
Sesiwn dal lan yr wythnos / This week's catch up session:

Sesiwn dal lan:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 9.15 ar ddydd Mawrth (9.2.21) . Bydd y sesiwn hon yn digwydd ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 9.15 a chlicio ar y ddolen. (Efallai na fydd y ddolen yn gweithio os ydych chi’n ei thrio cyn yr amser dechrau.)

Cofiwch ddarllen y canllawiau a’r rheolau isod cyn eich sesiwn os gwelwch yn dda.

Catch up session:

Our live catch up session will take place at 9.15 on Tuesday (9.2.21). The session will take place on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 9.15 and click on the link. (If you click on the link before this time, it might not work.)

Remember to read the instructions and the rules below before your session please.

Canllawiau rhieni - Google Classroom.pdf
Rheolau Sesiynau Byw.pdf
Ymuno gyda Google Meet.pdf

Sut i gofnodi eich gwaith / How to record your work:

Cofiwch y gallwch chi ddangos eich gwaith i mi drwy ei uwchlwytho ar 'Seesaw'. Gweler y llythyr yn eich llyfr gwaith cartref am ragor o fanylion.

Remember you can show me your work by uploading it on 'Seesaw'. Please see the letter in your homework book for more information.

Diolch, Miss Emery

Y Siarter Iaith:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Wythnos 8.2.2021-12.2.2021 / Week 8.2.2021-12.2.2021:

gwasanaeth gwneud ein gorau glas.mp4

Geiriau sillafu am yr wythnos / Spelling words for the week

Sillafu / Spelling:

Dyma rai geiriau allweddol i chi ymarfer yr wythnos hon. Cofiwch i'w hymarfer yn ddyddiol a cheisiwch eu sillafu drwy ddefnyddio'r dulliau isod:

Here are some key words to practise this week. Remember to practise them daily and practise spelling them by using some of the methods below:

weithiau (sometimes) / teimlo (feel) / hapus (happy) / tawel (quiet) / llonydd (still) /

arogli (smell) / meddwl (think)

Cliciwch ar y linc i glywed sut i ynganu'r geiriau. / Click on the link to hear how to pronounce these words.

Sillafwch y geiriau gan ddefnyddio llythrennau magnetig. / Spell the words using magnetic letters.

Cymysgwch llythrennau'r geiriau ac yna sillafu'n gywir. / Mix the words letters then spell correctly.

Llyfr yr wythnos / Book of the week

Cwmwl Cai - y stori
Cwmwl Cai - CP.mp4

Dydd Llun 8.2.2021 / Monday 8.2.2021

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Emery. / Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Emery.

Cyflwyniad gwaith Iaith / Literacy work introduction

Iaith 8.2.21.mp4

Cyflwyniad gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy work introduction

Maths 8.2.21.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen y stori 'Cled y frân' ac yna atebwch y cwestiynau sy'n ei ddilyn. Gallwch glicio ar y fideo i glywed Miss Hughes y ei ddarllen. / Come and read the story 'Cled y frân and then answer the questions that follow it. Alternatively, click on the video to listen to Miss Hughes reading it.

Cled y fran.pptx
Cled y frân.mp4

Cwestiynau / Questions:

  1. Beth yw teitl y stori? / What is the story's title?

  2. Beth yw enw'r frân? / What is the crow's name?

  3. 'Wrth' beth arhosodd Cled? / Cled waited 'next to' (wrth) what?

  4. Beth wnaeth lanio ar Cled? / What landed on Cled?

  5. Pa ddau ansoddair ddefnyddiodd Cled i ddisgrifio'r pryf? / What were the two adjectives Cled used to describe the fly?

  6. 'O dan' beth arhosodd Cled? / Cled waited 'under' (o dan) what?

  7. Beth ddringodd Cled 'ar ben'? / What did Cled climb 'on top of' (ar ben)?

  8. Beth ddigwyddodd i Cled ar ddiwedd y stori? / What happened to Cled at the end of the story?

Atebion / Answers:

  1. Cled y frân

  2. Cled

  3. Y drws / The door

  4. Pryf / A fly

  5. Mawr, tew / Big and fat

  6. Y cloc / The clock

  7. Y stôl / The stool

  8. Cwympodd i ffwrdd o'r stôl / He fell off the stool

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

Rydyn ni am barhau i weithio ar y llyfr Cwmwl Cai yr wythnos hon a heddiw, hoffwn ni i chi dynnu llun sut rydych chi'n teimlo. Yn gyntaf, tynnwch lun eich corff ac yna meddyliwch am sut rydych chi'n teimlo. Lliwiwch a labelwch rannau gwahanol o'ch corff gan ddefnyddio siapiau / geiriau / lliwiau gwahanol.

