gymru gan ddefnyddio lliwiau sy'n dangos eich teimladau am ein gwlad? E.e.. lliwiau llachar am hapusrwydd, lliwiau tywyll am dristwch.

The pictures below show a map of Wales. Can you paint or colour a picture of a map of Wales using colours that show your feelings about our country? E.g .. bright colours for happiness, dark colours for sadness.

Addysg Gorfforol / Physical Education:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio y fideo a copiwch y gweithgareddau.

Click on the link to watch the video and copy the activities.

Hanner tymor / Half term:

Llythyr am ddathliad 30.pdf