Haf / Summer

Dydd Gwener / Friday - 16.4.2021

Thema / Topic:

Mae llawer o ffyrdd i ni deimlo bod gennym gysylltiad â’r lle rydym yn byw. Mae hyn yn ein helpu i deimlo ein bod yn perthyn.

Ydych chi'n gallu meddwl am ffyrdd yr ydych chi'n perthyn i'r Gymuned? Tynnwch luniau neu ysgrifennwch restr o'r gwahanol ffyrdd yr ydych chi'n perthyn.

Edrychwch ar y lluniau i'ch helpu.

There are many ways for us to feel connected to where we live. This helps us feel like we belong.

Can you think of ways you belong to the Community? Draw pictures or write a list of the different ways that you belong.

Look at the pictures to help you.

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio'r fideo am y gymuned i'ch helpu.

Click on the link to watch the video about community to help you.

Gwaith celf / Art work:

Fedrwch chi dynnu llun neu greu celf o le rydych chi'n hoffi mynd yn eich ardal leol?

E.e.. y parc, gardd, cae rygbi, ffrindiau, Ysgol.

Can you draw a picture o'r make art work of where you like to go in your local area?

E.g .. the park, garden, rugby pitch, friends, School.

Addysg Gorfforol / P.E:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio y fideo ac ymarfer cydbwyso/ ioga.

Click on the link to watch the video and practise balancing/ yoga.

Gwaith cartref / Homework:

Sillafu / Spelling:

Dyma rai geiriau allweddol i chi ymarfer sillafu. Ceisiwch eu hymarfer drwy ddefnyddio'r dull isod: / Here are some key words to practise. Try to practise them by using the method below:

am (for) / ar (on) / at (to) / gan (by) / heb (without) / o dan (under)

Cliciwch ar y linc i glywed sut i ynganu'r geiriau. / Click on the link to hear how to pronounce these words.

Ysgrifen yr enfys / Rainbow writing

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni wedi dechrau adio mewn colofnau. Cofiwch i ddechrau gyda'r unedau cyn symud ymlaen i'r degau. Os yw cyfanswm yr unedau dros 10, cofiwch i ychwanegu hwn ar waelod colofn y degau. Edrychwch isod am esiamplau.

This week, we have started adding in columns. Remember to start with the units before moving onto the tens. If the total of the units exceeds 10, remember to add this at the bottom of your tens column. Please see below for examples.

Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi. / Choose the most suitable set for you.