Edrychwch ar y fideo isod fel cymorth. Mae un esiampl wedi ei uwchlwytho i chi gymharu isod.

Defnyddiwch y mat geirfa isod i'ch helpu.

We are going to continue working on the book 'Cwmwl Cai' this week and today, we would like you to draw a picture of how you are feeling. Firstly, draw a picture of your body and think how you are feeling. Colour and label different parts of your body with shapes / words / different colours.

Look at the video below for support. One example has been uploaded below for you to compare with.

Use the vocabulary mat below to help you.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i adolygu gwaith ar amser. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to revise work on time. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i edrych ar batrymau rhif. Ydych chi'n gallu gweithio mas beth rydyn ni'n cyfri fesul ac yna gorffen y dilyniant? Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi. / Today we are going to be looking at number patterns. Can you work out what we are counting in and then complete the sequence? Choose the most suitable set for you.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Llenwch y bylchau. Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi. / Fill in the gaps. Choose the set most suitable fot you.

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm yma. Dewiswch yr opsiwn 'sequencing'.

Come and play this game. Choose the 'sequencing' option.

Thema / Theme:

Dewi a'r Ditectifs Gwyllt / Dewi and the Wild Detectives

Cliciwch ar y linc er mwyn gwylio 'Dewi a'r Ditectifs Gwyllt’. Mae'r Ditectifs yn ymweld â Sw Mynydd Bae Colwyn i chwilio am gath wyllt sydd o bosib yn rhydd.

Tasg: Ar ddechrau'r rhaglen maen nhw'n cyflwyno eu hoff anifail. Beth yw eich hoff anifail a pham? Gwnewch lun o'ch hoff anifail ac ysgrifennwch frawddeg yn esbonio pam.

Click on the link below to watch the 'Dewi a'r Ditectifs Gwyllt' programme. The detectives search for a big cat thought to be on the loose at The Mountain Zoo.

Task: At the beginning of the programme the children talk about their favourite animal. What is your favourite animal and why? Draw a picture of your favourite animal and write a sentence explaining why.

Chwaraeon Torfaen / Torfaen Sports:

Gweithgareddau Chwefror / February's Activities:

Mae Swyddogion Datblygu Chwaraeon Torfaen wedi rhoi’r syniadau hyn at ei gilydd ar gyfer mis Chwefror. Faint ohonyn nhw gallwch chi eu gwneud?

Torfaen Sports Development Officers have put this log of activities together for February. How many of them can you complete?

Dydd Mawrth 9.2.2021 / Monday 9.2.2021

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Emery. / Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Emery.

Cyflwyniad gwaith Iaith / Literacy work introduction

Iaith 9.2.21.mp4

Cyflwyniad gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy work introduction

Maths 9.2.21.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen y stori 'Brechdan Jam' neu cliciwch ar y fideo i glywed Ms Newland-Jones yn ei ddarllen. Yna ewch ati i ateb y cwestiynau sy'n ei ddilyn. / Come and read the story 'Brechdan Jam' or click to the video to hear Ms Newland-Jones reading it. Then, complete the questions that follow.

Brechdan Jam.pptx

Cwestiynau / Questions

  1. I ble mae'r bachgen yn mynd? / Where does the boy go?

  2. Beth yw'r pedwar peth mae'n ei brynu? / Which four things does he buy?

  3. I ba ystafell yn y tŷ mae'n mynd? / Into which room in the house does he go?

  4. Beth mae'n rhoi ar y bara yn gyntaf? / What does he put on the bread first of all?

  5. Beth sy'n mynd i mewn i'w frechdan? / What goes into his sandwich?

  6. Sut mae'r bachgen yn teimlo ar y diwedd? / How does the boy feel at the end?

Atebion / Answers

  1. I'r siop / To the shop

  2. Bara, menyn, jam, banana / Bread, butter, jam, banana

  3. Y gegin / The kitchen

  4. Menyn / Butter

  5. Jam a banana

  6. Hapus / Happy

Ysgrifennu / Writing

Yn stori 'Cwmwl Cai', mae Cai yn defnyddio ei synhwyrau i'w helpu i ymdopi gydag emosiynau gwahanol. Mae'n blasu ei frechdan gaws, mae'n arogli persawr Mam, mae'n teimlo llaw ei Dad ac yn gwylio ei hoff degan yn codi a gostwng ar ei fol tra'n ceisio cysgu. Pa fath o bethau mae eich synhwyrau chi yn sylwi arnynt o ddydd i ddydd?

Llenwch y tabl isod, neu lluniwch un eich hun gan nodi y gwahanol bethau mae eich synwhyrau chi yn sylwi arnynt bob dydd.

In the story 'Cwmwl Cai', Cai uses his senses to help him cope with his different emotions. He tastes his cheese sandwich, smells his mum's perfume. feels his Dad's hand and watches his favourite toy rise and fall on his chest as he tries to sleep. What things do your senses notice from day to day?

Fill the table below, or create one yourselves by noting the different things your senses notice every day.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i adolygu gwaith ar amser. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to revise work on time. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i edrych ar siapiau 2D. Mae gan siapiau 2D ochrau a chorneli ac yn hollol fflat. / Today we are going to be looking at 2D shapes. 2D shapes have sides and corners and are completely flat.

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio esboniad o siapiau 2D. / Click on the link to watch an explaination of 2D shapes.

Tasg 1 - Beth ydw i? / Task 1 - What am I? :

Darllenwch neu gwrandewch ar y cliwiau a dyfalwch pa siâp 2D sy'n cael ei disgrifio. / Read or listen to the clues and guess what 2D shape is being described.

Tasg 2 - Disgrifio'r siapiau / Task 2 - Describe the shapes:

Ar ôl dysgu am y siapiau gwahanol, ydych chi'n gallu enwi, esbonio a disgrifio nhw? Defnyddiwch y templed isod neu lluniwch syth yn eich llyfrau gwaith. / After learning about the different shapes, can you name, explain and describe them? Use the template below or draw straight into your work books.

Tasg ychwanegol / Additional task :

Pa luniau ydych chi'n gallu creu gan ddefnyddio'r siapiau 2D yma yn unig? / What pictures can you make using only these 2D shapes?

Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel / Safer Internet Day

Mae Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel yn cael ei ddathlu ar draws y byd bob blwyddyn i hyrwyddo defnydd diogel a phositif o dechnoleg ddigidol.

Cliciwch ar y ddolen wybodaeth a'r fideo isod i ddysgu mwy am sut i ddefnyddio'r rhyngrwyd yn ddiogel.

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology.

Click on both the information and video link below to learn more about how to use the internet safely.

Rhyngrwyd 2021.mp4

Tasg: Beth am i chi greu arwr diogelwch y rhyngrwyd i atgoffa plant sut i aros yn saff ar y we? Gwnewch boster gyda llun ac enw'r arwr.

Task: Why not create an internet safety hero to remind children how to stay safe online? Make a poster with the hero's picture and name.

Dydd Mercher 10.2.2021 / Wednesday 10.2.2021

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Emery. / Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Emery.

Cyflwyniad gwaith Iaith / Literacy work introduction

Iaith 10.2.21.mp4

Cyflwyniad gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy work introduction

Maths 10.2.21.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i ddarllen y stori 'Cnoc cnoc' neu cliciwch ar y fideo i glywed Mrs Young yn ei ddarllen. Yna ewch ati i ateb y cwestiynau sy'n ei ddilyn. / Come and read the story 'Cnoc cnoc' or click to the video to hear Mrs Young reading it. Then, complete the questions that follow.

Cnoc cnoc.pptx
Cnoc! Cnoc!.mp4

Cwestiynau / Questions

  1. Pwy sy'n ateb y drws? / Who answers the door?

  2. Pwy oedd wrht y drws? / Who was at the door?

  3. Beth oedd gan y plant? / What did the children have?

  4. Beth oedd yn y pram? / What was in the pram?

  5. Sut mae'r tywydd tu allan? / What is the weather like outside?

  6. I ble aeth y plant? / Where did the children go?

  7. Ble oedd y doli, trên a'r tedi ar ddiwedd y stori? / Where were the doll, train and teddy at the end of the story?

Atebion / Answers

  1. Blod

  2. Plant / Children

  3. Hen bram / An old pram

  4. Tedi blêr, trên a doli glwt / An untidy teddi, a train and a rag doll

  5. Mae'n bwrw glaw / it is raining

  6. Tu fewn o'r glaw / Inside away from the rain

  7. Tu allan yn y glaw / Outside in the rain.

Ysgrifennu / Writing

Heddiw, mae yna ychydig o waith actio i'w wneud cyn cwblhau'r dasg ysgrifenedig. Mae tabl isod yn cynnwys berfau gwahanol. Hoffwn ni i chi weithio drwy'r tabl yma un ar y tro. Ar ôl dewis berf, ewch ati i droi'r olwyn emosiynau. Y dasg yw i chi gwblhau'r berf gan ymddwyn fel yr emosiwn. e.e. 'Neidio' ... 'yn grac', neu 'dawnsio'... 'yn ofnus'.

Beth am chwarae'r gêm yma gyda aelod o'ch teulu i weld os ydyn nhw yn gallu dyfalu yn gywir? Gallwch recordio eich hunain ar 'Seesaw' yn cwblhau'r gweithredoedd gwahanol yma.

Ar ôl gorffen y gêm, ewch ati i ysgrifennu brawddegau yn dweud sut wnaethoch chi actio'r gwahanol ferfau gan ddefnyddio berfau 'ais'. e.e. 'Neidiais yn grac', 'Dawnsiais yn ofnus'.

Today, there is some acting work to do before completing the written task. The table below shows different verbs. I would like you to work your way through this table, one at a time. After choosing a verb, spin the emotion wheel. Your task is to complete the activity by acting the emotion. i.e. 'Jumping' ... 'angrily', or 'dancing'...'scared'.

How about playing this game with a member of your family to see if they can guess correctly? You could record yourselves on 'Seesaw' completing the different activities.

After finishing the game, write sentences to explain how you acted the different verbs. Use 'ais' verbs e.e. 'Neidiais yn grac' (I jumped whilst looking angry), 'Dawnsiais yn ofnus' (I jumped whilst looking scared).

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i adolygu gwaith ar amser. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to revise work on time. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i edrych ar siapiau 3D. Mae gan siapiau 3D ymylon, chorneli ac wynebau (ochrau). / Today we are going to be looking at 3D shapes. 3D shapes have edges, corners and faces (sides).

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio a gwrando ar Elin a Huw esbonio siapiau 3D. / Click on the link to watch and listen to Elin and Huw explain 3D shapes.

Tasg 1 - Beth ydw i? / Task 1 - What am I? :

Darllenwch neu gwrandewch ar y cliwiau a dyfalwch pa siâp 3D sy'n cael ei disgrifio. / Read or listen to the clues and guess what 3D shape is being described.

Tasg 2 - Helfa siapiau / Task 2 - Shape hunt :

Ydych chi'n gallu ffeindio'r siapiau 3D yma yn eich tŷ? Tynnwch lun a labeli beth ydyn nhw. Defnyddiwch y templed isod neu lluniwch syth yn eich llyfrau gwaith. / Can you find these 3D shapes in your house? Draw a picture and label what they are. Use the template below or draw straight into your work books.

Tasg ychwanegol / Additional task :

Ydych chi'n gallu creu rhywbeth gan ddefnyddio'r siapiau 3D yma yn unig? Defnyddiwch blociau pren / plastig neu 'jync' ailgylchu. / Can you make something using only these 3D shapes? Use wooden / plastig blocks or recycling 'junk'.

Thema / Theme:

Dewch ar antur / Come on an adventure

Dewch i wylio Pws y gath yn bod yn ddewr ac yn mynd ar antur i waelod y stryd.

Tasg: Dychmygwch eich bod chi, fel Pws, yn mynd ar antur. Beth fydda chi'n mynd gyda chi? Paciwch fag o'r holl bethau hyn. Gallwch wneud hyn yn ymarferol gyda eitemau go iawn, neu dynnu llun wedi ei labelu. Cofiwch anfon llun i ni ar 'Seesaw' neu dudalen 'Trydar' (@ygcwmbran) yr ysgol.

