
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 11.6.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema / Topic:

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wrando a dysgu'r gân.

Click on the link below to listen and learn the song.

Mae yna lawer o draethau gwahanol o amgylch Cymru. Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio'r fideo sydd yn dangos amrywiaeth o draethau gwahanol yng Nghymru.

There are a lot of beaches in Wales. Click on the link to watch the video that shows a variety of different beaches in Wales.

Tasg / Task

Mae yna lawer o bethau gwahanol i'w weld ar lan y môr. Mae rhai o'r pethau yn naturiol ac mae rhai wedi cael eu creu gan bobl (dynol). Ydych chi'n gallu didoli'r lluniau i mewn i'r grŵp cywir ac ychwanegu adnoddau chi'n meddwl sydd yn naturiol neu yn dynol?

There are many things to see at the seaside. Some of these things are natural and some are man made. Can you place pictures into the correct group and add any resources that you think are natural and man made?

Celf / Art:

Ydych chi’n gallu defnyddio adnoddau sydd gennych o gwmpas y tŷ/ sbwriel/ adnoddau ail gylchu i greu cynefin ar lan y môr mewn bocs? Edrychwch ar yr enghreifftiau isod:

Can you use materials you have around the home/ junk / recyclable materials to create a seaside habitat in a box? Look at the examples below:

Untitled document (1)

Addysg Gorfforol / Physical Education:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio y fideo a copiwch y gweithgareddau.

Click on the link to watch the video and copy the activities.

Gwaith cartref / Homework:

Sillafu / Spelling:

Dyma rai geiriau allweddol i chi ymarfer sillafu. / Here are some key words to practise.

aeth (went) / gwaith (work) / saith (seven) / ffaith (fact) / Mawrth (Tuesday)

Cliciwch ar y linc i glywed sut i ynganu'r geiriau. / Click on the link to hear how to pronounce these words.

Ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio'r grid isod i ddarganfod y geiriau sillafu? Beth am ddefnyddio'r grid i greu codau eich hun am eiriau sillafu gwahanol?

Can you use the grid below to find the spelling words? How about using the grid to make your own codes for different spelling words?

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn edrych ar onglau sgwâr yr wythnos hon. Defnyddion ni'r anghenfilod 'pacman' i'n helpu ni i'w ffeindio o amgylch yr ysgol. Ydych chi'n gallu edrych yn eich cartrefi a'ch ardal leol am bethau sy'n cynnwys onglau sgwâr? Beth am dynnu lluniau ohonynt a'u labelu yn eich llyfrau gwaith cartref, neu tynnwch luniau ar Seesaw ac esbonio i ni ble welwch chi'r onglau sgwâr.

We have been looking at square angles this week. We used to 'pacman' monster to help us find the square angles around the school. Can you search in your homes and your local area for items that have right angles? How about drawing them and labelling them in your homework books, or take photos on Seesaw and explain to us where you see the right angles.