
Y Siarter Iaith:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Wythnos 22.2.2021-26.2.2021 / Week 22.2.2021-26.2.2021:

Gwasanaeth / Assembly:

Cliciwch isod i weld gwasanaeth 'Masnach Deg' gan Mr Dobson.

Click below to see the 'Fairtrade' assembly by Mr Dobson.

Masnach_Deg (1).mp4

Llyfr yr wythnos / Book of the week

Y Tri Mochyn Bach.pptx
Y tri Mochyn Bach.mp4

Dydd Llun 22.2.2021 / Monday 22.2.2021

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Emery. / Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Emery.

Cyflwyniad gwaith Iaith / Literacy work introduction

Iaith 22.2.21.mp4

Cyflwyniad gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy work introduction

Maths 22.2.21.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Darllen / Reading:

Dewch i wrando ar y stori 'Y Tri Mochyn Bach' yn cael ei ddarllen gan Mr Bolton. Yna ewch ati i ateb y cwestiynau sy'n ei ddilyn. / Listen to the story ' Y Tri Mochyn bach' being read by Mr Bolton. Then answer the questions that follow it.

y tri mochyn bach.mp4

Cwestiynau / Questions

  1. Ble oedd y tri mochyn bach yn byw? / Where did the three little pigs live?

  2. Pa fath o dai oedd y tri mochyn bach yn byw mewn? / What type of houses did the three little pigs live in?

  3. Beth ydy'r blaidd mawr cas yn hoffi bwyta? / What did the big bad wolf like to eat?

  4. Roedd y tri mochyn bach yn disgrifio'r blaidd i fod yn flaidd beth? / The three little pigs described the wolf to be what kind of wolf?

  5. Beth ddigwyddodd i'r tŷ gwellt a phren? / What happened to the house made of straw and wood?

  6. Dringodd y blaidd lan i'r beth? / What did the wolf climb up to?

  7. Syrthiodd y blaidd lawr y beth? / What did the wolf fall down?

Atebion / Answers

  1. Yn y goedwig / In the forest

  2. Gwellt, pren a cherrig / Straw, wood and stone

  3. Moch bach / Little pigs

  4. Cas / Nasty

  5. Syrthio i lawr / Fall down

  6. To / Roof

  7. Simnai / Chimney

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

I ddechrau ein gwaith ar y stori yma, dewch i greu map stori amdano. Tynnwch luniau o'r prif ddigwyddiadau yn eu trefn. Gallwch ychwanegu rai geiriau i'ch helpu hefyd os hoffech.

Edrychwch isod am eisamplau gwahanol.

To begin our work on this story, we would like you to create a story map on it. Draw pictures of the main events of the story in order. You may use some words to help you is you wish.

Please see below for some examples.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni'n mynd i ganolbwyntio ar fesur. Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i adolygu mesur hyd. Wrth fesur hyd, rydyn ni'n defnyddio centimetr(au) (cm) neu metr(au) (m). Edrychwch isod ar yr offer rydyn ni'n defnyddio wrth fesur hyd.

This week we are going to be concentrating on measure. Today we will be reviewing measuring length. When we measure length we use centimetres (cm) or meters (m). Look below at the equipment we use when measuring length.

Rydyn ni'n defnyddio olwyn fetr pan yn mesur hyd ardal mawr.

We use an 'olwyn fetr' (metre wheel) when measuring the length of a large area.

Rydyn yn ysgrifennu .5cm wrth gofnodi hanner cm.

We write .5cm when recording half a cm.

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm isod cyn mynd ati i gwblhau'r dasg. / Play the game below before completing the task.

Tasg 1 - Beth yw'r hyd? / Task 1 - What's the length?

Darllenwch a chofnodwch hyd bob gwrthrych. / Read and record the length of each object.

Tasg 2 - Mesur hyd / Task 2 - Measure length:

Ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio pren mesur i lunio llinellau hyd gwahanol? Gwnewch syth yn eich llyfrau gwaith a chofnodwch y hyd. Cofiwch i ddechrau ar 0 pob tro. / Can you use a ruler to draw lines of different lengths? Draw straight into your work books and record the length. Remember to start on 0 every time.

Thema / Theme:

Adeiladodd y tri mochyn bach tai gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau gwahanol. Roedd dau yn galed ac roedd un yn feddal. Ydych chi'n gallu didoli'r deunyddiau isod mewn i grwpiau deunydd caled a meddal?