Come and watch Pws the cat bravely going on an adventure to the bottom of the street.

Task: Imagine you, like Pws, go on an adventure. What would you take with you? Pack a bag of all these things. You can do this practically with real items, or draw a labelled picture. Remember to send us a picture on the school's 'Seesaw' or Twitter page (@ygcwmbran).

Dydd Iau 11.2.2021 / Thursday 11.2.2021

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Emery. / Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Emery.

Cyflwyniad gwaith Iaith / Literacy work introduction

Iaith 11.2.21.mp4

Cyflwyniad gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy work introduction

Maths 11.2.21.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i wrando ar y stori 'Bwyta'n Iach' yn cael ei ddarllen gan Mrs Booth. Yna ewch ati i ateb y cwestiynau sy'n ei ddilyn. / Listen to the story 'Bwyta'n Iach' being read by Mrs Booth. Then answer the questions that follow it.


Cwestiynau / Questions

  1. Pwy aeth i'r gwaith? / Who went to work?

  2. Beth oedd Mali eisiau gwneud i Mam yn gyntaf? / What did Mali want to make for Mam first?

  3. Beth oedd Sali eisiau gwneud i Mam fel sypreis? / What did Sali want to make Mam as a surprise?

  4. Rhestrwch y ffrwythau a welon nhw yn y siop. / List the fruit that they saw in the shop.

  5. Beth oedd angen i'r merched fod yn ofalus yn ei ddefnyddio? / What did the girls need to be careful when using?

  6. Ble rhoddon nhw'r darnau ffrwyth? / Where did they put the pieces of fruit?

  7. Beth oedd yr ansoddair ddefnyddiodd Mam i ddisgrifio'r sypreis? / What adjective did Mam use to describe the surprise?

Atebion / Answers

  1. Mam

  2. Cacen siocled / A chocolate cake

  3. Cibabs ffrwythau / Fruit kebabs

  4. Afalau, orennau, lemonau, ciwi, melon, bananas, pin-afal, mafon, mefus / Apples, oranges, leemons, kiwi, melon, bananas, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries.

  5. Cyllell / The knife

  6. Ar y pren / On the wood

  7. Bendigedig / Fantastic

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

Cyn cychwyn ar eich gwaith ysgrifenedig, dewch i wylio'r fideo byr yma am Taid a'i ŵyr yn creu cymylau.

Before beginning your written work, watch this following short film about a grandfather and grandson making clouds.

Beth ydych chi'n meddwl byddai'r Taid yn dweud wrth ei ŵyr? Ydych chi'n gallu ysgrifennu sgwrs fer rhwng y ddau?

Dyma rai pethau i gofio:

  • priflythyren i ddechrau brawddegau,

  • dyfynodau i ddangos fod rhywun yn siarad,

  • newidiwch y ffordd maen nhw'n siarad e.e. 'sibrydodd', 'criodd' ayb.

What do you think the Grandfather would say to his grandson? Can you write a short conversation between them?

Here are a few things to remember:

  • capital letters at the start of sentences

  • speech marks to show that someone is talking,

  • change the way they speak i.e. 'whispered' , 'cried' etc.

Tasg ychwanegol / Additional task:

Pa siâp cwmwl fyddech chi eisiau ei greu a pham? Tynnwch lun ohono yn eich llyfrau ac esboniwch pam eich bod wedi dewis y siâp yna.

What shape of cloud would you like to create and why? Draw a picture of it and explain why you have chosen this shape.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i adolygu gwaith ar amser. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to revise work on time. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Rydyn ni'n mynd i edrych ar siapiau 2D a 3D. Mae pob siâp yn wahanol ond mae llawer o bethau tebyg rhyngddyn nhw hefyd. Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i ddidoli a grwpio siapiau. Dewch i chwarae'r gêm isod i helpu chi weld a deall tasg heddiw. / We are going to be looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Every shape is different but there are a lot of things similar between them too. Today we are going to sort and group shapes. Play the game below to help you see and understand today's task.

Tasg - Grwpio / Task - Grouping:

Peidiwch â gludo'r lluniau, bydd angen defnyddio nhw sawl gwaith. / Don't glue the images, they'll need to be used several time.

Edrychwch ar y siapiau isod, ydych chi'n gallu dosbarthu nhw i'r grwpiau cywir? Mae yna grwpiau wedi ei hysgrifennu isod. Torrwch y lluniau yma allan, defnyddiwch siapiau sydd gyda chi o gwmpas y tŷ neu ysgrifennwch enwau'r siapiau a fydd ym mhob grŵp. / Look at the shapes below, can you sort them into the correct groups? There are groups written for you below. Cut the images out, use shapes that you have around the house or write the shape names that would be in each group.

Grwpiau / Groups :

  • 4 ochr - mwy na 4 ochr / 4 sides - more than 4 sides

  • wyneb sgwar - heb wyneb sgwar / square face - without a square face

  • dim corneli - corneli / no corners - corners

  • wyneb trionglog - heb wyneb trionglog / trianglualr face - without a triangular face

  • llai na 5 ochr - mwy na 5 ochr / less than 5 sides - more than 5 sides.

Pa grwpiau arall ydych chi'n gallu grwpio'r siapiau mewn i? / What other groups can you group the shapes into?


Ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio diagram venn i ddidoli'r siapiau? Mae'r grŵp canol yn dangos bod y siâp yn perthyn yn y ddau grŵp. / Can you use a venn diagram to sort the shapes? The middle group shows that the shape belongs in both groups.

Diwrnod Crempog / Pancake Day

Mae hi’n Ddiwrnod Crempog ar ddydd Mawrth (16 o Chwefror). Gwyliwch Nansi yn coginio crempog gan sylwi pa gynhwysion y mae hi yn eu defnyddio.

Tasg: Didolwch y cynhwysion isod i mewn i’r golofn gywir yn y tabl. Pa rai ydyn ni’n eu defnyddio i wneud crempog a pha rai dydyn ni ddim?

It's Pancake Day on Tuesday (16th of February). Watch Nansi cooking a pancake and notice what ingredients she uses.

Task: Sort the ingredients below into the correct column in the table. Which ingredients do we use to make pancakes and which do we not use?

Cynhwysion crempog.pdf

Digwyddiad Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language event:

Dydd Gwener 12.2.2021 / Friday 12.2.2021

Dydd Gwener di-sgrîn: Screen free Friday:

Rydych chi wedi gweithio mor galed dros yr hanner tymor diwethaf – da iawn i chi gyd. Heddiw, rydyn ni’n trio annog diwrnod di-sgrîn felly mae gweithgareddau a thasgau gwahanol i chi eu cyflawni. Beth am drio cael diwrnod heb unrhyw fath o sgrîn?

Faint o’r tasgau gallwch chi eu cyflawni mewn diwrnod?

Pob lwc!

You’ve worked so hard over the last half term – well done to you all. Today, we’re trying to encourage a screen free day so there are different activities and tasks for you to complete. How about trying to have a day without any type of screen?

How many of the tasks can you complete in a day?

Good luck!

Dydd Gwener Di sgrin.pdf

Mwynhewch yr hanner tymor!

Enjoy the half term!

Os ydych chi’n edrych am rywbeth i’w wneud dros hanner tymor, beth am fynd trwy’r pecyn gwych hwn sydd wedi’i roi at ei gilydd gan Ymddiriedolaeth EEL – Gemau’r Gaeaf? (‘EFL Trust and Ferrero UK Joy of Moving Winter Games’.) Mae’r gemau a gweithgareddau hyn yn canolbwyntio ar iechyd a lles.

Os ydych yn cwblhau rhai o’r gweithgareddau, cofiwch bostio lluniau ar ein cyfrif Twitter a defnyddiwch yr hashnodau, #JOMWinterGames a #JoyofMoving.

Pob lwc!

If you’re looking for something to do over half term, why not work your way through this excellent pack from the EFL Trust and Ferrero UK Joy of Moving Winter Games? These games and activities focus on health and well-being.

If you complete any of the activities, please post some photos on our Twitter account and use the hashtags #JOMWinterGames and #JoyofMoving.

Good luck!

Joy of Moving Winter Games Pack_Final.pdf