The three little pigs built houses using different materials. Two were hard and one was soft. Can you group the materials below into groups of hard and soft materials?

Dydd Mawrth 23.2.2021 / Tuesday 23.2.2021

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linc cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan Miss Emery. / Good morning! Click on the link before starting your work to see a message from Miss Emery.

Cyflwyniad gwaith Iaith / Literacy work introduction

Iaith 23.1.21.mp4

Cyflwyniad gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy work introduction

Maths 23.2.21.mp4

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Darllen / Reading:

Gwrandewch ar y stori 'Y Tri Mochyn Bach' yn cael ei ddarllen gan Mr Bolton eto. Yna ewch ati i gwblhau'r brawddegau drwy lenwi'r bylchau. / Listen to the story 'Y Tri Mochyn bach' being read by Mr Bolton again. Then complete the sentences by filling in the gaps.

y tri mochyn bach.mp4

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

Hoffwn ni i chi feddwl am y blaidd mawr cas yn y stori. Pam ei fod yn ymddwyn fel hyn ydych chi'n meddwl? Oes rheswm tu ol i'w weithrediadau? Llenwch y bywgraffiadur corff yma i mewn gan feddwl amdano. Ysgrifennwch beth rydych chi'n meddwl byddai'n ei ddweud, ei feddwl, beth fyddai ei deimladau a'i ddymuniadau.

Efallai hoffech roi enw i'r blaidd mawr cas, beth am geisio cyd-deimlo gydag e? Oes stori cefndirol gydag e? Gallwch ysgrifennu disgrifiad amdano yn eich llyfrau gwaith, neu recordiwch eich hunain yn dweud beth rydych chi'n meddwl sydd wedi digwydd iddo ac yna uwchlwythwch y fideo i Seesaw.

We would like you to think about the big bad wolf in the story. Why do you think he is behaving like this? Is there a reason behind his actions? Fill the body biography in whilst thinking about him. Write what you think he would say, think, what his feelings and wishes would be.

Perhaps you would like to give him a name, how about trying to sympathise with him? Has he got a background story? You could write a description about him in your workbooks, or record yourselves telling us what you think has happened to him and upload the video to Seesaw.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i adolygu uchder. Rydyn ni'n mynd i ddefnyddio'r geirfa talaf a byrraf.

Today we will be reviewing height. We will be using the words talaf (tallest) and byrraf (shortest).

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm gyferbyn cyn mynd ati i gwblhau'r dasg. / Play the game opposite before completing the task.

Tasg 1 - Beth yw'r talaf neu'r byrraf? / Task 1 - What's the tallest or shortest?

Darllenwch y cwestiwn ac ysgrifennwch beth yw'r talaf neu'r byrraf. / Read the question and write what's the tallest or shortest.

Tasg 2 - Talaf neu'r byrraf? / Task 2 - Tallest or shortest?

Gorffennwch y frawddeg drwy ddweud os yw'r gwrthrych y talaf neu'r byrraf. / Finish the sentence by saying if the object is the tallest or the shortest.

Thema / Theme:

Mae'r tri mochyn bach wedi mynd ati yn ofalus i ddylunio tai eu hunain a'u hadeiladu. Sut fath o dŷ fyddech chi yn dylunio? Pa ystafelloedd fyddwch chi yn rhoi yn eich tai chi? Dewch i ddylunio tŷ eich hunain a'i labelu. Gallwch ddefnyddio'r templed sydd ar gael isod neu greu un eich hunain.

The three little pigs have carefully designed and built their own houses. What type of house would you design? What rooms would you wish to put in your house? Design your own house and label it. You can use the template below or create your own.

Dydd Mercher 24.2.2021 / Wednesday 24.2.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Literacy Work

Darllen / Reading:

Gwrandewch ar y stori'Band Roc a Rol' yn cael ei ddarllen gan Mrs Young. Yna ewch ati i ateb y cwestiynau sy'n ei ddilyn. / Listen to the story 'Band Roc a Rol' being read by Mrs Young. Then answer the following questions.

Band roc a rol.pptx
Band roc a rol.mp4

Cwestiynau / Questions

  1. Pwy gafodd syniad? / Who had an idea?

  2. Pa fath o fand oedd Ben eisiau bod yn rhan ohoni? / What type of band did Ben want to be a part of?

  3. Pwy aeth Ben i weld yn gyntaf? / Who did Ben go and see first?

  4. Ar ba offeryn oedd Daniel yn 'grêt'? / Which instrument was Daniel ' great' at playing?

  5. Pwy aeth Ben i weld nesaf? / Who did Ben see next?

  6. Ar ba offeryn oedd Tomos yn 'grêt'? / Which instrument was Tomos 'great' at playing?

  7. Pwy welodd Ben nesaf? / Who did Ben see next?

  8. Ar ba offeryn oedd Sali yn 'grêt'? / Which instrument was Sali 'great' at playing?

  9. Ble oedd Ben ar ddiwedd y stori? / Where was Ben at the end of the story?

Atebion / Answers

  1. Ben

  2. Roc a rôl / Rock and roll

  3. Daniel

  4. Y drymiau / The drums

  5. Tomos

  6. Gitâr / Guitar

  7. Sali

  8. Y piano / The piano

  9. O dan y bwrdd / Under the table

Ysgrifennu / Writing:

Mae cymeriad y blaidd a chymeriadau'r moch yn wahanol iawn. Ydych chi'n gallu meddwl am wahanol ansoddeiriau i'w disgrifio? Llenwch tabl tebyg i'r un isod yn cynnwys gwahanol ansoddeiriau yn eu disgrifio.

The wolf and the pigs have very different personalities. Can you think of different adjectives to describe them? Fill a similar table to the one below including different adjectives to describe them.

Gwaith Mathemateg / Numeracy Work

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Cliciwch ar y linc i gwblhau symiau mathemateg pen. Beth am recordio eich hun ar Seesaw yn ateb y cwestiynau? / Click on the link to complete mental maths sums. How about recording yourself on Seesaw answering the questions?

Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i symud ymlaen i edrych ar gynhwysedd. Wrth fesur cynhwysedd, rydyn ni'n defnyddio mililitr(au) (ml) neu litr(au) (L).

Today we will be moving on to look at capacity. When we measure capacity we use millilitres (ml) or litres (L).

Tasg 1 - Ymarferol / Task 1 - Practical:

Ydych chi'n gallu arbrofi gyda jygiau / cwpanau a dŵr i weld os ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio'r eirfa isod yn gywir? Dangoswch i ni ar Seesaw pa fath o jwg / cwpan rydych chi wedi llwyddo i'w ddefnyddio.

Can you experiment with jugs / cups and water to see if you can use the words associated with capacity correctly? Show us on Seesaw what kind of jug / cup you have managed to do.

Tasg 2 - Darllen cynhwysedd / Task 2 - Reading capacity:

Ydych chi'n gallu darllen faint o ddŵr sydd ym mhob jwg? Cofiwch i ddefnyddio ml yn gywir yn eich atebion. Dewiswch y set fwyaf addas i chi.

Can you read how much water is in each jug? Remember to use ml correctly in your answers. Choose the set most suitable for you.

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm isod. / Come play the game below.

Thema / Theme:

Dameg y ddau adeiladwr. Gwrandewch ar y ddameg hon a gafodd ei adrodd gan yr Iesu. Mae hefyd clip fideo Saesneg wedi ei roi.

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish builders. Listen to the parable which was given by Jesus. There is also an English video clip given.

Y ddau dy. - Google Slides.webm

Tasg / Task:

Ydych chi’n gallu ail ddweud y stori? Beth ddigwyddodd yn y stori? Mae’r ddameg hon yn dysgu ni pa mor bwysig yw hi i ni gael sylfaen cadarn yn ein bywydau er mwyn llwyddo.

Ewch ati i greu dau dŷ allan o lego, clai, cardfwrdd neu bapur a dangoswch nhw ar ddau sylfaen tebyg i’r ddameg. Beth fydd yn digwydd pan ddaw storm? Tynnwch luniau neu fidio i ddangos i ni.

Can you retell the story? What was the story about? The lesson in the story tells us how important it is that we have great foundations (roots) in order to succeed.

Can you show the story of the two houses by building two houses out of Lego, clay, cardboard or paper and show two different foundations for the houses to sit on similar to the parable? What happens when the storm comes? Take some pictures or video to show us.

Enghreifftiau / Examples: